Nerve pain in leg/foot with disc bulge

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Wonder if anyone can give me their own experiences? I'm 38 & have had problems with my back for 10 years (disc bulge), 4 months ago, the disc "went" again, bulging further, trapping my nerve. Since then I've had pain in my back and awful pain/numbness in foot (heel, ankle, left foot)/lower left leg. MRI done - get results next week, although they're sure it is a bulging disc. On Gabapentin (1200 a day), co-codomol, Ibuprofen. I used to get some leg pain when back flared up, but this time around it's been a permanent thing. Physio excercises make leg pain much worse - any activity makes it worse - can't walk, sit, stand for long. Worried beyond belief that this will never improve - can anyone with a similar condition offer there experiences? At my wits end! Thanks.

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Karen i hope my experience will bring some comfort to you. I am a 49 yr old male and have had back issues since i hurt it when i was 22 i had back surgery when i was 34 and have always had pain in legs with numbness. Last august i was in extreme pain that kept me in bed 1 month , i couldnt walk stand or sit, i lost 30 pounds. I thought i would never walk again but thank God i am walking and back to work . I am very careful what i do and i do have numbness and some pain but i dont take medicine and i dont lift heavy. I hope you are better withtime
    • Posted

      Hi there - thanks so much for your reply. So sorry to hear that you've been through all of that, hope you continue to improve over time, it sounds like you're on the right track & that gives me hope.
    • Posted

      Also, may I ask, how did you improve, was it through exercise, or the medication mostly? 
    • Posted

      Hi Karen , i was on gabapentin, tramadol ,800mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours but nothing worked so i just took excidrin and made a heating pad my best companion. When i could i started walking around with a cane it was a slow process because i fell numerous times the sciatic nerve was so bad it was weak and my leg would just not support my body . I would cry and really just wanted to die but God gave me the will to keep trying 3 months after i started walking i went to work. And found that the excercise i made from everyday activities has made me stronger but like mentioned before i do not for any reason lift anything so avoid bending at waist . When i was finally able to shower on my own i would not bend to scrub below my knees. So ease yourself back into who you were even if it takes months and never forget the pain you had . If you have spiritual faith make it stronger. I hope i can continue to encourage you and whoever is reading this. Please feel free to ask anything . You are not alone in this agony
    • Posted

      I can't tell you how much this means to me, so glad to hear that things have improved, you certainly put in a lot of hard work to get where you are! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me your story, it gives me hope that this isn't the end. 
    • Posted

      Karen , just checking in on you to see how its going today. Dont give up , get plenty of rest and heat on your back . It a slow process but you will make it . My prayers are with you and your family.
    • Posted

      Hi there, thanks for asking! I'm on a heat pad at the moment & plenty of rest before I see the consultant on Monday. The pain is variable, some days I can get around the house OK, other days it cripples to the point where I'm in bed. It is frustrating as I was very active prior to the episode in Feb, but trying to be patient. The feedback I've had on here has helped a lot, I think that unless you've had this kind of pain, it's hard to understand. Thanks again smile
    • Posted

      Hello Karen , hope as each day goes by your pain is less . Dont give up hope. What state are you in . Im in texas. Take care .
    • Posted

      Hi, I get the MRI results tomorrow, just hope that they show someting. I'm in the UK! smile Hope you're doing OK too...Karen.
    • Posted

      Awesome! I hope they do show something. I also had to do a nerve conduction test (most painful test ever!). Might be an idea for you to do that too.

      Anyway, keep us updated!

    • Posted

      Hi there, thanks for your message, that doesn't sound pleasant at all but if it helps I guess anything is worth a try. I'm heading to see the consultant in an hour, so hoping that something is shown on the MRI (keeping an open mind until I see it, I know that sometimes problems are not obvious on scans, it's a weird situation where you want to see that something is wrong, but then again, you don't!)
    • Posted

      Hi there! Thanks for asking, I put this on a reply to me (still working out how to post on here!), this is what I found out yesterday:

      Update following MRI results: I have a degenerative disc (L4) that the consultant isn't too worried about & as expected a bulging disc (L5) that's causing the leg/foot pain & numbness (it hasn't bulged out any further, it's the old injury, but they think it's moved around slightly, trapping the nerve.

      Recommended treatment is spinal injections combined with physio, outlook fairly positive but likely to take time. Attached iPhone photo of the MRI (literally took photos of the screen in the office!). Will update as to how I get on over time with the view to maybe helping anyone else who is in a similar position. 

    • Posted

      I have never wanted injections. And maybe i will one of these days but will leave that as a last resort. Everyday is a struggle but it could be worse so im thankful for what i can do now . I hope that you and everyone that is struggling with pain can find some hope with our past pain experience . I will keep looking for your updates on here . Take care
  • Posted

    This sounds terrible! I am so sorry to hear that you've been going through this. I am 21years and going through a similar experience but not as bad as you. I had pain in my lower back and in my left leg for three years until I finally found someone who told me that I had a bulging disc. I had an operation 8months ago but the operation made it worse! I've been in heaps of pain since then and my current specialist won't tell me why. I haven't been able to sit, stand or walk for long. But! I have been on new medication this past three weeks and I'm feeling great! I'm on lyrica, endep 10 and tramal (try this one its a life saver!). I have also been to a second spinal specialist and he told me why I'm still hurting. I have rebulged a bit! Sucks right? I have to wait it out and I may need another operation. I suggest that you get a second opinion (I went to dr winder at st Vincent's hospital sydney), it could be a life changer.

    Anyway! Stay strong, try new meds, go to a pain management dr (I did this too it helps). Keep being resilient, this whole experience is shaping who you are, make sure it shapes you for the better and not for the worse.

    Good luck, I hope this helps

    • Posted

      Hi there - thanks so much for your reply, your problem sounds very similar to mine, so sorry to hear you've been through so much at such a young age, but sounds like the medication is working well? I have been told to try lyrica by a few people, I honestly don't think that Gabapentin is working well enough - I'm on 1200 a day and still in agony. I had a disc bulge before (around 10 years ago) the doctors are telling me that it's bulged further, causing the leg pain on top of the back, so guess they can get worse over time. Thanks again, your words mean a lot!

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