Nerve pain in leg/foot with disc bulge

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Wonder if anyone can give me their own experiences? I'm 38 & have had problems with my back for 10 years (disc bulge), 4 months ago, the disc "went" again, bulging further, trapping my nerve. Since then I've had pain in my back and awful pain/numbness in foot (heel, ankle, left foot)/lower left leg. MRI done - get results next week, although they're sure it is a bulging disc. On Gabapentin (1200 a day), co-codomol, Ibuprofen. I used to get some leg pain when back flared up, but this time around it's been a permanent thing. Physio excercises make leg pain much worse - any activity makes it worse - can't walk, sit, stand for long. Worried beyond belief that this will never improve - can anyone with a similar condition offer there experiences? At my wits end! Thanks.

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  • Posted

    Karen. I have had sciatica for 5 yrs. Have a disc bulge and it's been in both legs for a year. Each persons story is different. I tried pilates and Tai chi and found it helpful. Hasn't cured the pain but managed to control it. I'm balancing this with another chronic condition but keep moving about. Bit limited but I'm ok. Try and keep to a routine . You will have good and bad days. It may go but I tried gabapentin didn't work for me. Good luck. I just use codamol and asprin . I've tried low impact aerobics but have done my ankle and hip some damage.
    • Posted

      Hi there, thanks for your reply! I'm interested to know if the sciatica was in your foot as well? I managed pain before my recent episode with walking (a lot of walking!) but now I can't do that & the physio exercises seem to be doing more harm than good. It's so hard trying to help yourself and not knowing if you're doing more damage. Wishing you all the best, sounds like you have great management in place & hope you continue to see improvements. 
  • Posted

    hi Karen, I am currently in a lot of pain with an L4 L5 disc bulge. I was given no option of an MRI at the beginning just painkillers which made me costipated (Cocodamol) and antiinflamatory (dichlofennax) and Gabapenntonn for nerve pain. This gave made me feel funny so stopped the Gabbapenton immediately. This was inJan2013 I had to have 9 weeks off work and just suffer as sleep was near impossible as could notget comfy. It eventually resolved itself leaving me with a dull ache in my leg and pins needle feeling in my foot and big toe. I wennt back to work,cycling to work agrivated it and as a result of flare ups I asked for an MRI to confirm diagnosis this I had in 2014 a year too late in my mind. again was offered a change in medication to Tramadol and Naproxin also advised to take Amitripotolene so I could sleep, but I didnt want the side effect of not being able to get out of bed as I was still working at that point part time, so I didnt take them
    • Posted

      Hi there - I had the same issue, I could not get an MRI (I'm in the UK), had to fight and fight to get one. Only after the disc bulged further did I finally get one - I get the results next week, but the specialist is sure about the problem anyway. Foot pain to me is the worst thing, it really affects mobility. With the Gabapentin - I felt horrid (awful, head spinning and bobbing, numb all over, mind fog, headache, dizzy) for 3-4 days, after that the symptoms went and they started working, alas, after around 2 weeks they stopped being as effective (recently upped the dose). I'm also taking co-co & ibuprofen (have diclofenax too). Wishing you all the best, hope you improve over time.
  • Posted

    To finish my story. I had another MRI at the end of 2015 in the hope I could be put on the waiting list for a Nerve block which I finally had done 6 weeks ago in the hope that it might sort it. I had tried physio at a private practice which was expensive but did offer some relief I mannaged to afford 6weeks worth of treatment 12 sessions over that time which involved traction and electrodes placed onn my back to stimulate the nerves.This was in the school summer holidays last year but as soon as I went back to work term time it was back to square one. however they did say to use ice packs to relieve the pain as I wanted to cut back on my medication and they really helped me I put them in a back support during the last hours of my working day and I used them at night to help me sleep. I decided to resign at work as at that point I was waiting on the nerve block and I had another flare up. My job involved alot of bending and standing as working in a pre-school you need to get down to their level. Even after giving up my job I found walking my son to school difficult I am 43 and before this I was very active doing yoga and keepfit weekly while I was waiting for my nerve block I tried Pilates which helped and swimming breast stroke. I had read on forums that the nerve block may or may not work soI wasnt getting my hopes up. I was off the tramadol completely when I had the block asI didnt like the side effects.I was doing really well up untill 2weeks ago now. I had to drive my son's dad to work as he damaged his hand and couldn't drive I did this for a week ad then I had a relapse where I was crying with the pain so I am back on Tramadol (6 tablets a day) and Naproxin (3 tablets a day)and I am now taking the Amitypotolene ( 1 at night)to help me sleep so it's day 4 of this pain. I rang my Consultants secretary to see when my 6 weekly post op check up would be she said she would get back to me so its a waiting game again. I am alsogoing to mention my back clunks when I lower my right leg . I am wondering if this has any bearing on my condition as it hasnt been picked up before anyway I hope you get some relief this forum has been a help to know that you are not alone. I also found this book a positive read Low Back Pain & Sciatica by Paul Boxcer I also use an essetial oil roll on called deep relief I have also used a clicker pen called pain away
    • Posted

      Thanks again - I'm so sorry you've been through so much too. The ice mention is interesting - I'm working from home but finding it hard to sit/slouch without intense pain. The only thing that keeps me going is a heat pad - but I'm understanding that it's probably the worse thing I should be doing, I have ice pads so will try those. Out of interest, how did you find the swimming? Did it really help? I can't walk much at all without horrible pain so wondering if I should try it. Hope you continue to see improvements and thank you so much for your feedback, I very much appreciate it.
    • Posted

      Hi Karen glad my post was helpful re. Swimming it helped a bit in that the water supports you but I wouldn't over do it .I just didn't want to stop exercising altogether. I have read articles for and against heat and cold pads also they say use a combination of both I would see how it feels and do research into it or ask a professional what they think. I think you will try anything when you are in that much pain I went to a chiropractor for an initial consultation when I first had my time off work I couldn't afford the number of sessions I would have needed so I relayed on painkillers and rest the physio exercises the NHS gave me were slightly helpful too anyway I wish you well and sitting is the worst thing you can do so I would try a balance ball those type you use for yoga to sit on if working at a computer as it forces you to use your core muscles to sit upright it may help also take obvious more breaks anyway good luck with your progress.
    • Posted

      I would suggest doing hydro therapy. I did this within a week of my operation and it was so good to be able to move around while supported by the water. Id probably suggest you start off with this before doing lap swimming. While lap swimming is great for spinal problems it can still aggravate it.
    • Posted

      Thanks, I can ask my consultant about that, I've heard good things about it. I would try the local swimming pool, but the problem would be getting there and in and out (leg) so it's an undoable situation.
  • Posted

    I have three things that have worked as pain management things for me! Firstly I used a cream called ice gel, the brand is 'mentholatum'. It's cold to start with but it works so well. Also I used hot patches that you stick on areas that hurt and they heat up, the brand I used is called 'salonpas'. Lastly I used a portable tens unit, the brand is 'pain mate'. This one is good for when you need to travel or just do day to day activities.

    You should really look up these three things, they could help manage the pain or at least take the edge off it.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much, that's really helpful, I've ordered some ice gel funnily enough! it's called Biofreeze, should get it soon, also use the stick on heat patches and an electric one, those do help (in particular the stick on one's, but have to watch them, they get very hot don't they!). My mum has a tens that she's going to lend to me. I guess the problem is 2 fold - my back and my leg - my leg in a way prohibits me from doing things more (standing/walking) but both are consitently painful. Thanks again!
  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    I'm very sorry for your pain and distress, this is a tough one.  I've had two bad discs and three sciatica attacks in my lifetime, I'm 78 now, and not had much permanent success, as I'm distressed again now.  I've written how I managed through an 8 week sciatica bedrest and it disappeared completely, for years, only to occur again.  Perhaps a search of my name will bring up my posts.  I did it that way only because I had no insurance, no money and no choice.  Medicines didn't help, nothing helped as I guessed it was inflamation aggravating a nerve, until one day it didn't.  I know it sounds crazy, but when nothing else works and the pain cripples us, this method did come through for me.  Best wishes to you......  charles54091

    • Posted

      Hi Charles, thank you for your message, sounds like you've had a long battle with sciatica. The first time I hurt my back (over 10 years ago) I stuck to the rest option, and did get better but it took a long time and subsequently "went" on me again. The second time I rigidly stuck to a walking plan after a short period of rest, it worked to some extent, until this latest episode which has affected the nerves in my foot/leg, putting walking out of the picture. It's a difficult one to work out, rest v activity, I think finding a balance is best. Thanks again 7 hope you're doing OK these days...Karen.
  • Posted

    Hi all, thanks again to everyone for all of your replies, very much appreciated. 

    Update following MRI results: I have a degenerative disc (L4) that the consultant isn't too worried about & as expected a bulging disc (L5) that's causing the leg/foot pain & numbness (it hasn't bulged out any further, it's the old injury, but they think it's moved around slightly, trapping the nerve.

    Recommended treatment is spinal injections combined with physio, outlook fairly positive but likely to take time. Attached iPhone photo of the MRI (literally took photos of the screen in the office!). Will update as to how I get on over time with the view to maybe helping anyone else who is in a similar position.

    Thanks again! Karen. 

  • Posted

    Thank you for your reply Karen, I really appreciate it, I feel for anyone with back conditions and sciatica etc, It really is very painful, I'm just waiting for an appointment to come through referring me back to spinal consultant, I would have seen him last year but because I was under gynae and them saying they were operating, I couldn't see him, Now been told that the gynae aren't operating so all this time I've been suffering after being robbed off, Not impressed
    • Posted

      No worries at all Dawn, it appears to be a difficult thing to treat in many cases. Hope you get somewhere soon, it is painful and I guess unless you've had it, it's hard to understand, but once you have, you never forget! Nerve pain can be horrendous. Best wishes to you, let me know how you get on...Karen.

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