Nervous about upcoming endoscopy
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Hey guys! I'm hoping to get some reassurance through this thread. I have an endoscopy scheduled for the end of this month, March 30th. I've read all the details online about what to expect as far as the procedure itself; yes, I'm still nervous about it but knowing what to expect is helping a bit. I really don't want to do this but I know it's the best way to check for any serious problems.
I've been experiencing a "swollen throat" feeling for months on end now (or like my throat is closing in). Extreme fatifue, nausea (no vomiting), mild fever, night sweats...this happened to me about 4 1/2 years ago as well but my doctor kept telling me that it was just a virus and I'd have to wait it out. It lasted 7 1/2 weeks and completely went away (this was in 2012); didn't come back until the end of August 2015 and is still happening...going on 7 months now. My thought is possibly GERD? Finally got in to see a G.I. doctor and he too suspects that, so an endoscopy has been ordered to find out for sure.
I know I'm stressing hard about this, as I have another 3 weeks and 3 days to anxiously get through before the big day, which is killing me.
I know I'm overreacting but my biggest fear is esophageal cancer. I'm 33 years old, recently quit smoking after being a smoker for 16 years, don't drink alcohol anymore (but was a bit of a partier in my twenties). I exercise now, try to eat pretty healthy...what are the odds I have cancer?
I'm so scared of hearing those words.
Has anyone here had these same fears and if so, how the heck did you not go insane while waiting?
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I'm sorry, I meant end of August 2016, not 2015
lily65668 BrwnEyes83
Just about zero I'd say. I mean your chances of having cancer given the info you've shared here. There are a dozen conditions that could cause your symptoms - all of them treatable or at least manageable - and cancer comes way down at the bottom of the list. Stop worrying about it! (I'm a former nurse btw.)
BrwnEyes83 lily65668
Lily65668: Thank you SO much! You have no idea how you've just help put my mind at ease. Cancer is my biggest fear as it runs deep in my family line (almost every other cancer besides esophageal).
I don't lie, although I know what to expect from the actual procedure itself, I'm still slightly nervous, and the wait is especially excruciating.
Thanks again, you're THE BEST!!
lily65668 BrwnEyes83
I understand. I come from one of those "cancer families" too. Medical experts say there's no such thing as a generalised oncogene but I've often wondered. It cut a swathe through my father's family: he, his father, uncle and three of his four siblings all died of different cancers before the age of 70 - three of them in their 50s. I just don't worry about it, apart from living a reasonably healthy lifestyle. All but one of the above smoked 50+ per day, which certainly wouldn't have helped, and I've never smoked - unless you count heavy passive smoking as a child! I put my faith in eating lots of vegetables and not too much meat. Coming up to my 73rd birthday, I've now lived longer than all the family members who died of this scourge. Oh, and I've had GERD for 40 years now, manage it myself with lifestyle measures alone, and it's never got any worse.
Don't forget - health anxiety attacks the immune system, which is our main defence against cancer. Live as healthily as you can, then forget about it.
Good luck with the endoscopy!
BrwnEyes83 lily65668
That is actually really good advice. I guess all we can do is try to live as clean as possible and go about living life. Some of the healthiest people get cancer and some of the unhealthiest people live way beyond the other.
I do get anxiety a lot and I am a highly stressed person. I often do it to myself but don't know how to just...not be like that lol.
Thank you for your kind words and advice.. now I'm just praying for a fast 3 weeks
catladyof3 BrwnEyes83
BrwnEyes83 catladyof3
You're right, I think we all experience some level of nervousness when going into the unknown. We're only human. I tried putting this off long enough and am afraid that I caused even more damage by doing so.
Your history sounds a lot like mine.
My Dad died of liver cancer in 2010, my Mom luckily survived lung cancer in 2014. My Grandfather had lung cancer as well and died from it. We have had ovarian, stomach and brain cancer in our family as well; and my Aunt died of cancer in which they couldn't even find the source of. So this alone scares the heck out of me. I almost feel as though it's a ticking time bomb for me.
I think I'd be okay with any other diagnosis but the big C word is my biggest fear. I think that's what's stressing me out the most and knowing I have to wait 3 more weeks just to get the endoscopy is excruciating, to say the least.
I wish you the best of luck as well. At least we're not in it alone...which makes me feel much better about everything.
Please keep me posted on how things go for you.
catladyof3 BrwnEyes83
BrwnEyes83 catladyof3
It's definitely maddening at times just thinking about it. My Dad never drank and he developed cirrhosis which turned into liver cancer which by then, it was too late. My Mom was luckily diagnosed in the early stages of her lung cancer and underwent surgery to remove 45% of her right lung and is so far cancer free.
The list really goes on and on. Lung, brain, liver, stomach, ovarian, colon...and that's just the side we know about. My Mom never knew her biological Father and he died years before I was born (he was an alcoholic), so no one knows what went on in his family line.
I know smoking is bad and I'm actually doing really good. I started using the nicotine patch a week ago today, despite being allergic to the adhesive, which causes burning and itching; I used to smoke close to a pack a day, and yesterday I had one cigarette. I'm hoping to have none today (fingers crossed).
I'm hoping all I have going on is GERD or something along those lines; and it's nothing serious. I remember when this happened back in 2012 and I honestly couldn't function for 7 1/2 weeks (with good days few and far between) and I was so miserable. This time around I'm on month 6 1/2. I feel like I'm not even living anymore and the wait for any kind of answer other than "it's just a virus" is killing me.
I'm happy to hear that nothing serious was found. Although it must still be hard to not have a definite answer. I will pray for you and I promise to let you know what comes from my endoscopy
mary39252 BrwnEyes83
My father died of oesophagal cancer BUT it is very rare relatively. I did a lot of research at the time of his diagnosis. The most common group affected by oesophagal cancer are men aged 70 to 74. My dad was 73 at the time of his diagnosis and the cancer was far advanced at that stage. In the years preceding his diagnosis I remember he coughed up a lot of mucous and phlegm constantly clearing his throat but didn't think anything of it. It was a huge shock to him and the family when he was diagnosed as he was otherwise active healthy and strong for his age. I say this to reassure you as it doesn't sound like you have any of those symptoms. He also had great difficulty swallowing which was why he finally went to the doctor. You are young man/woman....sorry not sure from your any case due to your age you are in the low risk to no risk category so I wouldn't worry...really....your symptoms could be all sorts of things....I've been feeling not great this winter and my doctor thinks I have Gerd....I think so too. Gerd is manageable and treatable with medication and lifestyle choices and my digestive tract is feeling better although not completely - it gets worse when I drink too much black tea, eat chocolate, heavy meals, alcohol. I also think winter weather made it worse....low sunlight, fatigue, lower immunity are all symptoms which worsen in winter in my experience and recently my energy and feelings of well being have much improved now cold season is over. I was worried about cancer too recently but less so now despite my father's death from it as I am a woman in my early fifties which also puts me in low risk category although not as low as you. It's stressful though waiting to find out I know. You are only human and it's natural to be apprehensive. It will pass and you will feel better I'm sure. Stay positive if you can. Good luck!
Pumpkin1510 BrwnEyes83
I had my test done last Friday and they found a tiny ulcer and a hiatus hernia. They took biopsies of the area I assume to check for cancer among other things. I am worried but unfortunately it's a waiting game. My ulcer is probably due to acid reflux and it's at the bottom of my oesophagus so it's reasonably to assume that gerd or something similar could be your culprit. The fact you have had similar symptoms a few years ago could indicate that also. You just have to wait it out, try not to get too stressed and be careful what you read online. These forums are great but sometimes a few comments can send your mind it to overdrive. Good luck 😊
catladyof3 Pumpkin1510