Nervous, shaky hand stomach and legs?

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Anyone ever experience nervousness/ shakiness/ tremors in their body such as hands, legs, stomach? Is this anxiety?

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    From a long time anxiety sufferer...I would say yes this is anxiety.  I find even after many prescriptions medications (antidepressants and anti anxiety) I am in love pharma GABA.  It has helped me tremendously!  You can get it at any vitamin or Whole Foods store!  I get the chewable tablets for faster acting relief!  Hope this helps!
  • Posted

    I have what feels like I'm shaking, parts of the day, at night it wakes me up. I used to think it was anxiety but after 6 years I'm starting to think it's just plain hormone fluctuations or adrenaline rushes....who knows I give up trying to figure out any of this anymore ?

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      Samantha mine doesnt wake me up but as soon as I wake up , and start moving i start shaking. My doctor said it may be due to overactive adrenals.

      I was just taking a walk, and had to shorten it. The only time my body is calm is when im sleeping.🙁

  • Posted

    Yep. It's subsided quite a bit for now, but was shaky and trembly for a while. It made me feel very clumsy and I had to be extra careful putting away dishes and such.

  • Posted

    Yes, I feel it in my sleep.  It feels like my organs are shaking.  I don't know why it happens.  

  • Posted

    Hi Mary, i have just posted earlier re twitching in my calves and aches. i dont have tremors but feel anxiety and fluctuating hormones have a massive effect on muscles in our body. xx
  • Posted

    Hi Mary 

    Yes all part of anxiety it’s horrible when all this first happens to you . I have had anxiety for months now and it really debilities your every day life . 

    Keep strong 💕

  • Posted

    To me it feels like internal shaking and starts in my stomach and then through my body and then gives me anxiety.  It also feels like a hot flash without the heat.  
    • Posted

      Exactly Caseynjason... i cant see the shaking but i can feel it. Is there a way that you control it?
    • Posted

      Mary, the only thing that has worked is replacing my low estrogen. I take Biest; just started and they are totally gone. I’m feeling I much better already. I’m never going back to feeling that way. It’s awful, isn’t it?
    • Posted

      Yes, my obgyn I just found.  I found her by calling my local compounding pharmacy and asked for referrals to Dr's they work with that prescribe bioidenticals.  

    • Posted

      Caseynjason i have biest 2.5mg it is for the vagina area and also the progesterone . But it makes me bloat so very badly. The weirdiest thing , i misplaced my progesterone a few days ago , i have the slighest idea where i put it. I cant use strogen without progesterone.
    • Posted

      The balance must be off it is making you bloat.  I've just started, so I know it is a process of finding what levels are right for you.

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      Caseynjason, how much are you using? Do you use more than recommended?
    • Posted

      I was prescribed 3 mg, but it's only been 3 days.  I'm not sure how long before its totally in your system and if it has to build up or not.  I can tell when it is running out and as of now I feel much better but still feel I might need more.

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