Nervousness, shakey and wobbly
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Has anyone felt like really nervous inside ? I cant see it from the outside but felt inside especially my right hand. Also when walking i feel really shaky and wobbly. Mentally. I feel like its uncontrollable ....also my legs feel cold and im very weak.
What hormones deficiency or vitamins deficiency may cause this?
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wendy36287 mary27278
Guest mary27278
Guest mary27278
WOW I thought did I write this in today because it is EXACTLY what happened to me today and off and on the only difference is mine was the left hand! The exact things with my legs too! Plus ontop of that my heart felt like it was beating faster than norm like it was racing. I am also feeling cold and have actual cold chills and I would take my temp and its low! Mentally if we didn't fight it we would lose control! MY symptoms are exactly like yours to the tee! When I read it I thought did I send that !
CarolKelso mary27278
Hi Mary... yes yes yes.... It is like and internal tremor and many ladies suffer with this thought the peri stages. It is like an inner nervousness and lack of control and co ordination and I get this quiet often but I know it is hormonal.
Its is due to fluctuations of hormones that causes this. Please see the link below - the 66 menopause symptoms a lady posted here a few years back that many people relate to.. copy and past into your browser if not linking. Take a look and hope this helps. CK
michelle97919 CarolKelso
Had it awful AGAIN all week.
Its the worst feeling x
mrs_susan74280 michelle97919