Never a days illness, now this!!

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Hi all i think i need your help ,i think my husband has pmr and he is really suffering, going back to docters tommorow to get xray husband has never had a days illness in his life and now he is in so much pain and he is not handling it very well. I am a chronic pain suffer have been for years, he has watched over me and see the pain that i am in. the problem is he is now depressed and if the docter gives him the results im hopeing he dosnt have.i dont know how he going to handle it, what are your symtons[cant spell] could anyone help me with this, and how you cope with this illness

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  • Posted

    HI everyone im sorry but i have spent the last hour typing and when i went to send it it said comformation code not valid so i lost all of it we have had such a bad fey days i just dont have it in me to start all over again i will post someother day God Bless MARGARETANN
  • Posted

    Oh dear MargaretAnne, as my Mum used to say, sometimes everything in your favour is against you. I know it doesn't make sense but I think it sums up how you feel. Take your time, we'll still be here when you feel like posting again. And don't forget, we're all on your side and thinking about you both just now.

    Love from Lizzie Ellen

  • Posted

    Hi everone sorry it has taken so long getting back to you guys about the latest in jims condition, i will post soon and let you know all about it, as for now im tired, but just to tell you all that we are ok but a long way to go for both of us, as my health is not very good either just now thought i was going to lose my leg but they have tryed something else im hopeing it works, but of coarse this site is about jim so i will post really soon but he is doing ok he probably has two illnesses but we have to wait and see, its been a nightmare but were ok God Bless MARGARETANN
  • Posted

    Margaretann, its not just about Jim, its about you as well - I've been wondering how you both were and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Its hard enough having one person in the family who is ill, but much much worse if there are two. Just to let you know that you're in our thoughts and would like to know how you are both doing when you are ready to come back on-line. In the meantime, look after yourselves and I do so hope everything turns out well for you :hug: .

    Lizzie Ellen

  • Posted

    Yes Margaret Ann

    It is definately about both of you One very close friend's husband has arthrtitis very badley and I know how he has changed personality and obviously physically and how this has affected my friend

    I feel very lucky and dont take for granted the fact that my husband is very fit ( fingers crossed ) and is also a glass half full person so keeps me going all the time

    Update us when you can

    Best wishes

    Mrs G

  • Posted

    Hi Margaretann,

    I agree with all the are part of our little \"family\" here and our concern for you both isn't going to stop regardless of what diagnosis Jim gets.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with your own health....we never appreciate it until we don't have it anymore sad

    Just remember, we are all thinking of you both & hoping that things improve for you soon.

    Very best wishes, pauline.

  • Posted

    Hello Margaretann - it's so good to get your post as, like many others, I have been wondering how both you and Jim are doing. It sounds as though you are both still having a bit of a rough ride and still awaiting a confirmed diagnosis for Jim. I do so sympathise as it took over a year for me to get a diagnosis and it's very scary when you you don't know what's wrong and think you'll never walk again. Nearly five years on I am now walking every day, doing Tai Chi and Nordic pole walking, so hang in there you two and have faith - there is light at the end of the tunnel. Lots of love, MrsO
  • Posted

    Hallo to you both,

    Just to add my best wishes and hope that the worst will soon be behind you. Love, BettyE

  • Posted

    Hi everyone hope ure all doing ok, ive posted a couple off times( on where is everyone) i was trying 2 join in and not be so boreing because i feel jim and my stories are just a long long saga and i feel guilty unburdening myself on you all but to say our lifes are upside down just now is an understatment..Where do i start they are not happy with jims blood at all there not convinced its poly/myia/rheumatica, but there not convinced its rhumatoid athritis either in fact they dont have a clue or so they tell us, jim is really worried he has been off work now for 6 months and he feels he is back to square onethey cannot come up with a positive diagnoses and his work is screaming for some answers why he is off for so long, and thats not to say the worry and stress he is under, and then there is me, with being diabetic i can take infections very easy , well i took an infection in my heal and foot big style and i mean big style, it went into the bone and i was told i had ostemylitis[ wrong spelling] any way they told me i would have to have my foot amputated or even my leg depending on how far it has travelled, cut a long story short if i can do that ive been in terrible pain from this foot for months but no docter took me serious as i allready suffer from cronic painso for the last 8 months it has went further in to the bone , i went to surgery for my amputation and was told at the last min that they would try and save my foot and do a debribment instead they removed a large piece of my foot and its starting to heal i hope, but i am in so much pain i can hardly think straght and i have a long way ahead until this heals, if it does i might still end up loseing my foot, between myself and trying to keep strong for jim as i allways have, he expects me to be and its so difficult to put my own pain and worry to a side because he is not as srtong as i am,. so everbody you asked for it by saying its not all about jim [ thanks for that] so i told u it would be boreing trying to kid u all on about me been a vampire as i only come out at night, he he dont know if u read that anyway just trying to put some light humour into my life sorry now this is this long drawn saga so i have to go thanks for listening it has helped me to get some off it off my cheast forgive as usual the spelling and the grammor ive been typing it quite fast so goodbye for now and God Bless all of you love Joan [MARGARETANN] by the way u are all my friends now so u know my name is Joan i dont mind you calling me Joan x
  • Posted

    Hi Joan. I don't give a stuff about spelling and grammer, just want to know how you both are. What a rotten time you're having, if only there was something I could do to help. This is just to let you know that you're in my thoughts and I'm sending love and hugs :hug: to you both. Keep strong Joan and I pray that your foot continues to heal well and that Jim soon gets an answer to his problems. I'm off now for a couple of weeks but will be thinking about you both.

    Much love from Lizzie Ellen xx

  • Posted

    Hello Joan and I'm so sorry to hear that not only has Jim still not been diagnosed but that you have been having such an horrendous time yourself - that must have been a very painful experience both physically and emotionally for you and I hope the foot pain continues to improve and you will have a successful outcome. I do hope the medics are doing all they can to find a solution for Jim and soon, and that you have a good network of family and friends around you to help and support you both. Meanwhile your virtual friends are here, no doubt all wishing, like I do, that there was something we could do to help. Meanwhile our prayers and thoughts are with you both. :hug:

    Lots of love,


  • Posted

    Oh Joan

    What a lot you have been through !! No wonder the extra worry with Jim gets you down so much

    Your problems make our aches and pains seem very trivial I really hope your foot improves Im sure the stress you are both going through with illness makes the illness worse

    I hope you do get support never be frightened to ask for it both physically and financialy when you need it I have always found that the people who need it most are the last to get it

    Very best wishes to you both and we are all thinking of you

    Mrs G

  • Posted

    Hi Joan, Julia here,

    just wanted to say the same as everyone else really, that I am thinking of you and you will both be in my prayers, stay strong for each other and you know that we are here to 'listen' - even to vampires ! :vampire:

    Gentle virtual hugs to all, xx


  • Posted

    Hello Joan, I can't really add much to what everybody else has said - but I'm so sorry for what you and Jim are going through. I just hope you have some good friends, in the flesh so to speak, up there who can help too! I guess it's almost worse when you don't know what' the matter - once you know then can you can sort of confront it and fight it more. Do take care and I hope some better things come into your lives soon, with love and wishing you a peaceful night's sleep, Pam
  • Posted

    Hallo again Joan. Tried to post reply earlier but got some cryptic message about a fault with Internet Explo. and it all disappeared.

    Can only echo what others have said, especially Mrs.G's remarks about your worries making some of our complaints seem trivial and aggree with Green Granny that uncertainty is harder to deal with than knowing what it is you have to fight.

    The diabetics in my \"sphere\" ( three of them ) are appalled that your complaints of severe foot pain were not taken seriously much sooner. Again, I echo Mrs. G when she says don't be afraid to ask and, if necessary, demand the attention to which you are entitled.It's costing the NHS much more to deal with your foot now than if you had been listened to several months ago.

    Wil be thinking about you often. Do let us have news; good, we hope, very soon. Love,BettyE

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