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Hi , I am looking for some advice on if i am suffering from LS or dermatitis, and i am hoping this is the right place as i have been searching online for days and am in such a state about the whole thing,
So i wake up one morning and go for a wee and instantly know i have a urine infection, straight to docs and get cefalexin antibiotics which is a 7 day course, 2 days after starting the urine infection has gone but start experiencing the worst burning all around the outside of vagina but it is a deep under the skin burning to the point i had to sit on an ice pack and was in tears for days, so straight back to docs who didn't examine me but treated me for thrush as that's a usual thing that comes with antibiotics, so of course the treatment was useless as i now know i never had thrush, he told me not stop the antibiotics or the urine infection would come back, so i finished the whole 7 seven day course suspecting i may be having some sort of allergy to the cefalexin, the burning continued, all on the outside area and not internally at all. Finish the antibiotics and then actually do get thrush so get treated and that goes, burning still there so go back to docs, she examined me and thinks i have dermatitis from either allergy to antibiotics or using something down there in shower etc, so she gives me betnovate, used for couple of weeks and burning eases of and then goes, also not using anything down below apart from dermol 500 and hydromol and all the usual cotton knickers and 100% cotton sanitary towels/tampons etc, went back to see a different doctor which gave me betnovate again but a weaker strength, but even though the burning has gone i feel quite sore and the area around entrance to vagina is still quite red and also inside inner lips feels irritated still, but then this new doctor mentioned LS and im now really worried, she didn't examine me but said the symptoms are similar and treatment is similar, so i came home in tears, so now i have gyno but not till middle of June which my original doctor refered me for, so can any of you shed some light, i have examined myself with mirror, no white spots, no itching whatsoever, just red around entrance of vagina and inside inner lips feel irritated , when any discharge touches these parts it stings. Thank you for taking the time to read, hopefully will get a reply very soon xxx
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You poor thing! It could be Lichen Planus which doesn't have the white patches and is not chronic like LS. Mine is like yours - came on after treatment with antibiotics, but as well as the redness and soreness, there is the itching too. Some people just have the soreness. If it responds to steroid ointment, then that's what it is. Hope you get an answer soon, as treatment should get it under control quickly. Keep fingers crossed for you.
What you discribed is just like what I have. Started having problems in December, was put on antibiotics
three different times, the burn and itching, My family doctor prescribed the first two he prescribed me Tercon-zole vaginal cream. Seemed to leasen the burning and itch along with a pill I took on the first day and last
day of treatment, it kept coming back. I only went in to have a urine tests, not an exam. I was then told to
go to my gyn, could not get in for three weeks, but he also called in the same cream and pills, it got worse,
During the exam when I did get to see him he told me I had LS. I never saw any white bumps, and he pre-
scribed be Clobetalsol and Estrace. All they seem to do is make me even more sore. I do not have the
itching, but just the soreness. I also am having problems with a lose uritha now that I did not have before.
I am thinking of looking for a urologist and seeing if that is not what is causing the problem instead of LS.
Diana4935, what antibiotics did you take out of interest and where exactly was your burning?
Poor you, you've been through the mill. What you describe is similar to the symptoms of LS but you really need either a Gynae or Dermatologist to confirm it for you. Personally I found the Dermatologist best as the Gynae I was referred to didn't have a clue, the Dermatologist knew straight away from looking but did a biopsy to confirm. In the meantime you are doing all the right things ie washing with Hydromol, using the creams prescribed and wearing cotton knickers. Try to keep the area moisturised by using Hydromol also after washing or whenever you think you need it. Also it's a good idea to use water to bath the area after peeing as urine can be an irritant.
Good luck and best wishes,
So very sorry to hear about your troubles! I was prescribed LS and LP, so sometimes I get really sore inside and at other times itchy. At least the betnovate is having a good effect, although I found it wasn't strong enough for me.
I have noticed that when I start a course of penicillin, things clear up considerably until I have finished taking the tablets. I recently had a really nasty cough so was prescribed penicillin. It just so happened that my LS was having a nasty flare-up, but things have quietened down considerably.
I have a very good dermatologist, who makes life easier and is very matter of fact about things, which is probably a good approach with me.
Take care, Louse, we are all thinking of hyou.
went away. My mistake on the antibiotic, it was just the anti fungal pills and the cream. I had not been on
any antibiotic. I just can not believe that I woud not have any problem until December of this past year and
now have problems. The urine tests by both my family doctor and the gyn showed a yeast infection. When it would not go away, the gyn did an exam and ruled it LS, no biopsy, just by looking, but with no white spots
and only in the area I urinate and not the virginia, makes me wonder if he made a mistake. Having bladder problems, I am now wondering it I am developing a allergy to the Poise pads that I wear and if that is not
what is breaking me out. I am thinking of going to a dermatologist to make sure that this is LS. I always
heard it was good to get a second advice. What do you think?
I think it's a good idea to get a second opinion if possible. In the end there seems to be so little official knowledge or research into Lichen diseases and also every sufferer seems to be affected differently and by different things, that you have to decide for yourself. I found the Lichen Sclerosis Group at Yahoo very helpful indeed because it's worldwide.
I am sure that using pads is definitely a "no no" if there is any kind of inflammation in that area. They are well-known to cause allergies. Could you use your own reusable padding made from cotton cloths, do you think?
Good luck and keep us posted.
What I meant to say was that I think it's odd that the new doctor didn't even examine you but felt the need to mention LS. They shouldn't go throwing that diagnosis around willy-nilly!
Kiki55 thank you for your kind words , im praying that its something i have been allergic too, and also with this LS isnt sex supposed to be painful? as it hasnt been for me, all i have is redness just on one side of the outside of vaginal entrance and labia majora red at the end of the day and a slight irritation inside but just inside inner lips, no white spots, no burning, no external itching, no bumps, no flaky skin, no crusty skin.
have had bladder problems for years since the birth of my son, this I take medication. I never thought of the pads I wear as being a problem but have taken a break from the Poise pads which seems to be helping, I
stopped with the Clobetasol and estrace cream for the last couple of days and it seems to be healing up,
those creams seemed to make it worse. After a couple of months of pain that I never had before and having to wait three weeks to get in and see my gyn, he did a exam and a swab test, the swab test came back negative for anything, his exam was like being filet like a piece of meat, then he wrote on a presciption pad the
words LS and told me to look it up on the internet. After reading the side effects of using these creams, it
makes me worry if I am doing more damage to the effected area. I have no problems with intercourse
because the problem is more up near the area where I potty. I live in a small town so the limit to doctors here is limited. Both my children are in medical school and I will be asking one of them to find me a
doctor that can tell me for sure what I really have. At this point I am confused on what I really have. I will
check that site on line for the cotton pads. Thank you.
Thank you for all the info on pads. I have bladder problems after two operations down there and have to use pads. I do find they irritate so they are probably making matters worse. I have just arrived in Singapore so am exhausted. Never sleep on planes! When I get home I shall pay a visit to ourlocal Waitrose and buy cotton ones. All the creams and ointments make for messy underwear without pads!!
Bye for now........