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Hi , I am looking for some advice on if i am suffering from LS or dermatitis, and i am hoping this is the right place as i have been searching online for days and am in such a state about the whole thing,
So i wake up one morning and go for a wee and instantly know i have a urine infection, straight to docs and get cefalexin antibiotics which is a 7 day course, 2 days after starting the urine infection has gone but start experiencing the worst burning all around the outside of vagina but it is a deep under the skin burning to the point i had to sit on an ice pack and was in tears for days, so straight back to docs who didn't examine me but treated me for thrush as that's a usual thing that comes with antibiotics, so of course the treatment was useless as i now know i never had thrush, he told me not stop the antibiotics or the urine infection would come back, so i finished the whole 7 seven day course suspecting i may be having some sort of allergy to the cefalexin, the burning continued, all on the outside area and not internally at all. Finish the antibiotics and then actually do get thrush so get treated and that goes, burning still there so go back to docs, she examined me and thinks i have dermatitis from either allergy to antibiotics or using something down there in shower etc, so she gives me betnovate, used for couple of weeks and burning eases of and then goes, also not using anything down below apart from dermol 500 and hydromol and all the usual cotton knickers and 100% cotton sanitary towels/tampons etc, went back to see a different doctor which gave me betnovate again but a weaker strength, but even though the burning has gone i feel quite sore and the area around entrance to vagina is still quite red and also inside inner lips feels irritated still, but then this new doctor mentioned LS and im now really worried, she didn't examine me but said the symptoms are similar and treatment is similar, so i came home in tears, so now i have gyno but not till middle of June which my original doctor refered me for, so can any of you shed some light, i have examined myself with mirror, no white spots, no itching whatsoever, just red around entrance of vagina and inside inner lips feel irritated , when any discharge touches these parts it stings. Thank you for taking the time to read, hopefully will get a reply very soon xxx
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I was diagnosed a couple of months ago and am currently using Clobatesol which has really helped the vulva area, but the perineum and rectal area have not improved at all. Like you, Diana, I always would wear a panty liner of some kind for the urine leakage and I thought that was what the LS was.....just a rash from the pads. My gyne has never biopsied me either but he said he didn't feel it was necessary since it was a painful procedure and recovery
Like you louise i have a red vagina opening and strangely enough the most itchy part for me is on my upper lips basically around my clit has been like this ever since i was given the 1% ointment which is the lowest the doctor said so im guessing this is not working for me nad i need something stronger.
i actually was treated for urine infections cystitus which after the third time i actually asked to be looked at as i had noticed a white spot but was ages gao and thought nothing off it untill they looked and said it could be ls and explained how it starts.
ive got an appointment in may so hoping they give me something that works. !
I only itched externally with my LS. From what I can gather and from my personal experience the redness is a common problem with LS. LS does not affect your internal parts apparently. There is also a similar problem called Lichen Planus. You might want to check the symtoms for that. It is the white patches that you have to worry more about. That is the LS being active. My clobatesol proprionate is 0.05% w/w ointment which I think is much lower than the 1% you use (I'm not a pharmacist so check this out). I have been told I can use it often with no skin thinning. Sometimes I think it is not stronger you need just the right product for you.
By the way LS can affect your skin in general and if you start getting white patches anywhere else they could be connected. I have vetiligo on my arms which the dermatologist says is likely connected as many LS suffers have it and it is also an auto immune disease. I also have small white marks appearing around my lips. These are tiny and not really noticeable at the mo but I am keeping an eye on them. So is the dermatologist. Report anything that changes or itches on your body.
Just ordered the natracare pads on line from Amazon. I read a worrying review about them being like cardboard so I am hoping that that is incorrect. I decided to order one pack to give them a try. They are a bit pricey. I will see if they are cheaper the next time I am near Waitrose. Will let you know what I think next week. I took the longer delivery option to avoid p&p charges.
Go back to your GP if you are worried. You can be seen at any time and do not have to wait for your appointment in May which I take is with a specialist, although you will get a lot of your information then. Try to go armed with questions you want answers to. If you look at the NHS info on Lichen sclerosis you may find answers to your questions. Remember treat as you are told to and keep it well moisturised. Keep the area free from urine, clean and use plenty of Moisturiser.
I feel that I could have written your post. Our symptoms are so, so similar. I thought I was alone in having felt my symptoms. I have my biopsy scheduled for Thursday. I really, really am fearful that it is LS.
Louise x
My symptoms started 1.5 years ago. No discharge at all, redness around outside of vagina and inside of labia minora, no white patches but red welts, terrible itching. Initially saw an OBGYN who told me that it was a yeast infection (even without discharge and my pelvics were negative for yeast) and so I was pretty much continually using yeast infection creams every other week for about 6 months. I would improve for about a week, then same problem would come back. I felt like such a pest to the staff at the OBGYN office. Finally I had a full on mental meltdown about it (just cried all the time because I hurt so bad) and made an appt with my regular primary doctor. He told me that it wasn't yeast but Bacterial Vaginosis (even though my BV tests were negative and I had no foul smelling discharge) and I spent about 9 months taking antibiotics (Flagyl orally and vaginally). Finally, the primary doctor said he didn't want to give me more antibiotics and tried to send me to the same OBGYN who told me it was yeast. I put my foot down and said I wanted a new OBGYN referral. Saw the new doctor about a month ago who took one look and said "it is either contact dermatitis or a lichen disorder." He didn't want to do a biopsy right away because he said it is fairly painful even with local anesthesia, so he gave me clobetasol ointment that I used 2x a day for 2 weeks. I was so so happy because my symptoms resolved. I stopped using the clobetasol and about 1 week later, same problem is back. Emailed the new OBGYN and he is doing the vulvar biopsy tomorrow. I am terrified that it is LS.
i have been back to the doctors and have been given dermovate ointment which hopefully will help. yea i do try my best with keeping it moisturised and clear off urine too.
i am also having blood tests done as i feel i may be lacking in iorn which i know that auto immune probs can lead to ls thats if i have ls. i guess i will have to wait and see what happens in may.
Yep, I've been doing the same as you. Only cotton pants/nightgowns with no panties, tampons (unscented), actually no underpants at all because even cotton ones seem to flare it up. Recently changed to "Free and Clear" detergent without fabric softener, switched soaps and now only use Cetaphil (even on my hands) and I bought a cold water bidet on amazon to squirt water at my privates after urination. I feel like my vagina is running my life lol. When I stopped the cream I didn't wean off of it, which have I since learned I should have doneā¦ Fingers crossed for my biopsy today.. Not looking forward to having to go work a 12 hour shift (nurse) afterwards!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone. Thanks for starting this thread!! Kirsten