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Hi , I am looking for some advice on if i am suffering from LS or dermatitis, and i am hoping this is the right place as i have been searching online for days and am in such a state about the whole thing,
So i wake up one morning and go for a wee and instantly know i have a urine infection, straight to docs and get cefalexin antibiotics which is a 7 day course, 2 days after starting the urine infection has gone but start experiencing the worst burning all around the outside of vagina but it is a deep under the skin burning to the point i had to sit on an ice pack and was in tears for days, so straight back to docs who didn't examine me but treated me for thrush as that's a usual thing that comes with antibiotics, so of course the treatment was useless as i now know i never had thrush, he told me not stop the antibiotics or the urine infection would come back, so i finished the whole 7 seven day course suspecting i may be having some sort of allergy to the cefalexin, the burning continued, all on the outside area and not internally at all. Finish the antibiotics and then actually do get thrush so get treated and that goes, burning still there so go back to docs, she examined me and thinks i have dermatitis from either allergy to antibiotics or using something down there in shower etc, so she gives me betnovate, used for couple of weeks and burning eases of and then goes, also not using anything down below apart from dermol 500 and hydromol and all the usual cotton knickers and 100% cotton sanitary towels/tampons etc, went back to see a different doctor which gave me betnovate again but a weaker strength, but even though the burning has gone i feel quite sore and the area around entrance to vagina is still quite red and also inside inner lips feels irritated still, but then this new doctor mentioned LS and im now really worried, she didn't examine me but said the symptoms are similar and treatment is similar, so i came home in tears, so now i have gyno but not till middle of June which my original doctor refered me for, so can any of you shed some light, i have examined myself with mirror, no white spots, no itching whatsoever, just red around entrance of vagina and inside inner lips feel irritated , when any discharge touches these parts it stings. Thank you for taking the time to read, hopefully will get a reply very soon xxx
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Thanks for checking in I had the punch biopsy this morning and although it hurt, it wasn't the worst pain ever. A few ibuprofens and I was ok to go to work. I find out the results in 5-7 days, but my doctor said that he thinks it is either an inflammatory skin disease (treatable) or even possibly a food allergy to dairy or wheat. There is a small chance it is of the lichen family, but fingers crossed it isn't. We will see. I am just so glad that a doctor is doing actual tests instead of throwing yeast creams and antibiotics at me (like the past 2 years). How are you feeling?? Kirsten
And I agree with you about giving you treatments for thrush, you just go home and use the cream that has been given to you, I have lost count of the pessaries, cream and tablets the doctors have given me and it took me a while to realise it was just flaring things up again and stinging. So did they give you any cream or will you have to wait until you get your results first?
Well I saw the nurse the other day and she examined me and said it wasn't LS and just to carry on with steroid cream, I have a gyno apt but not until June, things were calming down nicely until the dreaded time of the month started and the tampon string has made me sore again, so used sanitary towels today but that's even worse as it just rubs, then all the progress seems to go backwards again, I hate periods!, lol xxxx
Periods are the worst, as it always seems to flare up right after. You should ask your doctor to do a skin biopsy. There is no way a nurse (I am one) could tell you that it is not LP or LS by looking. Not everyone has the characteristic white patches when they have LS. It should be diagnosed by skin biopsy. I would demand one if I were you. LS can be very disfiguring if left untreated, and there are stem cell lifts that they can do now that can put it in remission entirely.
One thing I am doing (just started yesterday) is cutting out gluten from my diet to see if there is any improvement, which stinks because I love all things grain based. After my OBGYN said that it was a possibility that I had developed a gluten allergy and that he has had patient with my same dilemma), I did some research on the internet. Some gluten allergic women (usually strikes in the mid 30's but can be any age.. I am 37) only get symptoms in the vagina which sound a lot like what we are dealing with. It is actually not that uncommon. Crazy, huh? I feel like I am grasping at straws to find out what is happening down there, but at this point, anything is worth a try. I am going to entirely cut out gluten for 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference
Talk to you soon!
When you say you have welts what do you mean by welts, bumps?
Im keeping my fingers crossed for you that it is an allergy of some sort, thats very interesting what you said about gluten, and we are of a similar age, im 41.
I had a better day yesterday, but im so sick of continuously thinking about down below as you are, sick of putting cream on and sick of going to doctors etc and sick of the worry of what it may be, i suppose when i go to the gyno in June they may suggest a biopsy like you.
Now your not using any cream at the moment , are you in much pain?
Have a good day
Speak soon
Welts are like raised red sore patches. The weird thing about them is that they form almost like a ring around the outside of my vagina. The whole area is red and inflamed.
I'm always in pain, but today I would give it on the low-medium scale. Going to stick to the gluten free thing for a few weeks, or at least until I get the biopsy back!
Thank you for describing the biopsy procedure so clearly. I think fear is our worst enemy and we can all be more afraid than we need to be. That doesn't sound half as bad as I thought. I have not had the test as the dermatologist said I obviously had LS. White patches, red inflammation and fusing of skin. So sore at times. I do pity anyone who is still having menstruation as this must be so uncomfortable.
all_the_kings_horses Chrisy
thanks for this, as i had the intention of buying some natracare pads when I return from holiday. They have to be super soft or I would get a bad reaction. Travelling with LS is becoming a nightmare!
if you hear any more about good pads, please let me know.