New Guest new questions confused
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Hi my name is Barb
I'm New to join this forum but have been reading for a long time now, and learn so much information that help me believe no I am not crazy I am just like you, premenopausal.
Being 52 years old I must be close now to menopause .
But my symptoms have changed and I am confused to why,
3-4 days Before my 32 day periods I have odd heart palations, anxiety, disturb sleep nausea but not often, then 3-5 days after my periods the same but then levels out and do fine until the next period is due .
but in the month of January I had no symptoms at all!!
Could not understand why but I went with it oh it was Marvellous. Lol
But then finish my period nothing , then few day later out of the blue all the symptoms are present and have not let up the nausea is more then normal only difference is no bleed , why the change ? is the the way it is now for years or just a bad month never happen before , It was always before my next periods and few days after it's been 2 weeks now ,I hope this makes since and someone can shine some light on this to help me understand ,
thank you so much for taking the time and consideration to read this .
Working full time try being a good mom and wife a up beat and happy silly mom is gone,being a supporting member in the community , and to help others is very difficult.
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Snatchpiece barb_2222
Welcome to our wonderful peri / meno world!
Thank goodness you have found this forum there is nothing better than reading other ladies experiences! It will help you to confirm that you are not going silly but are just like the rest of us.
most doctors will not connect your symptoms to peri and may try and prescribe anti depressants or push you towards seeing a counsellor but only you know what you are feeling.
when I first started with the same journey I went and had all my bloods done to check all was well, and may be a good idea to do this but don't be surprised that your hormones come back as normal as from what I have learnt that until you are either 12 months without a period or on the very end of your peri journey.
all what you describe is what I have experienced and all I can say read all of stories on this forum which sound similar to what you are experiencing and hopefully it will give you some great advice.
Vit B min of 100mg, good magnesium chelate, omega 3 will be a good starting place.
if you have any questions then please do not hesitate to private message me and I will do what I can to put your mind at rest and share my experiences.
massive hugs Joy
mel64317 barb_2222
you'd need a blood test and a chat with a sympathetic doctor to confirm it....and then decide how you want your journey to be going forward.......the "normal" thing is...there ain't no normal !! We are all total individuals in this phase of our lives. Keep a diary of your feelings, symptoms and difficulties and then take medical advice depending on how you feel.....
Many ladies have blogged here.....great advice and interesting histories to read.....
youre not alone and seek help if you need it.
good luck.
mel64317 barb_2222
take care of yourself.
middlemuddle barb_2222
For those looking for alternative remedies or natural lubricants, coconut oil has several advantages:
As a lubricant to treat vaginal dryness, it moisturizes and soothes the vaginal area.
It is cheap, making it a cost-effective alternative.
It is antibacterial and antifungal, so it can be lubricating and prevent yeast infections at the same time.
It is easy to find in most grocery stores.
Disadvantages include:
It has a distinctive scent, which some may find off-putting.
It is not liquid at room temperature; however, it can be warmed up in your hands in less than a minute.
BellaRubia barb_2222
It is just like that, periods usually get really messed. The symptoms get worse and better, they change, they stop, they restart. Time makes them mild. But timing varies from woman to woman, some take months, some years to move from peri to meno.
Keep looking this website, you will find important information. Keep in mind doctors not always agree those things are related to peri - they say it is from aging :S but we women have a clockin which we measure our own time and we surely notice the relation, is not it?! Research, so you will know what to discuss to your doc next time. Good luck.
Snatchpiece barb_2222
My periods used to be 25 days and in the last two years I can sometimes have them every two weeks and then could go longer but I guess it does balance out in the end.
Even though I am on a very low dosage of HRT I can still feel the brewing of my old cycle aswell but I am certainly more stable on them than before. It is a personal choice though and down to you and what you want to do in the end. For some they have strong views and others have had to find some type of relief to keep a quality of life! Life is too short to keep struggling.
You may also be worth finding a good homepatic that may be able to help you, of even have some acupuncture or reflexology.
Try and find the details on here about the 66 symptoms that Jay put on and you may find more answers to your questions.
Joy xx
barb_2222 Snatchpiece
Snatchpiece barb_2222
The homepatic was just another thought of perhaps trying instead of staying on HRT as I have tried these different HRT since the end of March last year. Was told though that whilst in peri your own hormones are still being produced so may still have blips whilst trying to balance out.
For me personally I am prepared to try anything to stop constantly feeling these anxieties and up and down days!
Life is so cruel and if we are confused about what is happening to us then you can sure understand why others that we try and explain our symptoms to find it a mind field.
together we will get through this I am sure and I think the key is to remain positive even though there are times that you may not feel like it.
Joy x
susan21149 Snatchpiece
I'm doing my menopause the natural way with out the HRT Hormones and cream because my opinion is this. Why take HRTs when all it does is put more hormones in your body, and is it really helping with anxieties and depression. It could be causing more anxieties in ladies. What I have read here on this forum is that a lot of ladies taking these HRTs are still having anxieties and depression is it really helping these ladies or just causing more problems this is my opinion on HRTs Maybe you ladies need to stop theses HRTs and just let God handle your body In time things will wind down and you will be yourself again
BellaRubia susan21149