new here, not to fibromyalgia
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hi everyone, i was diagnosed with fm 3 yrs ago, and it has gradually got worse, even the pain clinic has discharged me 6 months ago as she said she couldnt do any more for me. the pain is unbearable and i'm taking 8 diahydrocodeine and 10 tramadol, using a heat pad, and taking clonazepam and amitriptyline to help me sleep so i dont wake up stiff and sore. none of it seems to work, does anyone know of any other pain medication i could try, and cn i get morphine on prescription, thanks
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I was diagnosed with Fibro in June this year but had been going on for many years. I am quite lucky with my pain and take 10mg ampytripline and co-proxomol when I need them. :cry:
You sound like you are in far more pain! :cry: I hope you can find some other form of pain relief or something else that can help you :lol:
As far as I know you can't get morphine on prescription! It is a really strong drug and would only be prescribed for you in hospital or by a trained paramedic. I think it is because it is a really addictive drug and would be hard to come off in the long term. :cry:
If you have any worries come on and talk to us all! We all know what it is like to have fibro even if we all have different amounts of pain. :cry:
Take care
Love Tess x x
on the of morphine i have asked my gp but he said try to do without it just now i am tramodol and diclofenic and paracetomol every 4 hours im also on amytripline , anit sickness drugs anti depressant to, but my best friend has had two ops on her back last one in feb and she has been on morphine everyday since with her getting it from her gp..
anyway i woke up this morning and suffered terrible fatigue and pain that i had to go back to bed a hour later, im struggling with this with no one helping apart from coming on here.. so thank u to all my good friends.. im sitting her at moment with my tens machine on but wish i had to cause the pain is all over. i sometimes wish u could die from this illness as i know there would be at one time a end and piece from this everyday pain. i hope u all can understand from what i mean by that..
wishing u all well and hope ur not in much pain today xx
Most \"strong \" meds can only be supplied via prescription. However, I used diclofenac and tramadol.....doesn`t touch me at all.
Do u know what I find helps?...Over the counter paramol. Its paracetamol and dihydrocodeine. Perhaps the combination in these tabs will help. Sometimes its not the strength of the tablet....but finding the 1 that works for you. Can`t do any harm to try huh.
Best of luck.
I use to take diclofenac as well but didn't agreed with me! I have had to stop taking all anti-inflammatories as gave as acid reflux. I used try and take paracetomol that doesn't really do anything for the pain. Or I have some co-proxomol from gp that does help a little.
I do feel for you not being able to pick up your granddaughters! I have two granddaughters as well Molly 4 and Sophie 5 weeks old. I am lucky I can pick mine up. But do notice after holding Sophie for a while my arms were hurting. She only weighs 9lb 6oz on her last weigh in so not too heavy really. I can understand where it would upset you as it is the most natural thing you want to do is give them a cuddle :lol:
Try to remain positive and take one day at a time! :lol: It does help and anytime you want to come on and chat or have a moan we will all be here for you. :lol:
Take care
Tess x x
I hope ur feeling less sore today. Sounds as though you`re having a rough time of it.
Isn`t it awful when u are in pain and nothing helps. Its bloody unfair!!
Take Care
Sound like you are having a really rough time Sue! Luickily I don't seem to get my pains that bad :cry: I hope you are not in so much pain again today. My doctor still prescribes them for me and gives me them on repeat. Don't use to many though as they only take the edge of the pain :cry: But better than just paracetomol lol. :lol:
Hi Lindy! How are you today! I hope you are not suffering to much with the pain. :lol: I feel quite achy this morning and didn't sleep to well. Going to make appt see gp on Thurs just to make sure my iron levels ok.
Been having quite a few heavy periods still and last time that happened bought my iron levels down. :cry: So difficult to know with having this fibro as well.
Went to see my Dad in hospital yesterday. Had to have four bags of blood! :cry: Think he has got an ulcer from taking aspirin that his doctor prescribe to thin his blood. Got to have a test tomorrow look down into his stomach. Going to see him again tonight. :lol:
Take care everyone talk soon.
Love Tess x x
I think you are doing the right thing Sue going to see gp. See if gp can suggest some relief for your pain. Could be the your pain relief making your heart beat a bit faster. I should discuss that with the gp as well.
Its not very nice when you are in so much pain and can't get any relief from it. I know what you mean about making an appointment. :cry: We have to ring on the day we need an appointment and see if one available.
We can't pre book with a doctor unless they make one for you to go back to see them. We can only pre book for blood tests etc. Although saying that I have always been quite lucky ringing on the day and getting to see the same gp who understands about fibro. :lol:
My pains are not so bad today. But have a horrible headache that I am hoping wont turn into a migraine lol :cry: Been a few stressful days travelling to hospital and back to see my dad! He is in been checked for an ulcer as he lost a lot of blood. Doing well though and quite cheerful considering :lol:
Well hope you get some positive help from your gp. Good Luck! :lol:
Love Tess x x
I think sometimes taking too many tablets with different side effects can be worse sometimes than the symptoms of fibro. You are right to see your doctor again don't put up with it. You don't have to be sorry you are in a lot of pain and the gp needs to give you the help you deserve. :lol:
My dad is a lot better now and out of hospital. Got to go to the hospital again soon for outpatients appointment for colonoscopy but not until Dec 5.
Keep your chin up!
Take care
Love Tess x x
Hi there, Have you tried Lyrica, or Gabapentine as I have had these!!!! Gabapentine did not work for me but it is a usual one the doctors are prescribing now for fibro? This however did not work for me as had no effect but Lyrica is much better, the only down side of all this is as I have OA in my hip and spine and other problems Lyrica does not help other painful ailments :oops: One of my friends does use a tense machine and seems to help her
Hope all is ok also with you Tess, I do hope you Dad is feeling better too and Lindy hope you are ok? Bless you Di, I do hope you do get some relief too hun xxxxxx
I do hope you get some help soon Sue xx
Kind regards x