New to IBS ?
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I have just been informed about this forum by a doctor and decided to share my experiences with IBS.
I'm a 31 year old professional, having a really hectic life style(always had). I used to be quite chubby (around 80 kilos) and 1.75 cm height. And used to eat any sort of food, alcohol + occasionally smoking.
Just over a year ago(2012), I have a severe wisdom teeth problem and before the extraction, I was offered to take several painkillers by my dentist (ibuprofen) since the pain was too much! Right after the removal and treatment (maybe a month), one day I had a horrible diarrhea following with mild cramps and had to rush to the emergency. When I was checked the doctors could not find anything important, and sent me home. The diarrhea and other symptoms disappeared but I started to have rapid bowel movements in the morning so decided to see my GP. My GP run several tests, including full blood profile, Stool, urine, H. Pylori but could not find anything and diagnosed with IBS. The problem was I started to lose weight during this period, even though my symptoms disappeared slowly.
I've changed my diet, as started to eat more vegetables, sea-food, fibers and NO junk-food!
Completely stopped drinking alcohol,cola or any other sugary drinks and stopped smoking for the time being.
Currently my weight is about 66 kilos, and my height is 1.75 cm. I have recently got a full-blood profile check and everything was normal but I was quite worried about my weight. I was told that due to the fact that, I have completely changed my diet (stopping alcohol, junk food and etc..) this might have caused a weight loss but my GP said, it's quite normal according to my BMI. For the time being, (about 18 months, ) I see this weight loss, more than 10 kilos a little bit too much!! (I do exercise more than I used to, walking + jogging 2-3 times a day)
I rarely get some IBS symptoms, like wanting to rush to toilet after a big meal and sometimes just not having a big appetite that I used to have. During this period, I never had any other symptoms or even a cold,flu, weird stools and etc...
Would really appreciate some feedback regarding to my weight loss and the diagnosis so far.
Thank you
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I will take things into consideration tomorrow and if I'm in any doubt I will visit my doctors before heading either into work or back home. Is this IBS something you can claim invalidity support for as I have a young family to support and I spouse worrying about money will only agrevate my condition.
What would you suggest?
Just an update been back to work just over a week an there aint been one day that I ain't felt like coming home. When I told work I'd been in hospital with suspected IBS they just said is that all !!!!
I really am struggling with things the constant pain in my side the sweating the light headed ness the lot. Keeping a diary but aint highlighted anything yet.
Let me know what happens keep going on the dairy normally three weeks will show results take care Kaz cxx
Just to let you no that I've had my hospital appointments come through, I'm in Sandwell hospital on the 10th of September to have a stomach scan and then I'm back in on the 20th to have the cameras put both up an down if you no what I mean. Had a crappy day with it again today so fingers crossed I'll get sorted now.
Do you have light headed feelings or really bad periods of sweating like your going to pass out?
Sorry for being a pest lol.
Oh you love the camaras have you got the medication ready for you to take prior I advice you take days off work when you start to take the medication is to clear your intestines totally you should have a eating plan as well you need to make sure your toilet has loo rolls on these days and insure everyone knows that they only spend limited time in there you will not be fully knocked out but you will be drowsy after so don't drive back you will see on the screen all the works this will pick up everything and your know the results after
What scan you having ???
Yeep sweating and lightheaded is normal to resolve drink water every hour normally its dehydration its ok nothing to worry about its all whats going on inside
If your having trouble at work get your dr to sign you off
But they will only do this once you been off 5 days in a row but some doctors will do if you have resumed work after medical condition that's still being investigated your work cannot do anything ie sack you etc only thing is your be paid by star dared sick pay
Keep in touch drink your water please
Ive got to have an ultra sound scan first on the 10th im just hoping they dont tell me im pregnant lol, i propper worrying about having the cameras to be honest really aint looking forward to it . Im suffering again with it today pains in my left hand side and lower back pain is incredibley painfull. I have been drinking plenty of water and i mean plenty and the sweats dont seem to be easing off at all its like im going to pass out and i just have to sit still for five minutes untill they clear.
The doctor letter i recieved says that he thinks of got post infectus IBS from when i had gastroentroritus (forgive me for the spelling) back in march. Although he dont want to see me again untill i've had my tests done so its going to be a long weight to see him on the 8th of november.
Cheers for the advice
Yesterday got diagnosed with gallbladder diesese I'm ok but test show the little blitter got to come out but I never give in
Ring your gp up telling him about your lightheaded and sweats he may be able to medicate to get you through till results back
Don't think work doing you any good get your gp to sign you off till you get results your body obviously fighting something and you need to rest up Hun take it a bit slower your make yourself worse
I know its a long waiting game especially on the nhs but least your on the ladder to finding out
Please stay in touch
Kaz xxxx
Sorry to hear that you now have more problems don't mind me asking but how old are you an how long have you been suffering?
You might be right about work I totally feel rubbish not so much the stomach pains but this light headless and sweating are really getting me down now I properly feel like I'm going to faint. I really think that I need to go back to the doctors and get some time off work before I faint and do myself an injury.
Cheers for the advice again lol
Glad your going back doctors no good making yourself worse it take longer on recovery so put yourself first please all will work out in the end
I was first diagnosed with diverticulitis 3 years ago after suffering daily vomitting spells of diaria and constipation then about another two months of suffering diagnosed with gerd after another 6 months of losing weight and lightheaded fainting episodes diagnosed with celiac diesese then dairy intolerant now gallbladder diesese part from that not bad just take day by day and sort myself out found that many medication either dont work or intolerant to last year went on herbal line and learning what vegetables give what nutrient whats not good to eat what effects me been fine since fortnight ago when had attack that wasn't normal to others that have happened knew it wasn't food or drink went to gp had emergency test done and that's where I'm up to know waiting for gastrointeritus appointment nxt
Oh I'm 47 married with one daughter hubby and look after my father who's disabled I live in Hertfordshire
Where you ????
Well im 42 and live in West Bromwich about 10 miels from birmingham city centre, i have 5 children and have been married for just over two years, me and the wife have recently had twins a boy and a girl.
I was diagnosed with a heart condtion about two years ago where i have low blood flow through my heart cells, then i was diagnosed with artharitus in both my ankles,knees,wrists, and neck so im falling to bits slowly. Im on medication for these conditions and to be honest they dont effect my life that bad really.
I work for the fire service as a fleet engineer looking after their repair workshops and i have always had a heavy stressfull job so i think this has not helped me especially since ive been in this trade since i was 15.
The pains ive been having lately thou and the way im feeling like im going to pass out has really had a big effect on me, i cant seem to get myself motivated like i cant be bothered if you no what i mean?
Im just glad now to be going to have my tests done so hopefully get myself sorted.
Get to your gp please and get yourself a sick note your well stressed you need time out Yeep I know you need the money but look at the fall picture if you make yourself worse there will be no option your be in hosp fir longer dont chance it saying oh I be ok you won't till they know whats wrong with you
Even a week sick will help just admit its telling you something's wrong Yeep you done the first step Yeep test are lined up but that's weeks away
Go back to doctors please
Oh I've been up since 2 had another gb attack and still half way through but I'm going to have to ring gp to help me this 5 th attack in one week and really having issues what ti do the way I see it if gp tells me to go hsp least it's his call not mine
Anyway if your off to work take it easy if not get to gp
hope your feeling better or at least you have had some rest, im off to the doctors tonight to see if he will give me a sick note for two weeks just so i can rest up a bit.
hope you aint ended up in hospital i no how that feels...
Glad your going drs to get sick note you need time out and rest let me know when ur back and keep in contact I've sent you a message with my e mail address on here so we can keep in better contact
Take care kaz
I'm so sorry to hear your recent unwell situations. My uncle had his gallbladder removed about 10 years ago (he was also around 47). Since then he's been extremely healthy and much more fit, but it really stops you eating certain foods so wishing you a good luck popcorn!
Now that listening to both yours (and most of ours) symptoms, this IBS term sounds like something related to digestion systems that doctors can not find yet, until proven. Most of the cases I hear or read, usually lead to something else..
Can I ask both of yours regular diets please before these symtpoms occured? Do you consume alcohol or cigarette for instance? Do you eat (or used to) fast-food or processed food a lot? And water most importantly, do you guys consume tap-water in general or bottled water (plastic or glass also important) ? How often do you eat vegatables/fruits ? and do you usually check where they are being sourced ? in U.K. or outside U.K.
I have decided to carry out a research about this vague term, IBS, any feedback welcome.
Thank you