New to Mirtazapine- does the daytime sedation wear off?

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Hi, I'm new to Mirtazapine, and was started on 7.5 mg, which knocked me out for two days. I tried 1/4 dose, which was still too strong, and am now on 1/8 dose. It is such a small dose, but still leaves me zonked out. I'm also on 10mg citalopram. One doc says to stay on the Mirt, to give it a chance to work. The other doc says it's such a small dose and I need at least 15mg to get any therapeutic benefit, so should just come off it. Just don't know what to do. Is anyone else on a low dose, and does the daytime sedation wear off? I can't function as I'm so sleepy, but I understand ADs take time. tx

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    since stopping mertazaphine I am not as drained as before and less depressed too I'm taking cbd oil instead now without side effects drugs

    • Posted

      i am also taking cbd oil for anxiety after stopped remeron it works great and yes no side effects

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      did you just stop and take the cdb oil straight away , how did your change over happen ?



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      I came off slowly over a couple weeks but a pharmasist told me you can just stop it

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      janey what cbd oil dis you buy , I have been looking and thinking about doing this for days and when I read your post this morning It gave me a glimmer of hope

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      From Holland and Barratts but to be honest I dont think it's working enough for my pain so I stopped it and went onto gabapentin. I dont like taking drugs and they make me very tired but my pain is bad.

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    i was on mirt for 4 years 7 half for 2 years then tapered off to bout 2 mg i was in a low dose probably same as yours for some time my dr told me to up it but when i did i was so sleepy so i decided to stop had withdrawels for bout 4 months but i was not on anything else .it depends what u taking it for for 15 mg is for anxiety 7half is for sleep dont know what your other drug is for maybe fiscuss woth toyr dr. maybe 2 drugs too much good luck

    • Posted

      Hi tac, tx for the response. the psych initially prescribed 15mg for anxiety/& agoraphobia, but my doc started me on a lower dose. The other drug is an SSRI and also for anxiety & the combo is meant to work ok. but may have to go back for a chat as im just a zombie atm. I read that the lower doses are more sedating, but just dont know.

    • Posted

      lower dose of remeron is sedating good idea to go ba ck to dr to sort it out maybe to many meds ?? good luck

  • Edited

    I've read from many online sources and talked to a friend of mine who is taking Mirt, plus from my own experience, is that lower doses (lower than 15 mgs), is more sedating. I started at 15 mgs and felt like a zombie always tired, so I went down to 7.5 mgs, thinking I'd feel less sedated and groggy. Then when I saw my Dr, he said I didn't give it enough time to get through that phase, but by that time, I was gaining a lot of weight (20+ pounds), looked up that weight gain is a side effect of Mirt. I've been slowwwly weaning down (less withdrawal effects) and will be off it in 3 more days. Hopefully it will work better for you if you decide to continue taking it. We're all different, so it's trial and error when finding the right psych med.

  • Posted

    hi, I'm currently on 45mg. I started at 15mg and was also very sedated. it eventually does wear off but it takes time. I was in such a bad place at the time and only getting 2 hours sleep at night that I was greatful to be knocked out to escape reality. although I must add when you do take them for a long period they give you the most insane realistic dreams. and also the mirt did nothing for me but help sleep. the psych had to add venlafaxine after I'd been on the mirt 4 months and had no relief... when I took both together they eventually worked. I hope you find the answers you need and the right medication for you.


  • Posted

    hi there, personally if you were me i would stop immediately . when i started taken it i slept like s baby , i was conpletely zonked out though . i read about the weight gain snd withdrawls and thought it was just proffesional moaners.

    i soon went from being slim and energetic to two stone overweight with no energy at all, no motivation either. i would eat bags and bags of sweets like i was addicted.

    i had all if this on just 15mg - i went up to 30mg and recently i have gone doen to 15mg which made me wake at 3am for 4 weeks

    if i were you i eouldnt touch them with a barge pole

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    I was exactly the same as you Fiona. The daytime sedation at first was unbearable - not able to work or function. The good news is that it 100% DOES get better. I now have no daytime sleepiness at all except for a bit of a morning hangover for the first hour, but other than that I feel completely normal. The difficult thing is that it can take some time. Everyone is different but for me it took about 2 months for it to wear off completely. After about a month it reduced to feeling fine except for after lunch when I'd get this overwhelming wave of exhaustion, then eventually after 2 months that disappeared too. And I still think that "wave" thing may have actually been due to the Escitalopram that I also started at the same time as the Mirt, so in actual fact it could just take a month for you. (Sounds a long time, I know). But in the vast majority of cases it WILL disappear if you give it time. I remember at the time feeling like it can't possibly be normal to feel that way! Also one final thing - you may see from a lot of publications that lower doses of Mirt are more sedating than higher, because the Histamine element of it outweighs the noradrenaline at lower doses. So reducing it isn't necessarily the best approach - 15mg seems to be (from everything I have read) the best dose to be effective, but not interfere negatively with sleep, if you can just ride out the initial sedation until your body has got used to it. Good luck! x

  • Posted

    Hello, the daytime tiredness wears off shortly in my experience. However, Mirtazapine is more sedating the lower the doseage you take due to it's impact on antihistamine receptors. That is why it can be prescribed off label for insomnia at very low doses, e.g. splitting the 15mg tablet into halfs or quarters. If you are taking it for anxiety or depression you probably won't see any benefits unless you take at least 15mg daily. I take 30mg for anxiety daily and the daytime tiredness wore off quite quickly. I take it just before bed, sleep right through and wake up refreshed in the morning and have done for 14 months now. Good luck!

  • Posted

    I've been on Mirt for over a year now at 15mg before bedtime. The first month the sedation was quite strong all during the next day but after the first month it wore off. Fast forward a year & I'm a bit groggy the first hour after I get up but I've always been like that even when I wasn't on medication.

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