New to Peri. Racing heart and shaking, Stiff back
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Hello ladies, i am new to this forum and thank God i found it. About a week ago i woke up in the night with racing heart, shaking, unable to breath. I thought i was dying, I called 911 and the ems came to my home. I went to the hospital and took test all came back normal. The dr said i had a panic attack. I never had one in my life and it scared the living daylights out of me. This morning i got up and felt off. I could barely stand, felt very weak and my heart started to race. Heavy breathing. I drank plenty of water and laid on the couch. It has now stopped. This is all new to me and i do not no what to do. I called in work and i am still in bed scared to get up. Can you ladies please give me some advice. How long does this last ? thank you
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Guest sally15609
Hi Sally,
I had a very similar experience to you when I first started perimenopause. I had several episodes of a racing heart which lasted for 2-3 days. On the third morning, I called 911 as I was sure I was having a heart attack. Went to ER. All fine. I wasn't aware at that time how much hormones affect EVERY bodily system. Since then, I have researched, researched, researched.
I am glad you called EMS to rule out serious conditions but unfortunately the hormone imbalance that we are suffering is brutal and not for the faint of heart. I am one that has really suffered for the last 4-5 years. It has affected my digestive system, my sex life, and most importantly my mental and emotional health.
I finally decided to go on biohrt in March and it has helped. It hasn't been the 'magic pill' but it has made a difference.
Read as much as you can. You will find yourself in good company with thousands of other women. You may find comfort in knowing you're not alone and also may find helpful remedies.
sally15609 Guest
Thank you Kim for taking the time. It was my first post and i cried while writing it. I cannot believe this is all hormone related. I have been reading you ladies post and i cannot believe it. I have taken 2 weeks off work to focus and get awareness . What to eat, what vitamins and dr visits. I read about biohrt and i am going to look into it. I had so much planned for the summer and now i am bed ridden. This condition has taken over my life. Now i am worried about my finances because i have no husband to depend on. Financially or mentally, no kids. This is so surreal to me because i never been taught of these crazy symptoms. I am 46 and scarred to death of what lies ahead. Thank God i found you all and thank you for your response. God bless
Guest sally15609
I totally understand and empathize. Over the last few years, I have literally had tears drop on my keyboard as I would read or write into this forum and one other that I am a member of.
The best thing you can do besides becoming part of this commnit is to read - learn about hormones and how powerful they are. You will then at least know that many of the scary symptoms you are feeling are brought on by the up and down and general depletion of estrogen, progesterone and even testosterone.
I have found that magnesium glycinate in the morning and at night is helpful for me in getting a sense of calm. I take 200 mg in the morning and 400 mg at night. I also use occasionally a magnesium cream on my skin when I fee like my heart is racing. I will rub it right on my chest and it does help calm me.
Be well - you will get through this. 😃
Rainbow976 sally15609
Hi Sally,
Where are you in your cycle? All my initial symptoms where exactly like yours with a few visits to ER, Drs and no answers. I finally narrowed it down to the time I should be or was ovulating as well as about 5-7 days before my period was expected. I think the racing, tingling, panicky feeling is the drop in estrogen at certain points in the cycle but have yet to know if this is true or what to do about it.
The good news is after several months of it coming and going, you realize you are not actually dying, which when it first happens you are sure you are which makes it worse. I never had anxiety, depression, etc. before all this started but now these issues come and go regularly. Hang in there!
hopeforever Guest
Thank you Kim. God bless
sally15609 Guest
Thank you Kim for your response. I will take your advice anything helps. I will not google that is something i told myself when it first started. It will drive me nuts. I am going nuts as is is and do not need anything to add onto it. I am heading out to buy some vitamins anything that would help. This is one of the scariest times of my life. This morning i woke up and didn't know what day it was. I was going crazy, never happened to me before. Thank God for you ladies or i would be lost. Thank you once again. God bless
Guest sally15609
Hi Sally, sorry you are starting to experience bad perimeno symptoms. We are an elite group of woman who get the worse of it, but you are in great company if that's any comfort.
And it is crazy how it just kind of hits us overnight. If you think back you will probably come up with other things that were leading up to it though.
Get bloodwork to rule out everything. Don't GOOGLE. Seriously. Just don't. Anxiety of thinking you have something more sinister will just send you spiraling more. Know that those symptoms you had are indeed common, most of us had them. For me they lasted about a year, everyone is different though. I'm almost 3 years in now and still experiencing other stuff, my periods are starting to skip 3/4 months at a time. Are you showing any signs of cycle changes? If not you probably will. Like mid cycle spotting. Or shorter inbetween or longer.
Just try and take it easy. We are all here for you and completely understand.
sally15609 Guest
Thank you Suzanne . It feels so good knowing i have you ladies for support. I find myself running to the forum for comfort when i have a new symptom. This morning has been rough although i am 4 days post period. I thought things would get better but it seems not. I will not google or i will go mad. I am keeping a calendar to track day to day. This is one of the hardest times of my life. I am reading that some women are 10 to 12 yrs dealing with this. I cannot believe it. Week and a half for me and i am going crazy. I have 2 dr's appointment next week but feel that nothing will come out of it. Its all hormones thats the common denominator. I have to fix my hormones. Its that plain and simple. Have a wonderful day. God bless
rebecca94858 sally15609
I have had the heart racing, can't breathe feeling many times. It is very frightening when it first starts happening. I have noticed that it happens regularly at night during ovulation and period time. Then it goes away for a week or so. When that happens, I have my husband hold my hand until it goes away. I am sorry you are dealing with this. Hopefully, it will go away soon.
Rainbow976 rebecca94858
Same here Rebecca, feeling my heart beat in my throat when I lay down to fall asleep at ovulation or before period. If you haven't tried it, magnesium glycinate helps relax the body when you take it before bedtime. And this version doesn't cause digestion issues. It helps me a lot but it still takes forever to fall asleep when you are internally vibrating 😦
rebecca94858 Rainbow976
Thanks for the advice! I will have to give it a try!
sally15609 rebecca94858
Hi rebecca. Yes night are my worst although days are rough. I am 4 days after my period and symptoms are worse. Is this normal ? Have you ever experienced this before. I had racing heart this morning and cannot breath with heavy chest. I am a complete mess and its not even noon. I hope symptoms would subside. Have a good day and thanks once again.
rebecca94858 sally15609
Could you be anemic? I get short of breath and heart racing when my iron is low. Are your periods heavy? Sometimes I just have the heart racing with no known cause. I am now on a beta blocker. It helps but doesn't stop it completely. Oh, and if I get scared about it, it gets worse. I am not enjoying this time of life.
claire38123 sally15609
hi sally this is how i also found the help and support of this site i woke up in jan around 3am shaking sweaty dizzy and the most horrendous palpitations i thought i was having heart attack my hubby rang 999 and apart from my bp being through the roof my ecg was fine i was having a panic attack after that 1st night 3am was my witching hour and it kept happening night after night some easier than others my gp done bloods and it shown all fine apart from i was in peri, i had a hysterectomy at 39 but kept my ovaries iam now 46 i also had other symptoms sore lumpy boobs low mood and no sex drive he put me on the sick for 3 months with peri menopausal anxiety, things are a little better as iv learned to live with fact its hormones and iam not dying even though i have had the paramedics out twice now as its so scary, iam back at work and still have anxiety some days and feel crap but i refuse to go on anti depressants and i cant have hrt as breast cancer runs through the family so i just try to clam down by coloring watching tv or going for a walk mindfulness is an amazing help (google it) but just to let you know you are not alone we are all here to help each other so take care and be kind to yourself if you need more time off work take it i was always at work but i needed to look after me hence the 3 month off which helped me deal with this crap they call the menopause.... big hugs and take care xxx iv just spent 5 days in spain with my 26 year old daughter she paid for it all as a treat i was dreading it for weeks incase i woke up at 3am and needed help but i didnt have 1 episode of panic at all it was the break in the sun i needed xx
sally15609 claire38123
Hi Clair. thank you for responding. So glad you had a good time in spain. I am dreading to leave the country scared out of my mind that something might happen to me. I cannot believe whats going on with my body. You ladies have been of such wonderful help, i have no words to thank you all. Today i bought a tv for my bedroom which i always said to myself that i wouldn't do but when i am experiencing the panic and anxiety attacks it scares me . I am having a hard time dealing with all this. I guess i have to take it day by day. Thanks again