Newly diagnosed prostrate cancer stage III T3C
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Hey guys, I guess we are all here for the same s****y diagnosis a dude can ever get. I’m 59 yrs old and the saying use it or Lose doesn’t ring true to me. My wife and I are having sex on almost a daily basis and it’s a huge component in our relationship. This is my 3rd marriage but should have been my first. We’ve been together 7 yrs and the sex is awesome and now this!! I’m waiting on the MRI results but my question is has anyone had the surgery radical prostecomy and than others who have had just the radiation and hormones. My surgeon doesn’t think mine is operable so he mentioned radiation with hormones. I need to know if this will effect my ability to have an erection or from what he told me the surgery is worse cuz they cut the nerves that produce an erection. I don’t want to live as a woman with breasts and no working penis. I’d rather be gone & I know some might think it’s shallow but I need to know if I have a better chance at keeping my manhood and with which procedure. Can anyone share your exp with both treatments?
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henry84646 johnny62162
Me..75..gleeson 9..grade tb3.have finished radiation, have 1 more hormone injection next january.
The side effects of my hormone treatment are hard. But in saying this not everyone has the sides
Back to personal stuff.
The hormones affected my libido dreadfully, destroyed it completely. I learnt too late to counter the libido destruction,take Sildenafil 100gm b4 your start any treatment.
My doc told me, monday to Friday take 1/4 of a tablet, then on Saturday n sunday take a full tablet each day.
But to counter the libido loss to start this program b4 u start treatment.
I have spoken to others and it worked for them.
Best of luck.
johnny62162 henry84646
henry84646 johnny62162
The idea is to beat the libido loss by starting the Viagara b4 the hormone starts.
I now have no personal life coz i didnt know of the pre hormone start with Viagra. Mate, you have a great life with your partner, try everything to maintain that intimacy , the hormone will take that from you unless you get organized.
In my regular 1/4ly PSA N TOSTESTERONE tests my tostesterone level had spiked from <.26 to 13.6.
Am now waiting for my next testing...mmmm
henry84646 johnny62162
anthony70342 johnny62162
My husband had 9 weeks of radiation at the Cancer Treatment Center of Phoenix back in September-November 2017 and has had his PSA checked every 3 mos. since. His PSA is LESS than 0 which is GREAT!!!!! He also gets Lupron shots every 3 mos. as well and those seem to be working great also. So that aspect has us both elated. As for the sex life.....? Our 20+ year relationship really wasn't about that for us anyway.. Start a list of questions for your doctor regarding that. And if you really want good answers/treatment, contact the CTCA of America. There are 4 locations in the U.S. I thank God every day for the success we have had with them. Yes, 9 weeks is a long time (daily doses) of radiation and every 3 mos. is a pain in the butt. But "consider the alternative." Godspeed!
johnny62162 anthony70342
I’m so sorry about your husband’s diagnosis. I didn’t mean to be rude about my wife and My sex life but it really is a huge component since we don’t have a conventional relationship that way it goes deeper than that. I want to live but I want to be able to be intimate with her. Thank you for your input.
Pepasan johnny62162
There are plenty of ways to help if it turns out you can't get erections after treatment. Tablets, injections direct to the penis, even a penile implant, Radical removal would probably be the most drastic, and your orgasms would never be the same.
david41094 johnny62162
I had RT and hormone treatment and have been extremely happy with the results. I, too, am 59 years old and in a 'loving' relationship. Although my libido is not quite as high as prior to treatment it is still very strong and my wife and I have sex at least once a week. I have tried the blue pill but it gave me headaches and to be honest I don't really need it.
?I am extremely pleased that I chose the treatment that I did and would recommend it to you. I had mine in the UK. The multiple visits to the hospital are a drag but infinitely preferable to the fallout of RP (in my opinion).
Fear not Johnny, there is plenty of fun to be had on the other side of the curtain.
P.S orgasms are mostly 'dry' but feel much the same.
johnny62162 david41094
Hi David,
Thank you for this information I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. now you’ve given me some hope on making the right decision if you don’t mind me asking a couple questions?
1.) How long ago were you diagnosed?
2.) how long ago did you finish treatment and how long was the hormones and radiation treatment?
3.) did yours spread outside the prostrate? I have a tumor on my right Seminole vesicle & my Gleason score was a 8 & my psa a 8.6. Do you mind sharing your Gleason & psa?
I thank you in advance & appreciate it!!
You really gave me hope I won’t tirn into a female lol
david41094 johnny62162
I was diagnosed 3 years ago with PSA 9.8 and rising and GS 4+4. I opted for RT/Hormone for two reasons: the cancer was near the capsule so I feared an op might leave some behind and I didn't like the side effects I was hearing from surgery - especially on this forum.
?I believe I made the right decision, two years on my PSA has fallen to 0.3 and I have few side effects. Apart from the 6-monthly PSA tests I have put the whole episode behind me and I hope you can do the same.
All the best
anthony70342 david41094
johnny62162 david41094
Hi David,
Congratulations on being cancer free for 3 yrs!!! I have to say you are a great example of hope for me. We don’t realize how sharing ones exp can actually help me make the best decision & most important for my life. I don’t want anything taking out but was afraid of radiation & the hormone but I think it’s the best thing to do. Mine already spread to my right Seminole vesicle so it already broke through.
Have you tried any alternative treatments or supps? I hear about ph & apricot seeds killing cancer.
Davey22 johnny62162
First of all, you would need a Axumin or C11 Choline or PSMA PET scan to see if the cancer cells have spread anywhere else in your body. Did you get a 3T MRI ? What were the results of the biopsy?
johnny62162 Davey22
I’m getting a mri with contrast done Sunday. They will know more if they can operate or not then.
Thank you for the info
charles61038 johnny62162
Do your research before you decide on a treatment. You don't mention your PSA or Gleason score. Have you already had a biopsy? You can research your treatment options and try to avoid any radical surgery. Check out websites for Brachytherapy. It is a low dose radiation seed implant procedure. It is a one time treatment option done as an outpatient. I had this done nearly 2 years ago. With any treatment there are side effects, but with this one they are less severe than most. Since seed implants are low dose, there is less chance of burning the surrounding tissues. You will be sore for a few weeks after... but your erections will return, and you will perform as normal after about 6 to 8 months. At this point form me - it is like nothing ever happened. Good luck to you.
johnny62162 charles61038
My Gleason score was an eight and my PSA was an 8.6. Can I ask you did they remove everything from you or just the radiation seeds and what stage of cancer were you when I am a stage IIIT3C ?
Thank you
charles61038 johnny62162
johnny62162 charles61038