Nightmare menopause
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Morning all,
I've been goin through menopause for last 81/2 years an i'm goin throu hell an back! I can't beleive all this is still goin on. I have aching bones,muscles,cramps! Pain in my back is unbeleivable an think got something wrong with me. Anxiety is starting up again,dry eyes/skin itching! Is there anyone else like this? xx
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Pra_Adoni catherine57760
Hi Catherine, though my journey started around 2 years ago, I can totally relate to all your symptoms. Its hellish time...changing from day to day.
Its like all the symptoms take turns in tormenting me, with no particular order and no specific intensity. Pains, aches, mood swings, brain fog, lethargy-tiredness, anxiety, palpitations, IBS, name it I get it. I am at my wits end how to cope with it. There are only a finite number of supplements that you can take!
Hang in there, hopefully there is light at the end of this long tunnel.
pinkcatfairy catherine57760
Dear Catherine
Im three years post meno and im still getting symptoms, do you take anything for y. our dry eyes? I have to take eye drops every morning because i wake up with dry eyes. The drops seem to help greatly! I get the aching muscles and sometimes a pain in back which radiates into the abdominal area, this can go as quickly as it comes, plus i have a hiatas hernia which can play up sometimes too. The flushes go and then seem to come again after drinking caffeine and then they disappear again. My sleep can be ok and then i have stages of waking every few hours. There doesnt seem a written rule when it should end does it? I had my ovaries out and although was starting to go through menopause, i went straight into surgical menopause, you would think with t hem out, everything would stop but not so! X
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
hi pink. dis you have everything removed or just ovaries? what was the reason? thanks
pinkcatfairy 2chr2015
I just had ovaries removed by choice, my sister had breast cancer at 27 and my aunt ovarian cancer at 21, i was never offered genetic screening (even though i did ask) so i made the choice about having ovaries removed. I did have cysts on them which were simple ones and nothing to worry about but I didnt want to risk the chance of ovarian cancer
2chr2015 pinkcatfairy
ok gotcha. thats exactly what i would have done too! thanks for replying
janice09397 catherine57760
Omg I'm same darl. I thought going the meno was just going to fly by and that would be it.. BUT OH NO.. I am in bits it's absolutely harendous. I really feel for you sweetheart.. Thank goodness for this forum just knowing where not alone x
mrs_susan74280 catherine57760
Me the same as well, anyone have internal treamberling, at all, or on any medication for everything, what's everyone,s age
catherine57760 mrs_susan74280
i have internal treambiling last thing at night,feel like my body is vibrating n sometimes tell my husband to stop moving an he isn't it's my body.
katyD211 mrs_susan74280
I'm 59...still having short 1 to 2 days periods whenever. Family history of going long. 😫 ALL the symptoms everyone else has, including that internal shakiness. Thank God the symptoms seem to cycle around and never hit all at once or I'd be in the loony bin for sure. Dry eyes, dry skin, aches, sore boobs, stomach issues, thick toenails, etc., low energy, cant stay asleep...yuck.
mrs_susan74280 katyD211
Is your internal treamberling, like buzzing , the only place I love in winter is bed, how long as it been going on for, mine since April,not sure if it's hormones or anxiety
katyD211 mrs_susan74280
The treambling shakes I usually get at least once a month, I felt it yesterday while at work. I thought a truck had gone rumbling by, asked a co teacher if she'd felt it and she looked at me like I was crazy. LOL!! Also feeling heavy achy boobs and slight nausea off n on so I'm sure I will have a period any minute. These things have become harbingers of an approaching flow. Scary each time it's the first time.
tracy43395 catherine57760
I am 5 years from a hysterectomy. I was on hrt and still felt like I was going mad. All the things you described and more. Now I have to come off hrt and feel even worse! Shaking, weakness, dizziness, pain etc. If I have to do this for much longer I am going to end up in a straight jacket and padded cell.
mrs_susan74280 tracy43395
How old are you, I also have fibromyalgia, internal treamberling, needing to wee all the time, on Citalopram at the moment 10mg, also trying HRT pump, but not working much, in bed at the moment, with anxiety and depression ,I am 58,
tracy43395 mrs_susan74280
I am 49 and have had fibromyalgia since 26 years old. Fibro is made worse by hormonal changes. I need to see constantly. I am currently trying Femerelle and I have to say that 4 weeks in it is helping a little. Less hot flushes and reduced seeing. Apart from that my life is falling apart and I spend most days in bed crying.
mrs_susan74280 tracy43395
Oh , I had a sort of mini break down april never recovered, are you on any other medicines, have you a family, I, ve had fibromyalgia since age about 30 years, tired alsorts, also got wear and tear bottom of back, had a rotten year this year trying different antidepressants, no holidays at all, you can always message me if you feel low, just to compare what we are doing, anyway going to watch bit of t.v, after haveing a low day, take care
catherine57760 mrs_susan74280
I'm 57 an i truly feel for you it a nightmare just can't wait till i wake up normal again whatever normal is!
tracy43395 mrs_susan74280
Do you have blurred vision? I can't read a book or write more than a few lines anymore. It's the worst symptom for me.