No appetite
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Hi all it’s me again with more worry! This last week I have had very little appetite and burping hours after I have eaten. Wore jeans yesterday which felt uncomfortable around my middle. Have definitely put weight on. My gran had ovarian cancer and now I’m in meltdown. Can you please tell me if you have experienced this xx
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Stresshead01 kate_80669
Yes I have experienced it......poor appetitie some days, feeling full quickly, not fancying my food and gassy. I seem to have good days and bad. I've read it alot on here with other ladies too. You have just replied to my thread so I know how how you feel about being in meltdown but try not to worry. Sending a hug xx
kate_80669 Stresshead01
Stresshead01 kate_80669
I'm just about to turn 46. I have never felt so out of sorts and out of control before. Nobody warns you about how this makes you feel and there seems to be so many different things that can affect us. I understand why people get health anxiety.....I have been practically planning my own funeral !!
kate_80669 Stresshead01
We are the same by the sounds of it. 💩isn’t it xx
Stresshead01 kate_80669
juanita93228 Stresshead01
Health anxiety, depression, and just not being as mentally strong as I used to be have been my worse symptoms. My mind just goes to the worst places! It's a struggle every day to keep my mind in check. I have to pray. I always feel like I'm in fight or flight mode. My appetite goes up and down. I've lost about 12 pounds. The gassy phase is off and on.
Some days I only eat once a day because I'm just not hungry.
Nancy2121 kate_80669
Oh YES! My stomach has NEVER been so sensitive. Often vomit now days. There are days I can't eat Mexican food. Have a belly I can't lose. Look in the mirror and don't recognize the person looking back. Feel as though I have to give up everything and still won't feel good. The past few years have gradually gotten worse.
kate_80669 Nancy2121
MenoPro1970 kate_80669
lori93950 kate_80669
kate_80669 lori93950
kate_80669 lori93950
AJacynM kate_80669
Hey there,
Yes, I defo feel this... tonight I didn't eat my dinner as I just don't have an appetite... yet I'm bloated, tired and just feel horrid!
I go through bouts of hunger and then days of no appetite at all... I just want a chunk of chocolate and that's it!!
Not good. 😞
AJ. x
lori93950 AJacynM
The only time I want to eat is after I’ve had my medical marijuana ! I used to love my breakfast now can barely get it down !
Margie750 kate_80669
I have also been experiencing a lot of symptoms with my stomach. It seems that everything I used to be able to eat now upsets my stomach. I have felt lousy this whole week. I have gas pains and alternating diarrhea and constipation. It's horrible. I feel very hungry but as soon as I eat I feel sick. I'm so tired of feeling this way.