No interest in food
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So I've read many women have nausea during peri. What about having no interest in food. I have a hard time finding things that are appealing to eat. Not only that but I feel full a lot of the time. Not bloated or in pain just full. I have lost weight,but doctor doesn't seem concerned. I do have the nausea as well. Anyone else going through this?
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Guest michelle92591
Hi Michelle, Yes, I have gone through this. Tital loss of appetite. I dropped 15 lbs unintentionally last year. I am small, so that and the 400 other peri symptoms I thought I had cancer! Dr didn’t care either...just told me to eat more🙄 I always felt full and nauseous after a couple bites. Even tried going to junky fast food interest. Had endo and colonoscopy...all clear. GERD was an issue along with anxiety. I found that drinking things was more appealing to I practically lived on flavored shakes fir awhile. Slowly, my appetite came back. On AD for 3 months, my stomach is settled, GERD is under control... A year later and I am 5 lbs away from gaining back everything I lost! It is awful to lose weight, and much harder to gain it back.
susane84679 michelle92591
hi Michelle
I have never been a big eater, maybe once a day, if that, but lately i have had absolutely no interest in eating at all. i think because when i do eat i get nauseous and start gagging halfway through. i have a queasy feeling most days. i dont throw up but it feels like i need to, but as i said, i gag if i try to eat. i know that this will pass as the other symptoms have but it makes us even more miserable then we are already. hang in there! hugs💛💚😌
Indifferent michelle92591
mauiblue michelle92591
I'm Michelle I have been dealing with this for a year-and-a-half now.
It was worse before but I still never really have a desire to eat a lot of anything and I have to make sure that I eat if not it affects everything and makes moods everything worse.
I've always had kind of got issues anyways and not eating very well so now whatever good issues I have is worsened because of menopause I feel like I don't digest anything well at all I have loading I have gas sometimes I have all of that lovely stuff.
Strangely enough I don't even talk about it on the phone because my other issues are so much more severe.
You're not alone!
I'm the forum!
Not on the phone haha
juanita93228 michelle92591
I went through that too. Lost 12 or so pounds. Dr. was thrilled. I didn't tell her I lost it because I had no interest in food and what I did eat didn't taste good. It's like my tastebuds took a vacation. Now food tastes good again and I'm trying to keep the weight off. 😂😂😂
lori93950 michelle92591
I used to love my breakfast ... can’t evsn get it down .. no appetite whatsoever ... used to cook for everybody and haven’t done that for almost 18 months . Only time I get hungry is after some medical marijuana.
Sassyr12a michelle92591
Hello Michelle
I also had this. It was more related to feeling full and bloated, I just didn't want to eat anything. Your appetite will come back don't worry. In the meantime, just try and eat little and often.... A bit of anything you fancy. I took supplements just to make sure I was topped up. If you feel full, try ant acid, maybe it's part of reflux and changes in your gut. Best if luck Michelle xx
karen60759 michelle92591
Flo94554 michelle92591
I find the nausea very much like how I was through pregnancy. I find just keeping it very bland and beige has helped me. My husband said to me just last week how I was really off my food, I just don't want to cook it or eat it.
Hopefully it will improve for us all given time.
audra86673 michelle92591
Yes, I had this. I lost around 25 lbs last year because of it. It was weight I didn't have to spare but food was so unappealing. I'd have to gag down crackers some days and force myself to eat some days. i realized a couple months after it all started and I was feeling a bit better with my exhaustion and anxiety that I still had no appetite and that I had not had the sensation of hunger for a couple months! I started counting my calories and found I was only eating around 500 calories a day and that was a struggle for me to get down some days. I slowly started increasing my intake and had to make it bland food as smells would still make me gag and unable to eat. Bread was my friend during this time! So many foods I loved were totally unappealing and I couldn't have forced them down my throat if I had tried. After about 6 months it got better and now ( 13 months after it all started) I'm almost back to old eating habits even though now I can no longer stand garlic - which kills me because I use to love garlic. And the feeling of hunger has not come back as much as it was prior to all this. I get more of a craving sensation than a hunger sensation I'd say. I've gained back 12 of the 25 lbs I'd lost. Hang in there! I know nausea is so awful but it will ease up.
lori93950 audra86673
audra86673 lori93950
Oh I know! Going out is so hard when you feel so bad! Add on no appetite... makes it so unpleasant to go anywhere! My moms bday is early October. Last year we decided to do a bday dinner for my mom. Only my family and my brother and his family. No big deal, right? Oh geez... I was JUST feeling able to cope with real life to a small fraction and not spend most of my time at home or in bed. Boy was that a hard night out! Having to fake being ok and fake having a good time and fake like a gave a crap about having a conversation! Add on trying to swallow my food!! My mom knew how I was and didn't question me or focus on me but my SIL was no help! I was only able to dip a tiny piece of the lettuce from my salad into the dressing I ordered on the side and only ate 6 or so small bites of it. I had already lost a lot of weight and my SIL, who is judgemental to begin with, was giving me the looks and stares. Ugh! I wanted to flip her off and punch her! She's my age and is/was just sailing through peri! I'm sitting here thinking about last year ..... damn! I seriously hated last year! So much down time and feeling so awful! I know you're having a rough go at it right now. I feel for you and hope things ease up for you very soon.
** my sons favorite food is chocolate croissants. He loves the ones they make at Whole Foods. Says they're some of the best he's eaten. Not sure if you've got a WHole Foods around you but if so, maybe a well deserved treat when you crave them 😊
Finny2018 audra86673
Audra- this scene you described almost made me cry. It brought me back to just a month ago when I was in a similar situation. Oh how fragile and a wreck I was at that stage. I was in such a desperate place and it was the first time we had a family gathering to go to and as everyone was piling up their plates I realized I hadn't thought about what this was going to mean. Like you, I put some salad on my plate and cut a 1/4 of some available grilled meat on my plate.
When I sat down a relative exclaimed in front of everyone at the table "is that all you're going to eat?" I almost cried and thought - are they all staring at me and frightened for me like I'm frightened for me????
I couldn't eat. I lied and said I had eaten before we arrived as well as had a strong coffee and it curbed my appetite. Even just writing this I am so thankful for how far I have come! Those nearly 3 months were the scariest in my life. Your story sounds so familiar to mine. I'm still fragile but if I was a 1 out of 10 then; I'm about a 7 now. And that feels like a miracle to me. It's hard to relive those weeks but I know that it helped me so much when the women on this forum shared these experiences and said it would get better- and it has. For that I am grateful!
juanita93228 audra86673
Your son is right. They make really yummy chocolate croissants, that and cinnamon sugar dusted muffin, but it's made with croissant dough. Just divine!