No way to live
Posted , 12 users are following.
I dont understand how a person can feel like they are shutting down both mentally and physically EVERYDAY yet the doctors say your fine. I know i should be thankful that they are telling me that and i feel so ashamed at myself because there are people and children dying everyday but i feel like I can whine here to you ladies and you dont judge. It breaks my heart when I read your messages and your questions and i have all of the same symptoms and more and i tell you guys to hang in there and not to lose hope yet I cant follow my own advice. Thats it- just needed to vent and cry.
6 likes, 31 replies
hopeforever susan39015
Hi Susan. I know exactly how you feel. I am feeling extreme chronic fatigue and other symptoms but so tired of going to my doctor only for her to look at me and all my test and say i am fine. I find this complete madness that in a day and age where we are living that doctors don't have answers for our problems. It sickens me to my stomach. I had to find a solution to my problems on my own. I booked an appointment for Friday to see a naturopathic dr who specializes in woman's hormones. When talking with her she said she will help me and teach me how to handle this tough period in my life. I cannot wait to see her. Yes, i have to pay a lot out of pocket but it is worth it. I just cannot live like this anymore. It is sucking the life out of me mentally and physically.
pam90720 hopeforever
hi hope.... i told my mom we here more about Viagra and Erectyle Disfunction than help {safe help) for menopause..
sakura26 hopeforever
I'm glad you found someone, but it is terrible we should have to pay out of pocket. I know how expensive it can get.
Guest hopeforever
Hopeforever, I would ask for an EBV test, just google it to make sure they are giving you all the proper tests (there's three). I have a feeling it will come back that you are positive for a reactivation. My doctors kept telling me I was perfectly healthy , I went to every doctor there is, concierge/gyn/cardiologist/naturopath/hematologist/rheumotologist/gastro/hormone doc/endocrinologist, I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Finally I read an article and it sounded like all of my symptoms so I requested the concierge to give me the EBV test. Mind you, this is the doctor who was so smug and came in smiling to me saying I'm perfectly healthy. He agreed to the test and couldn't believe when it came back positive. Of course he said I have mono, which isn't accurate, but at least he found out there was something going on. EBV is key in Chronic Fatigue patients. I went to see an immunologist in NYC who specializes in it, she said the lowered immune system due to failing hormones caused the EBV to reactivate.
So it's very possible this is what's happening to those of us who are so sick.
Can you remember having a bad case of mono when you were a teen? I think some of us have a very strong strain of EBV in our bodies. Myself, I was in the hospital for a week with mono when I was 16.
hopeforever pam90720
So true Pam. So frustrating. There has to be a solution which i think they have but are keeping us ladies in the loop of mental and physical confusion.
hopeforever sakura26
Thank you Sakura. It is a shame that us women have to pay to get answers to problems such as our health. I feel for the women who do not have the funds to help with their symptoms whether physical or mental. Thank God for this forum where we can all meet and support each other.
hopeforever Guest
Thank you Suzanne for the valuable information. I will defenently take the advice given. I did not have mono as a teen. This chronic fatigue just showed up yesterday. Never felt so tired like this in my life. I hope this symptom passes quickly. I am learning so much from you ladies and i am grateful to each and everyone of you.
katyD211 pam90720
Pam...that is so true. I never realized that until you pointed it out. So unfair...
sunaina1983 hopeforever
mam plzz do share tips of ur naturalphathic Dr after meeting her
lelawreck Guest
I all. I would also like to vent a little bit and specifically reply to Suzanne's post. When I was in my 20ties I too was diagnosed with EBV as well as coxsackie virus. It took a long time to heal from this. In my 30ties I had - what i refer to as a relapse and got the virus again. I was treated with immune booster injections (berryglobin) this really help a lot and I did not take such a long time to recover as when I got it in my 20ties. Now I am in menopause, have to deal with anxiety, mild depression, heart palps and extreme fatigue. * Weeks ago I got influenza, influenza turned into bronchitis, turned into sinus infection turned into Otitis Media. I have been on 3 courses of antibiotics and 3 courses of cortisone. I ended up seeing a ENT due to the fact that my ear infection did not get better. At the end of the day he said that there is nothing they can do for me, I have to sit it out and wait for my body to heal it in its own time. I am in week 8 of been sick. As I know I can get a re-occurrence of EBV i went back to my GP and suggested that we consider immune booster injections again, to my shock he informed me that these became so expensive to purchase and seeing that the medical aids or what most of you know as medical insurance does not cover for it anymore. He suggested a herbal immune booster, which I did purchase. I can just as well pop a rascal sweetie and tell myself that i took meds, as these have done nothing! I now have to deal with EBV and menopause fatigue and I agree, with advance medical info, why is it so hard to get help? I read here that some of the women here can visit people that specialises in women hormone balances - I stay in South Africa, your options are a GP and a GYNE. I too am sick and tired of feeling tired, i cannot even endure thinking that I have 7 years left of this hell. I'll keep on reading and staying on this forum, at least here we don't get judge and feel like we hypochondriacs.....
pam90720 susan39015
hi susan ❤❤ i could have written this... it gets very lonely feeling like this..... ❤
sakura26 susan39015
I completely agree! I think because women who suffer don't talk about it, people don't realize how debilitating it can be and doctors don't pay enough attention to find better solutions. We need to complain! Yes it's not terminal but it's akin to a chronic illness that impedes your ability to function! And for some women doesn't just go away after menopause hits. Hang in there. You are not alone.
Guest sakura26
I think doctors are quick to blame depression when you complain. It's so frustrating.
pam90720 Guest
absolutely, Suzanne!!
hopeforever Guest
Suzanne you are right about the depression. I once had a doctor ask me to fill out a page regarding depression to evaluate me although i told him i was perimenopause. . I turned it down because i was so angry. We women have to stand up and be strong adversaries for our own bodies because we are the only ones who no our own bodies. Dr's like when we don't so they can prescribe us any drug and make money with the pharmaceutical companies out there.