No zest for life .... nothing excites me.
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I wondered if anybody else feels this way? I used to get excited if the bloody gardener was coming ! Now I don’t even care about the garden.
I used to order clothes online all the time didn’t keep most of them but I’d get a little buzz about it . Now I couldn’t give a s***.
I’d get excited about my workout now have to push myself to do it... I mean really push .we have a big car event next week in my town I’ve got friends who come to it and it’s loads of fun ... fancy cars fancy events .. not even excited about that ! Normally I’d be picking outfits out getting a spray tan ...
What is this all about .
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katherine_c lori93950
lori93950 katherine_c
Yes the little sparks of excitement and happiness have totally GONE. I never needed a lot to make me happy was content just doing things around the house ... going for a run... it’s all so sad . Poor us 20%!
lori93950 katherine_c
So after all that you’d think God would GIVE ME A BREAK! I’m happy to be alive but having a rough time of it .
samantha42264 lori93950
I posted something like this about a week ago. I don't have the anxiety attacks anymore and the low moods and depression seem to be gone.....I feel now that I'm at a blaaaaaaa everything is boring stage and have no feelings. I don't want to go back to crying over anything and feeling anxious all the time, but I'm kind of concerned that I just don't give a s**t and nothing excites me. I do go with my friends sometimes, but could take it or leave it, their conversations seem silly or meaningless to me. My coworkers conversations make me want to roll my eyes, they blab on and on about these things about work and ib my mind I think let ot go there are bigger things to worry about in this world. Maybe after you have been through hell and back, stupid conversations just aren't relevant?
I still put make up on everyday and make sure I look presentable, I wouldn't skip my yoga sessions but I don't have the will to do my old workouts.
I still have feelings for my sons at least, if they are upset or hurting I feel it, but I used to be more thoughtful of others, probably at times too soft, now that rarely happens.
I'm the same as you, I did my flower and vegetable garden, but don't feel excited about watching it grow. I do still enjoy watching the birds though.
Even though I feel so much calmer than last year, I find it very concerning I feel so flat and don't care. We are supposed to cry sometimes and should feel excited sometimes.
I did have slight a slight anxiety attack a few days ago, a guy who contacts me sometimes sent me a text, I got stressed over that, I think he gets my hormones moving, so I put a stop to that, but shouldn't I want that sometimes.
I don't know Lori, this is a big confusing mess with very little true answers.
lori93950 samantha42264
samantha42264 lori93950
I had anxiety and low moods from 40 to 45, the settled when I turned 46 last October. I still have my period like clock work so I'm still I'm Peri, I'm very aware it can all go back to hell when Meno hits, but at least I'll know what it is.
Nancy2121 lori93950
SO relate! Always athletic, thin. Was an aerobics instructor in college. Now days, (past several years and counting), a gradual decline began. Now I know it was peri.
Laid off in 2009. Lots of stress and strain with different things. Divorce, death of beloved dog. Thought it was depression. Nope! Had to work to support my son and I. Couldn't work if I had to now. Fatigue and dizziness. Can't drive most days. Horribly debilitating! Eyes itch so bad that make up is almost a thing of the past. Showering is a chore. Cancelled appointments, disconnecting from family/friends, etc. It's brutal. Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, the list goes on.
Hoping as Oct marks 1 year no period things will look up? Lost hope right now. Barely able to keep up with house stuff. Body aches SO much. Just ran out of cbd oil. That REALLY helped the aches, but that's about it. Feeling like a failure, compared to the strong woman I was even 4 years ago. 😕
You're not alone, as you know. It just SUCKS for us right now. NEVER thought life would be over at 50...
Finny2018 lori93950
Before this nightmare started in June, I would hit the day so excited about what I was going to accomplish! I'd get out my planner around 6:00am with my morning cup of coffee and organize my day, all of my big plans, email, texts, make my to-do list, schedule appointments, go out for my bike ride or brisk walk - wave to my neighbors - I have tons of hobbies and just love and am grateful for each day that I am blessed with .
I think that is what has been the HARDEST! I woke up starting in June and I was wiped. I figured - no worries - I will be back at it when I'm feeling better in a week or so! Must just be a bad cycle month. But then by the end of June I would wake up and noticed I didn't care about anything. And that scared me. I think it took a week or two just to get over that - the fact that I didn't care. I kept looking at that symptom on the list of 66 peri symptoms "lethargy" and I was in denial that the hormones had that much to do with my well being physically and mentally.
I'm starting to feel better. I'm on that cream. I am taking one day at a time. I do not recognize my home right now. I haven't made the bed since June. That fact alone is beyond symbolic of what is going on hormonally for me. I've had to surrender to everything. I don't recognize my hair since I've not had it done since May. I attended a large annual conference at that time - rewatched the videos of myself - going what in the world? How long before I am there again? This hit me out of nowhere.
lori93950 Finny2018
I’ve got events coming up in 10 days and praying that I liven up by then . It’s a lot of socializing getting dressed up and it lasts a week so... here’s hoping .
Glad your mood has lifted .... and that you are feeling a bit more normal.
I’m still waiting very impatiently for that day !
vicky77852 lori93950
I was feeling exactly the same a year ago! I used to shop online nice cloths, shoes etc and suddenly I had no interest at all. I was thinking to give up my career, to stop my motivation to wake up, no will to see my life at all. I absolutely know that feeling! 💐
vicky77852 lori93950
I was feeling exactly the same a year ago! I used to shop online nice cloths, shoes etc and suddenly I had no interest at all. I was thinking to give up my career, to stop my motivation to wake up, no will to see my life at all. I absolutely know that feeling! 💐
lori93950 vicky77852
You came out of it though Vicky? How long did it last? So sick of feeling down 😩 want at least a little spark back in my life .
michelle92591 lori93950
lori93950 michelle92591
I’m not giving that up!
katherine_c lori93950