none stop bleeding five months
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suffering with bleeding for five months all the dr has done is blood tests for homones and i had a smear which came back with an infection which i took antibiotics for so they didnt work and that was three months ago i went back and i have a scan due in two weeks im so scared i have uterine cancer or so thi g else real badi have no other symptoms other than it gets worse if i strain i thought it was just menoporse but dr says not cos my bloods ok should i have been waiting this long to get a scan five months? seems so long for me why do drs rule out the simmple things first and not cancer firsti wont due from the simple things its stupid
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Woo3353 d19606
Firstly don't panic I had exactly the same I was bleeding for most of April, May & June. It also felt worse when I moved or even coughed although it didn't flood it wasn't my usual kind of 'flow' I had a biopsy taken which was clear and most tests are. If you have too much estrogen or not enough progesterone it causes the uterine lining to keep building up and shedding. Take agnus castra it takes about a month to get in your system but it has helped me. If you stress you will make it worse as stress causes hormone imbalance. Flax seed is also good for naturally balancing hormones
mary18003 Woo3353
lee12629 d19606
I know my mom had lots of bleeding. She had a d&c to correct the problem. It was not Cancer.
shaz3004 d19606
I also had the same, ranging from ridiculously heavy to a continous flow. Had a scan which showed a thickening, this went on from July and eventually i paid private to see a gyny in December as things werent happening quick enough. I had to have a hysteroscopy and biopsy, that was fine done under general, they found it was a polyp which they took out - all was normal and had a merina coil fitted. I still bleed for about 5 weeks but very light.
Please dont worry (easy said) as it is very typical of perimenopause but is worth checking. Most doctors dont do bloods to test for menopause as the results are often wrong as your hormones are all over the place and can appear within the nrmal range, so dont go on that just look at the symptoms. Google perimenopause. Good luck with the scan and i am sure that if the doctor was at all worried you would have been dealt with much quicker.
lee12629 d19606
d19606 lee12629
i just worry so much as iv just had a paraganglioma tumor removed from my left ear three weeks ago and the dr would listen to me about that for three years i was moaning about hearing my heart beat in my ear and they kept shruging it off as infection or fluid and it wasnt it was a tumor i dont trust the dr now feel unsure that they are evevn listening to me
i got given hrt last september as i was sufferi g with dryness oand mood swins and they said im prob meno and gave me that i didnt take it chickened out and then my symptoms stoped and i was ok again my periods were lighter for a wile then i missed a period in febuary than bam march and its not stoped it started as light and gradualy its got heavyer when i have sex if my husban you know bangs my cervix i bleed more but iv had a sob of my cervix done and it came back normal. im so worried iv never had fibroids befor but i did have a scan about three years ago that said thikeni g but nothing was ever done of in rotherham must be worsed hospital fed up i cant just keep wearing pads its maki g me sore and im worried about tampax all time cos of toxic shock, im scared as when i googled bleedi g it came up uterin cancer
Psyched_Out_Kim d19606
I've also had the same thing, and it went on for many months. The doctor put me on birth control to see if that would help, but it didn't. The next step was an ultrasound which showed that the lining of my uterus was stuck at 21mm thick. It should typically be about 5, and goes to 8 around the time of your period, then sheds. Mine wouldn't shed at all. I also had some cysts, benign tumors that were tiny, and signs of endometriosis. The next step was a D&C to get me all cleared out. I was put on Lupron for 3 months afterwards, which induced menopause symptoms in order to make sure the bleeding was gone, and my body could heal. After Lupron was finished, I started my period a little over a week later, and thought I was now regulated. Well, once again the bleeding didn't stop, and my doctor suggested ablation, but I asked for a hysterectomy. Thankfully she agreed, and took everything out but the ovaries. The only problem with that is now being 45, it's hard to tell when or if I'm in peri-menopause.
Try not to worry as much as possible. From what I've seen, and have been told by my doctor, the non-stop bleeding is more common than people think, but since it's not talked about much so it's scary at the time. I hope you feel better soon.
sue58256 d19606
i think if it dosnt stop and they do a scrap of my womb and its still same im just going to have to look at herbal remedies till im through meno then.
im fedup of bleeding i just want meno to happen now dont care if i get flushes or anything just want bleeding to stop.
Woo3353 d19606
Reading your experience and how you feel is exactly how I felt but I had to take anti depressants in the end, I also use herbal and hypnotherapy also. The answer is to cut the stress which isn't easy when your constantly worrying but once I calmed down my periods stopped, whether they come back who knows but I am not bothered anymore. But try to remain calm it will help
carolrd d19606
Scan is that a transvaginal scan? I went into ER when I started heavy bleeding after 19 months no peiord and they did the transvaginal ultra sound. Have you had that done yet? At GYN I had cervical bispoy and pap smear which came back normal I had an attempted uterus biospy but my cervicix was closed and he couldnt get it so still have to get that done. Before you started this 5 months non stop bleeding how long before that had you not had a peirod ? Are you peri or menopause? Whats the longest you went without a period? I have a friend that is who will be 57 in a few months and she bleed she said heavy for 3 months at a time and spotting in between that and heavy bleeding again. Fear has a horrble grip I know I'm going through it now and everytime someone mentions C symtomps I have them maybe I didnt the day before but I do now I mean I actually feel the physcial symptoms and I'm not sure if extreme fear can make you develope it or not. Can anyone else relate to that?
d19606 carolrd
but i am dead scared i have cancer im geti g period pains now to they started today.
and i do get realy tierd but i have just had a small tumor taken out from my middle ear three weeks ago so i dont know if its that or somthing else.
i am realy scared and hope il be ok as i have two small children dont want to leave them.
debra06803 d19606
I did have long bleeding spans too I had huge fibroids in my uterus and outside my uterus and had to have a TAH they weighed 8lb like a small baby fibroid cause extra bleeding I had lower back pain and heavy bleeding I had to go through lots of test and scans before they found my problem ! Best if luck
today the blood is less and more like salmon in color
it gets worse still when i pass a stool, do fibroids make blood pool up in womb as when my husband touches the top were my cervix is i bleed more
debra06803 d19606