Not able to work due to perimenopause. Anxiety, depression, fatigue.
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I started perimenopause June 2013. Miss periods for two to three months, then get cycles again for one or two months. Then no period again for two to three months. This has been pattern. I feel great, normal when periods start. Then I crash hard when cycles stop. Chronic depression, anxiety, panic, fatigue, insomnia, doom and gloom. I quit my job in November, 2013. I came close to returning several times. But my anxiety, depression and all rises and Ihave yet to return tto work.
I was diagnosed with PTSD, panic attacks, depression 20 years ago. Wentworth thru therapy for 4 years. Been on 10mg Paxil since. Was able to work, function very well.
Then perimenopause slammed me June, 2013. Almost cost me my marriage of 29 years. Lost my job, my sanity, social life, confidence, suicidal thoughts, etc. I always was very active, social, energetic, FUNNY, I miss me so much.
I was couch bound November thru February. Finally went into therapy in March. They upped my paxil, added busparone. Temporarily made me feel good, but I eventually felt worse after months of this. I'm back down to 10mg Paxil, No busparone, I take supplements now .
I still cannot go backto work . I cannot expected to hold down a job when I know these fluctuations continue. I am looking into SS disabilities, but Ikknow it takes years and low chance of approval.
Anyone else not able to work due to perimenopause or menopause? Please share. Thank you! Karen
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jayneejay DragonTat7
what supplements do you take ... if you say first .. then us ladies can tell you what may help ..
also what age are you ..
i had a natural 9-10 year peri... i am 50 now and full menopause ..
DragonTat7 jayneejay
Take black cohosh menopause support. Just started Nerve Tonic, herbal product, like it a lot.
I really appreciate your support
DragonTat7 jayneejay
The Nerve Tonic is by Hyland. Homeopathic, over the counter. I just started that a couple days ago. Love it. Calming but not drowsy at all. Helps relax and improved focus. Take one am one pm.
jayneejay DragonTat7
Nerve Tonic ... oh i think i want some 😃 we like calming 😃
i feel a google search about to begin ..
never feel alone Drag... we are always here ... 😊
jay xx
Blessed_Mimi DragonTat7
I haven't worked in years and I have all those great symptoms as well. The beginning of perimenopause is the worst experience ever. I have had so many hospital stays over my symptoms for the doctors to say they can't find anything wrong. Hormones can do a number on us!!
Its such a ruff journey for us women but hang in there and stay strong. We are all battling this together. Sending a hug and prayers your blessed. 😉
DragonTat7 Blessed_Mimi
Tazchurch DragonTat7
Big hugs
DragonTat7 Tazchurch
Thank you for serving and your support!!! Big hugs!!
Tazchurch DragonTat7
We are all here for each other. I and many of the other ladies are here pretty much every day, so no-one need feel they are alone and answers will come swiftly
jayneejay Tazchurch
yeah and that Jay Jay on here 24/7 hahahahahahahahahaha 😁
jay xx
DragonTat7 Tazchurch
Hugs and many thanks!
Tazchurch jayneejay
jayneejay Tazchurch
night night .. sleep tight..
enjoy tomorrow ..
jay xx
jayneejay DragonTat7
yes Peri and Meno can a long journey, but if we accept it and keep positive and have a sense of humour about it ... not dwell on the symptoms, ' i dont say that to be patronising either' i had a long peri menopause and had loads of symptoms and have solderied on, it is a natural process.. and good specific supplements do help..
for ladies that struggle more than others ... i suggest blood tests.. as peri can trigger niggles, i had raised chloresterol and higher blood sugar etc etc. you could possibly be iron deficient, have thyroid trouble, be Vit B12 deficient, and also Vit D dificient ( as brought to our attention yesterday by our lovely lady Astrid ) all needs a check, incase your peri is made worse by other things ...
for energy and help with aches and anxiety..
i suggest a Mega B 100mg Complex ( containing at least 100mg of Vit B6)
this was a life turn arounder for me personally, we lack B Vit especially B6 and b12 the energy booster in peri and meno...
i dont know what you take currently if anything so cant really be more specific at the moment ..
all i can say is your not alone , all women have peri and meno, we cant not have it, be postive and take each day at a time..
DragonTat7 jayneejay
Big hugs to you too!