Not digesting food for 5 weeks?

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This began about 5 weeks ago, and it has only been through using Google that I now realise what's happening, but have no idea why.

It took a while for any tests to be done, no fault of my own!

2 stool tests were normal

A blood test take last week was normal.

I've had constant chronic diarrhoea for just over 5 weeks. No matter what I eat, shortly after, I'm off to the bathroom and I can be up and down the stairs at least 5/6 times within an hour.

This is not happening just once a day either.

I'm losing weight of course.

I've had to push to get an appointment at the hospital, I'm being fast tracked I hope.

Unfortunately, the criteria is, you have to have constant diarrhoea for 6 weeks plus!

I feel well in myself, apart from stomach cramps.

Eating is the problem.

Does anyone have or had similar please?

Thanks smile

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Patricia

    Sorry that you're dealing with this

    No doctor here (medical expert) and I don't have this problem except acid reflux and abdominal pain/gas

    Does this happen to any food that you eat? I suggest to keep a food diary and try to eliminate stress in your life.

    Good luck, CB

    • Posted

      It seems to happen no matter what I eat. Toast on its own, boiled egg, jacket potato, plain rice. I didn't eat for one day, to see what happened. By 5 pm I was very hungry, so I had toast...Needless to say, shortly after it began again.
    • Posted

      Hi Patricia, nice to hear back from you

      Some of these things can help

      Manuka honey (I take 1 tbsp 20-30mins b4 meals)

      Eat small meals regularly to ease burden on your digestive system (your kinda doing this already)

      Increase foods such as vegetable soup, miso soup, fruits and vegetables, herbal teas (only ginger root tea or camomile)

      Reduce acidic food such as coffees, sodas, meat, sugar, dairy, any processed and artificial food

      Don't drink or eat anything hot or cold

      I wish u all the luck!

  • Posted

    You have a serious diarroeal bug 1 step short of gastro enteritis which gave me additional headaches.  Have you tried medicines such as immodium and bananas which should help to reconstitute your poo.
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      Yes, my Dr prescribed Loperamide, they didn't help, nor codeine. Bananas I have been eating, but unfortunately, no change.
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    I was prescribed codeine for my gastro troubles but you will need a Drs verdict on that one as it is very strong.


  • Posted

    Yes Immodium is good, so to is grated Apple which puts fibre back in there, and it aids in stopping the problem.  

    As for what is causing it, well it could be anything.  LIver, Pancreas, Thyroid, Abcess, Crones, imbalance of any kind, bowel bacteria out of whack but I'd guess the tests so far would have picked that up.

    You mentioned your 2 stool tests were normal, so I assume your stools were of a normal nature and not diarrhoea. They would have tested for and ruled out the common nasty complaints.

    The squeeky wheel gets attention, so do stand your ground and stress your difficulties and symptoms, don't let them fob you off. 

    Keep us posted..  BIG HUGS and Don't worry, as worry won't help you.  Just be as relaxed as you can, save the stress mode for when your in front of the doctor's with your 'Squeeky Wheel'....  xx

    • Posted

      The stool tests....well, they weren't formed of course, no denying what it was...

      Blood test proved normal also.

      Apparently a consultant is phoning me tomorrow to access me, what I'm hoping for is an appointment to be made and an investigation done, sooner rather than later.

      I have to say, I'm pretty upbeat about this, despite it being such a pain having to deal with it. I'm not one to get down over illnesses, thank goodness.

      A number of years ago my intestines had twisted, I was pretty unwell and needed surgery. Eight months later, I had the same symptoms only more severe. Took myself off to hospital, exploratory surgery was do ne and quite a lot of my intestines had become gangreous. Of course, that part of my intestines was taken away. On both occasions, it was touch and go.

  • Posted

    How are you getting on patricia? I hope the Dr has helped you.


    • Posted

      Hi Richard, I'm having a phone consultation tomorrow, I guess the consultant decide, from what I tell him/her if it needs investigated. Hopefully it will be, obviously something is causing this.

      On a positive note, I don't feel ill/unwell. My friends are amazed, I'm still my usual funny self.

  • Posted

    sorry for your flight favorite student's name is patricia,this makes it all the jmore sad for my..anyway..are you vomiting? is this some parasite like protozoan? if you continue to have that, you will lose all electrolytes in the body and of course, you'll continue getting thin..I sufferd from amoebiasis 5 yrs ago and in a week I lost 4 kg.. it was never easy with diarrhea and vomiting.. try will not just sifetn the stools but help you form stool so you woudln't be releasing watery stools.. I just hope I did enough.not a doctor here..I can only share based from what I have experienced.
    • Posted

      Thank you smile Yesterday I had a telephone consultation with a consultant, she has booked me into hospital next Tuesday for investigation, colonoscopy/biopsy smile Good news and finally they are doing something about this.

    • Posted

      hi pat, nice to hear that..hopefully they'll be able to diagnose it properly and you'll find your answers soon.. I would be very happy if you will keep me updated of your results. all the best!
    • Posted

      I had my colonoscopy/biopsy last Tuesday, yesterday I had a CT scan and I'm hoping that I'll be sent for a gastroscopy.

      There has been no change in my digestive system, and I'm a little tired of it now. I'm still off work!

      I took my 2 dogs for a walk the other day, I was only into the walk about 10 minutes and had to drive back to the house sad poor muttleys.

      Anyway, fingers crossed that I'll have some news by the end of the week.

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