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Hi all.
Me again. Sorry but if I don't talk on here I will go mad and I don't want to keep burdening the hubby with my anxieties.
I've had a strange day today. I was in Tesco this morning and as I was going round I felt as if i wasn't there. If you get my meaning. I felt a bit panicky then because of it. Maybe it was to do with the fact that it was busier than usual! But I'm thinking more like peri symptoms. Does any one else get this? Also does anyone feel that tense with things that their jaw is so tight that you feel as if you are sucking all the air out of your mouth (tongue stuck to the roof of mouth).
I maybe asking silly questions but it is so frustrating. I want to feel relaxed and never do.
Thanks all.
2 likes, 20 replies
cazjaz16 helen95781
brimbo67 helen95781
Bubbins helen95781
Fairy28 helen95781
I feel for all of you that are having to go through this time. I was eating my tea half an hour ago and I couldn't relax. Then the adrenaline started and I thought I was going to have a panic attack! It did subside because I know that it is just adrenaline. My teeth are wearing down from all the tension and my cheeks in my mouth are sore from them being rubbed against my back teeth.
I have taken myself off for a bath hoping that I will relax! I don't think I rel ax even when I'm asleep!
Big hugs to you all.
cazjaz16 helen95781
lol64 helen95781
Sandy07 helen95781
gill00147 helen95781
anxiousface gill00147
gill00147 anxiousface
sentoholistics gill00147
trudy77450 helen95781
Try say to yourself that you are fine, i no its hard but if you train your brain into thinking of something else it does work after awhile. you have to say to yourself i dont want to feel like this,and i have to stop because i will get worse,try to think of something that makes you happy xxx
Thanks for all your replys.
I really appreciate your comments and hope that you all find relief from these awful peri symptoms. I'm so glad to have found this forum and lovely people willing to take time out to encourage others. Thank you.
Helen. x
Bubbins helen95781