Not just IBS pain..
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Just over 4 years ago I was diagnosed with IBS. This has been an ongoing problem ever since. However, for the past 2 months, i have been in agony with stomach pains, it doesn't feel like just IBS.
I've had blood tests, stool tests and just two days ago, both a gastroscopy and colonoscopy. Everything has come back clear.
I'm really starting to lose it, I just want to be out of this pain. As well as the pain, I've lost half a stone in weight, lost my appetite, constant nausea, cramps, sharp pains, kidney pain and reoccuring water infections. I'm also diabetic and anaemic.
I have an MRI booked for 29th September, but I'm scared they're going to tell me it's just my IBS. I'm sure I know my body and I know it's not - I don't have to eat anything for the pain to get worse. It's ruining my life. I'm meant to be flying out to Canada in 2 mnoths and worrying that I won't be well enough.
Any words of wisdom/ideas of what it could be?
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Nutty87 sparkle123
I have stomach ache ALL day EVERY day. It's like a dull ache and constant churning of my stomach. I eat healthy. I try and exercise but I can't because it hurts too much to stand up. I have to use a hot water bottle because the docs say that they cannot give me painkillers except paracetamol.. I have now built up an intollerance to paracetamol because I take it all the time (never od). As a consequence of using a hot water bottle all day every day (I went to college (on the days I could) and sat in lesson with it!) I now have severe burns on my stomach called Erythema Ab Igne. That hurts as well but I can deal with that because it eases my stomach pain slightly. I think it relaxes the muscles I'm not sure. My doc says, 'stop using the hot water bottle and the marks will go' but if I stop I will be in hospital every day because even though it is still painful, the hwb takes the hospital edge of pain away. They still insist it is IBS. In my opinion, it is bulls**t. I'm 19! I want to go traveling. I want to go out and socialise with friends. The ones that stick by me when I stop eating to see if that helps. The ones that stick by me when I'm chucking my guts up coz the pain is so bad. The ones that call the ambulance because I've passed out from the pain. But I can't.
I want ant to know what to do about this and I would love to be able to help you too!!
Something is causing this pain, but they are ignoring it saying that it is IBS and stress. They say, take the stress away and maybe it will help.
I need to to go now. I have to tell my dad to stop having cancer!!
Ive had this since I was 5. That has nothing to do with it!
So sorry I have rambled on!! Just glad I've found someone in the same boat as me.
sparkle123 Nutty87
Thanks for the message, and we can get through this together
Nutty87 sparkle123
I feel exactly the same. Something's definitely changed since having glandular fever. But can't quite pinpoint it.
We will get through this ❤️
Nutty87 sparkle123
When end my stomach is bad (worse than usual) it cramps and spasms. That's when I know a full blown attack is coming on.
laurab68 sparkle123
It can take months to a couple of years to start feeling normal again depending on the amount of damage.
IBS meaning Irritable bowel syndroms is an umbrella term when doctors can't figure out what is wrong with you intestinally. Logically speaking, If your bowls are being irritated,something has to be the trigger to cause the irritablilty and gluten causes inflammation anywhere in the body.
Please get tested. Even if the blood test comes back negative, have them schedule an endoscopy. Blood tests have a lot of false negatives.
Nutty87 laurab68
laurab68 Nutty87
Nutty87 laurab68
Becka35 sparkle123
sparkle123 Becka35
I get the pain across the whole of my abdomen, sharp pain on my lower left side, and sharp pain under my left rib cage.
I get burning sensations in my lower back, I've had a couple of kidey infections recently, and am wondering if it's related...
Becka35 sparkle123
Nutty87 sparkle123
I've been like this for 9 weeks now, I can't go on like this. I'm due to go to Canada to represent Diabetes UK in just under 9 weeks, scared I won't be well enough.
Another thing, I've got my MRI next Tuesday, but I don't have a follow up appointment with the consultant, I've been told I'll get my results by letter, unless they find something serious. I don't want it to be like this, I'll be forgotten. Is there any way to make sure I see the gastro specialist?
I'm due to get my MRI results this week, though hve been told it could be another 2 weeks still. I do however have a follow up appointment...for January...Part of me wishes it's IBS, and nothing else. However, I've tried so much to help my 'IBS' that I don't think I'd be able to cope with a 'just IBS' result. I feel like I'm never going to get better. It gets bad even when I've not eaten and I'm not particularly anxious/stressed. That makes me think it's not IBS.
I'm feeling really down about this. 3 months I've been like this, I just want to be well.