Not working so good for sleep

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I have been on remeron for around 3 weeks now.

One week at 15 almost 2 at 30mg.

I'm now finding I'm not sleeping so good. I toss and turn all night and find it difficult to get out of bed when I should.

At what point in time do people take their's ?? A few hours before bed?? or just as they go to bed?

Yesterday I also had the strange effect of having lots of energy but not knowing what to do with it. Still no emotions either , I think I'm gonna have to fake smiling / frowning the whole time I'm on this stuff.



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44 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh i absoulty understand i was at c.b.t. once and i was told to shake myself out of it w.t.f i had missed the group for weeks what was the point they should of bn glad i turned up you cannot just shake yourself out of it but you can make it dam harder for depression to get a grip what have you got to lose a couple of quid if you leave the pictures early think what you'll gain i see your on 30mg of mitaz stick with it your sleep may return but do something with your time helps you sleep take a dog for a walk lol
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    Do you feel like you have energy on the 45 throughout the day?

  • Posted

    I agree with racheal give it time i was on 22.5mg for a year upped to 30mg in jan it took a least 2 weeks for things to settle down thought i'd be o.k since i was only upping the dose but i may as well started from scratch that's what it felt like any how
  • Posted

    Yes Chris, some mornings I require a bit of motivation but I think everyone does occasionally. I prefer to be out doing things anyway though. I have a 3year old son aswell, So I have to force myself to do things! lol
  • Posted

    It's true Maz, I though upping to 45mg would just instantly work...but I definitely had a period of days where I felt like death warmed up. I still have my odd wobbly moments/days but unfortunately that's all part of's not like a switch, it takes time and happens gradually but then when you look back, you realise how you have improved xx
  • Posted

    I have always been fit and active and worry this drug will turn me into the opposite

    I think my problem is that I dont like being on medication? Who does?

    My previous experience was with Seroxat.. I endured horrific side effects for 2 weeks then it was just like a switch.

    I tried again with seroxat but just couldnt take the side effects -I felt like jumping out my window

    I do CBT. CBT is tough when nothing makes you feel better, but the whole point is so you dont develop habits that make you worse .. I should have really went out for at least 10 minutes today but have sat in this chair all day.. sunny day out but i just cant appreciate anything at the moment.

    How do you sleep most nights now Maz?

  • Posted

    I've literally just been reffered for CBT, as I feel like it's going to be the cherry on top for helping me further. I'm almost very traumatised by how bad I got..if that makes sense? My son is very challenging and it's not helping me with my recovery really as I'm constantly stressed. He's a potential ADHD and/or Autistic child and his behaviour is just extreme allday everyday..and it doesn't help me see the positives in life because I'm constantly angry and cross. I would deffo reccommend trying to go out atleast everyday even if it's just for a short walk to the shop smile x
  • Posted

    CBT is good if you put in the work. I recommend you do it when you decide to come off your meds too (this is what I didnt do)

    Sorry to hear about your son. 3 of my cousins are autistic.

    Your son may be fine though and might just need some help.

    Good luck with the therapy

  • Posted

    Not until you have had this disease can anybody know how we feels. I am taking 30mg of mitazapine for the last two night and my sleep has decreased from 10 hours on15mg to 4 hours if lucky on 30mg. The increase as heightened my anxiety and I have become very restless but reading past post this seems to be one of the side effects so I'm going to carry on and hope for the best.

    15mg worked great for 3 weeks but on friday I woke up feeling anxious again for no possible reason.

    Be patient and look after yourself, be a little selfish and do the things you won't to do not to please others. Go to GP and explain how you are feeling because there will be something out there which will help.

  • Posted

    It seems the sexual side effects are getting worse not better. This will not help at all with my depression.

    I might just drop to 7.5 for a bit to sleep and try and tackle my issues in therapy. Decisions constant pressure and decisions

  • Posted

    Do what you think is best for you. You seem to be complaining about things that are very rare when taking Mirt. People are normally put on mirt when all other antidepressants cause sexual side effects. Mirt is supposed to be one of the best tolerated drugs after the initial first few days, that's why not many people have been able to advise you...because mirt carries virtually no side effects minus the sedation....which isn't even happening for you. Its a shame you can't just hold on are posting everyday with complaints about the drug. Its supposed to get worse before better...unfair but true and likely to be the same with any other pills. What have you been doing with your days? Surfing the web on symptoms and worries is not beneficial and only leads to more worry. Have you got any company during the day at all? I know as much as everyone else that anxiety and depression is a total bitch and it clouds your judgement but sitting and waiting for change like its going to be better by the click of a button is idealistic and not realistic. I promise you won't be like thus forever sweet x
    • Posted

      Hi Rachel

      I noticed in a another thread you're having trouble so I hope you're ok smile

      I've decided to stick with mirt saying as I've come so far. 

      My therapist also told me off for going on the internet looking at meds and symptoms , hard not to though when you've been wanting relief for 3 months and nothing is working to distract my mind.  Although  I went for a walk today and tried some mindfulness and it seemed to relax me somewhat as i've been having gloomy thoughts all day.

      I have been given another prescription for 30mg for 3 weeks.

      Yesterday was strange.  I sort of felt a very care free relaxed mood.  I was full of energy for the whole evening but could not fix myself on anything, i did also went out for a jog.  I took tablets at 8 pm but continued to remain hyper. 

      I ate out of boredom which probably did not help.

      I didnt bother going to bed till 3 am because i was simply too awake and then i didnt get to sleep till 5:30 am.

      My mood today has been very low but I'm blaming that on the rough night.  I'm very tired tonight and i'm looking forward to a good nights sleep, escapism.  I just wish I could enjoy things again, I really do try but i honestly don't know what pleasure is anymore :-(  Anhedonia is hell

      Well thats my daily winge , Hope you all have a nice night tonight

      Chris x

    • Posted

      Hey Chris, Only just seen your post. They've changed the site so I don't get an email everytime I get a reply...little annoying! Glad you're feeling a slight improvement. I'm a funny one really...I have really calm, good days and then I go through the cycle of bad ones again. It's really disheartening...specially when I'm on the highest dose now! I'm starting to think it would be the same on any meds and perhaps the last bit of anxiety I have is something I have to take hold of myself. I have no real distraction in my life...and that's the biggest problem when suffering with anxiety...the anxiety has become my obsession..and I need a new distraction to help me doesn't matter. xx
  • Posted

    I found that M has a strong sedative effect. Now I am also on Quetipine and I sleep between 9 and 12 hours which naturally has a strong effect on my daily activities.

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