Not yet diagnosed properly

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Hi, I'm here because I have suspected glandular fever.

Last Monday night I more or less collapsed into bed freezing, I had to sleep in my clothes and slippers and couldn't move at all, I've never felt exhaustion like it. I thought I was just over tired.

The next morning couldnt move from vbed at all, nor have I been able to stay up all day since. 

My glands are up in my groin, neck, behind my ears and armpits ( I can feel the pain there on and off) and my doctor today confirmed they were all up.

I've had a fever on and off.Sore throat (but not too bad, just sore).

For me it's the exhaustion and gland pains. I also have pain under my ribs, which is something I've never had before.

If I walk to the kitchen to make tea, or attempt to have a bath I'm so exhausted afterwards that I feel like I'm going to die. I get so dizzy and unsteady too sad

I was just wondering if this does sound like glndular fever or just flu? I'm having bloods done on friday.

I've had plenty of flus before, but they've never felt like this sad

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  • Posted

    Hey everyone, I've had 2 good days and well I just made lasagne because I felt up to it. Now I'm exhausted, I've got chest pains too (don't know why) and what's weird my glands are hurting again. Every time I exert myself a little my glands hurt? Does anyone else get that?

    I'm feeling pretty damn faint sad

    • Posted

      HI shabby, I know that feeling, like I felt good for 3 days but since an hour I feel so bad, I feel like I'm about to pass out and faint, I po*ped 3 times in 15 minutes...I've kind of a tingling which scares me the most, a very severe anxiety attack and I feel my heart pop out...I feel so awful 😢

      In a week it will be 2 months of suffering... It's more the mental and psychological Wright that this virus puts on you that hurts the most... I feel like something bad is going to happen to me,

      We should just stay there until our bodies take back what belongs to us 😥

    • Posted

      Sorry for grammatical errors... I'm just too nervous and this autocorrect doesn't help

    • Posted

      Anyways, my glands hurt sometimes too. Specially the left ones ad my laterocervical lymphs on the right side of my neck are almost normal... BUT there's a lymph node on the left which is bigger and hurts sometimes... Besides my spleen has started hurting me AGAIN since yesterday... Chest pains are for lymph nodes and heart palpitations. Uuugh 😩

    • Posted

      Hi Shabby / Mono,

      Yes it was the same for me, if I exerted myself or tried to do too much then my glands would hurt, especially one in my neck and also in my chest and groin too, but there are glands all over your body so it can affect so many different areas. Please don't worry, this is normal and it's just a sign that your immune system is fighting infection - but of course do get it checked out with a doctor if it persists, but those kind of pains I think can be very common with mono.

      Thinking of you and remember you are going to get through this and get back to full health again smile



    • Posted

      Thank you so much! I can't wait til I feel like before this nasty virus infected me.

    • Posted

      Hi mono, oh I'm so sorry you are feeling awful. Don't worry about your grammar smile it's a wonder we can type at all with this virus, but typing is one of the only things we can do.

      I'm the same, I get a bad stomach now and then. I've been having chest pains, but I think it's because I walked around more one day and got really out of breath, I think I strained my chest from breathing a lot.

      My gland on my left hurts the most too.

    • Posted

      Hi Craig, oh thank god, I felt like I was going crazy or thought people might think I was making it up when I said my glands hurt after I've exerted myself. It's such a strange virus.

      My groin on my left hurts and the pain goes down my leg a bit. Gland on my neck still aches but not as much as before smile

    • Posted

      Hi Shabby,

      Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and to reassure you that all the horrible symptoms do pass in time. There's no words that can describe it when you are going through it I know, it's so frightening and delibitating and makes you feel completely unsettled, it really is awful but I really do believe you will get through is Shabby, it doesn't last forever and you will get through it all in time.

      The gland pain will go in time but sometimes it can linger around for a while so don't worry if it doesn't disappear right away, it's quite normal with the illness I believe albeit horrible to deal with. But do ask your doctor if you're not sure. There is hope today Shabby, without any doubt you are going to get better from this smile


    • Posted

      Lol that's true 😀😀😀

      I hope you get well soon so you can get back to your life!

      Only if I didn't have these anxiety attacks... Life would be much easier! I'm trying to gain weight but with nausea it's kind of a hard task 😛

    • Posted

      Hoping also that you get well soon Mono, things will get easier in time for you I really believe that and have faith that you will feel better and be able to get back to full health and an active lifestyle in time once this is kicked into touch for good.

      Thinking of you


    • Posted

      Thank you so much! Getting back to my normal life is all I ask for!

      Did you have pink eyes???


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky,

      I don't recall having pink eyes during the virus, however it's certainly worth speaking to a doctor or seeking the views of others on here to see if that is something that can happen, I'm not sure myself personally.

      You will get back to normal, I really do believe that, hang in there!


    • Posted

      Nicky, how are your symptoms today.

      Hoping you are having fewer and lighter symptoms.


    • Posted

      HI rhonda! Thanksss!!!

      It's been a good day so far, one of those ok days you know, (:

      Although I always feel weird after 7 pm...there's one thing that worries me a bit... Since a week my eyes are red, not so much but I can't say it's because of studying too much on my tablet or because of this virus...

      HI Craig! I can't get to a doctor, I live on the countryside and I don't really feel like going to my doctor as he always says let's do blood exams and then prescribes some drugs... Never even touched me to do a correct diagnosis! I don't trust him.

    • Posted

      How have you been today? Did you go walking today??? Anything interesting?
    • Posted

      Nicky, glad to have been able to contact you through this page. Your page is no longer available.

      Thanks! I did go for a short walk.

      I think our eye problems may be associated with the virus. I have had this twice since I was diagnosed. I haven't been to doc. I am hoping as I recover so will the eyes.

      Glad you are having an ok day. So am I.

      Looking forward to some great days for all of us!

    • Posted

      Ho rhonda!!!

      I don't know why I couldn't get on my account lol I'm glad that we can talk here, it's always nice to talk to people who have experienced your own symptoms...I feel really good here because that's the only place where I can unburden myself!!!

      I think it's because of the virus too, every once in a while I've been experiencing some new symptoms 😀

      It's totally good to know that your day has been okay too!!! gives me more positive energy! " happy dance " lol

      I hope so! All we want is to get back to our lives!

    • Posted

      I have had a bothersome dry cough for sometime. It is better but still bothersome. I think it maybe partly due to anxiety. Have you experience a dry cough?

      It is worse at night. I usually wake at midnight or one and am done sleeping for the night

      What a pleasure a good night's sleep would be!

      Do you have lots of muscle and joint pain?

      It is strange how pains just hit randomly.

      Prayers, Rhonda

    • Posted

      Hi Shabby, I too say my glands are mad when I over exert myself. They are tender swollen and ache make sure you know they are not happy!

      Dealing with all of the symptoms is so exhausting! Especially when there are physical and emotional ones.

      Hopefully soon all this will be replaced with healthy days and nights!

      Please keep us updated.

      Prayers, Rhonda

    • Posted

      Hi Nicky,

      Sorry to hear your doctor is not great, I really sympathise it's so hard to get a good and caring doctor these days, and even harder I think to get one who understands the full nature of the debilitation of glandular fever / mono and how hard it is physically and mentally to get through.

      I do believe you will get through it though, hoping that your symptoms are feeling okay today and remember just try to take things easy and avoid stress as much as possible, time and a stress-free lifestyle with plenty of rest are key factors in recovery! You will get there, I believe that without any doubt at all, and don't be discouraged if it takes a bit of time your body needs time sometimes to flush this out but it does and you will get back to full health and a normal life, rest assured.

      Take care and thinking of you


    • Posted

      HI rhonda! Yes I had them, but just for two or 3 days I don't remember so well as I'm having some memory issues.

      Yeah I really would appreciate a good and deep night sleep! Seems like a dream... I wake up all the time and in the morning the very first hour after getting out of my bee I feel totally tired the reason is pretty clear.

      I had myalgia but it wasn't so severe tbh! I've pain behind my right knee... Not so much joint pain anyways.

      Although, I've had tingling in my hand and my scares me actually. I've had bad headaches too.

      How's your day today?

    • Posted

      HI Craig!!

      Thanks alot! Yeah totally true! He always keeps telling me to rest, never told me what to get to boost my immune system and etc!


      Doing my best to stay away from stress, it really makes me sick, I've had some bad episodes so I know that well! Thanks again!


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky, the night was as usual with little sleep. I woke a 1 am and been awake since. I'm exhausted! Wanted to get help and wash my hair today but I decided I'm not up to it.

      Hoping to feel more energetic later today.

      Still dealing with gi issues. My shoulder pain is much better. It is almost 9am and I've had nothing for pain since 1 am.

      Trying to get enough energy to have breakfast.

      I still feel im progressing cause I could barely walk and in lots of pain Monday of last week.

      Good to hear from you!

      We are one day closer to being over the virus!

      Prayers, Rhonda

    • Posted

      Nicky, just want to add memory loss seems to be just another virus symptom. I know have.


    • Posted

      Oh I've had insomnia episodes but not that way :0

      It's like you can't fall asleep at all, right?

      Yeah you totally need to eat something energetic to start the day with, I honestly start my day with my tea (ginger,garlic, honey and lemon), then I eat albumens with an orange!

      That's not the perfect breakfast but gives me enough calories and specially enough proteins to produce anticorps!

      So glad to know that you're progressing and you feel the progress! One step closer to the end of this nightmare!!!

      I'm thinking about you and hope you feel better in the day, maybe take a nap if you can ( I can't seem to be able to nap at all).

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. I look forward to hearing from you and everyone else. Because it great to know others know how this virus hits you so hard.

      I can't usually nap either. I can usually sleep till midnight or 1am.

      Hope the tingling goes away in your hand and foot. The pain behind your knee.

      The first few months I had lots of headaches. Not so often anymore.

      Don't overdo it physically cause you body will be very upset!

      I'm going out to sit in sun for a few minutes.

      Keep us updated. We care!


    • Posted

      Yeah as I told you before, this forums made a big difference in my way of comprehending this virus! I was so terrified in the beginning, cuz everyone around never experienced such symptoms so here is where I feel safe and understood!

      Have you talked about your insomnia with a practitioner?

      Yeah, you're right, I try to listen to my body, I rested all day long at home.

      Good thing, it was a cloudy day here or I'd have gone to the seaside 😀

      Thanks rhonda, you're such a nice person! Enjoy your time outside!!! Some fresh air for your cells (:


    • Posted

      Insomnia is a symptom of the virus. The chiropractor did ask me how I was sleeping and I told him. He is working on the gallbladder area of my liver to improve sleep. Had gallbladder remover in 75. I am hopeful I can now hear bowel sounds that I didn't hear before. He also started me on digestive enzymes. Probiotics which he says will help immune system.

      I have tried so many things the last 6 months.

      Take care.


    • Posted

      That's good, I totally agree with him! Your gut is the main source of your immune system! Very important!

      Have you tried zi-nc? For your sleep problems.

      My day is almost over and it was okeyish! I ate a very light dinner, rice with raw tomatoes, cucumber and an onion!

      I hope this ringing in my ear goes away for good, it comes and goes... I think it's giving my sudden dizziness too.

      I hope you having a good day so far!!!


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky, hope the ringing in your ears goes away. I have had had it briefly a few times but not lately. If you are taking many herbs you might consider stopping each for a few days to see if there is a connection.

      Thanks for asking about zi-nc for sleep. I have and it didn't help. Hopefully it will just happen for me in the near future.I'm trying not to stress over it.

      I started back using castor oil packs yesterday evening. They help you to relax and helps immuine system. They increase lymphatic drainage.

      One day at a time we are closer to complete recovery!

      Looking to the Lord for courage and strength!

      Please update on progress!


    • Posted

      HI rhonda!

      It comes and goes, it doesn't last long but it sure gives me dizziness... Atm, I'm taking just one herb, plus two supplements which are really helping me, I don't know if it's because of the herb as I've been having the ringing in my ears since the very beginning of symptoms.

      Never tried castor oil packs... I'll definitely give them a shot!!! Thanks!

      I hope today you felt better than yesterday! Although I didn't sleep well last night, today I was ok (:

      Thanks rhonda!


    • Posted

      Hey Nicky,

      You've definitely got the right attitude by the sounds of it, that's great! It's so hard not to let this get you down at times though, that is normal and will pass, the whole thing will pass and it sounds like you are doing all the right things - just a time factor often with this which is so frustrating but everyday is another day towards recovery for sure.

      For sure stay away from stress and over-activity, your system is already drained enough and these just take more energy which you need to reserve at the moment - won't always be that way though and your energy levels definitely do return in time - take it from me as someone who thought things would never improve but by the grace of God was able to be healthy and active again.


    • Posted

      HI Craig,

      Your words give me more hopes! It's good to receive advices from someone who's been there and knows it better than anyone.

      I hate the way others try to tell me that I've to go lifting weights and etc... They don't understand nothing about the fatigue that we experience... Just because their mono wasn't as tough as ours they think that we're exaggerating... I actually ignore whatever they tell me...sorry I'm just disturbed by some people around me!

      I usually feel so down and fatigue after 5-6 pm...did you experience such thing related to evening hours?


    • Posted

      Hey Nicky,

      Oh no definitely don't go lifting weights or doing heavy exercise, I wouldn't recommend that at all and actually it can be dangerous for some people with mono if their spleen is affected or enlarged, need to be careful about things like that.

      Rest is so boring I know, but important! I definitely think it's about a balance, getting out for a short walk if you are able to is good and also good to continue doing things you find de-stressful like seeing friends or having a bath or listening to music or whatever, so long as you don't overdo it and get plenty of rest before / after or when you need it. Just being sensible is the key I guess!

      Yes I think around that time 5-6pm is a normal time to be fatigued because you've had a full day of trying to act normal whilst your body is tired fighting the virus - I don't think it's unusual to feel tired at any time with the virus, but especially after you've been doing stuff during the day that would make sense.

      All the best


    • Posted

      Yea , I get a ringing in my ear as well , like a dog whistle almost sounds like your nd is going out right ?

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