Not yet diagnosed properly

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Hi, I'm here because I have suspected glandular fever.

Last Monday night I more or less collapsed into bed freezing, I had to sleep in my clothes and slippers and couldn't move at all, I've never felt exhaustion like it. I thought I was just over tired.

The next morning couldnt move from vbed at all, nor have I been able to stay up all day since. 

My glands are up in my groin, neck, behind my ears and armpits ( I can feel the pain there on and off) and my doctor today confirmed they were all up.

I've had a fever on and off.Sore throat (but not too bad, just sore).

For me it's the exhaustion and gland pains. I also have pain under my ribs, which is something I've never had before.

If I walk to the kitchen to make tea, or attempt to have a bath I'm so exhausted afterwards that I feel like I'm going to die. I get so dizzy and unsteady too sad

I was just wondering if this does sound like glndular fever or just flu? I'm having bloods done on friday.

I've had plenty of flus before, but they've never felt like this sad

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  • Posted

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to give an update. Sorry if I don't reply individually at the moment, I'm so tired.

    I saw the doctor today. The car journey down was horrible, I felt so dizzy.

    My glands in my neck are still up. She felt them under my arms too and my gland in my themus? Was up too. In the middle of my chest.

    She's referring me to an ear, nose and theist specialist, I'm scared.

    • Posted

      Hi Shabby, sorry to hear how fatigued you are. I understand how the journey to see a doc and the wait is awful.

      I am hoping for a good report from the ent doc.

      I am in month 6. I have had so many symptoms . I'm trying to remember fear is a liar! False Evidence Appearing Real! This virus makes us think the worst most of the time.

      I have started Chiropractic care which has helped me. I've seen a naturopath doc not sure if that helped. I was in er with dehydration. Med doc said rest, eat and drink lots of water.

      The severity and longevity of the virus takes a toll on us physically and emotionally. Time is on our side. The virus will get under control.

      Thanks for update! Please keep us posted!


    • Posted

      Hi Shabby, my naturopath recommend that I do castor oil packs on my lymph glands. It has been a while since I saw her and I had forgotten it. But it did make them go down after about 3 applications. But they still swell up.

      Hope you are feeling better.

      Take care!


    • Posted

      Hey Shabby,

      I understand your fears and concerns, it's an awful time I know, but also want to reassure you that painful glands and feelings of not being yourself and dizziness can be quite normal throughout different phases of the illness, but the good news is that they do pass over in time, just wish they would pass over much quicker than they seem to for everyone. It's so hard not to worry and be scared I know, it's natural but just to let you know I went through the same symptoms and fears and they all disappeared and time - the same will happen for you too, so hard to deal with I know and thinking about you.

      Rhonda, just wondered if you have heard of or tried a thing called 'Bowen Therapy'. It's a natural therapy and I get it fairly regularly to try and keep me healthy, I really like it, I didn't have it at the time of glandular fever but it may be worth a try as it can help the natural balance of the body and energy levels - would highly recommend. It's very safe and at the very least can do no harm.

      Take care and Shabby - remember you WILL get better, without any doubt that is going to happen.


    • Posted

      HI rhonda,

      Just checking to make sure you're doing good! how's your insomnia?

      Keep me updated!

      I had a normal day.. Did a couple of things and now I feel I have 10% energy left... I just lay down and let me body recover from... Buying foods? Just 30 minutes of being outside and I'm already tired... I usually feel like this after 5-6 pm.

      Hope you're doing good!


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky, glad to report 2 nights of better sleeping. I still would wake but went back to sleep pretty easily.

      Have been able to spend more time out of bed doing light chores.

      Buying groceries is a stressful and tiring job.

      Each stage of recovery presents new challenges. Trying to achieve balance is a fine line. We will be happy and very grateful

      When we don't need to give it a thought!

      Keep praying and stay positive. We know better days are on their way!

      Keep us updated please.

      We care abd want to hear.


    • Posted

      Thinking of you guys Nicky, Rhonda, Shabby, Georgie and everyone...hope you are feeling not too bad today and just a reminder that this virus is temporary and your body is still on track to defeat given a bit of time smile


    • Posted

      Of course in case that didn't read right what I meant was your body is still on track to defeat the virus!

      Take care everyone, remember take it easy and just cope with one day at a time, that's all you can do with this.


    • Posted

      HI rhonda!

      Totally happy to know that you've been able to have more night sleep hours! That's gonna make a huge difference as our body engages more in detoxification and clearance when we're sleep!

      Hopefully you'll have more night sleep hours from now on!

      Yeah I'm positive! I wanna get back to my normal active life, work and exercise!

      I really miss exercising...

      Today was ok too. I'm so grateful! I no longer consider alot things that might happen to me after 5-6 pm...I'm kind of used to this emptiness / zero energy / heavy brain thing that comes in me in the evening... I'm just considering the good positive things...the rest (negative) will fade away sooner or later!

      I just gotta hang in there!

      I honestly I feel good after eating my dinner even though I fatigue dining lol

      Hope to hear good news from you tomorrow!

      Stay positive, and STRONG!


    • Posted

      Hey Craig!

      Thanks alot for your nice words and encouragement!!!

      I hope you're doing good too!

      I appreciate the fact that you dedicate your time to keep our hopes alive!!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your constant kindness and care Craig. It's beyond appreciated!

      I hope you're doing well!

      Thanks again,


    • Posted

      Hey Nicky / Georgie,

      You're both well I am always keen to hear how you are both doing, I want you be well again and know that you both will be given a bit of time. Thanks for all your kind words too, it's a very supportive site I enjoy chatting to everyone, each person is so nice despite the tough times they are going through.


    • Posted

      HI craig,

      It's a very nice of you and I do appreciate it!

      Today I don't feel so good, unlike last 4 days!

      I don't know if I'm experiencing a mild herxheimer reaction or what... But I have brain fog, fatigue, I feel hot inside (this doesn't last long, comes and goes), ... Seems like I've no energy left...Besides, I've anxiety again and I pretty much had nausea for like 2-3 hours... I don't have it atm.

      I hope it's no relapse sad


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky,

      So sorry to hear that those nasty symptoms took hold yesterday, I hope they are more settled today and remember with this virus its just like waves, sometimes as you say it can seem like you're doing well a few days and then the tiredness and symptoms can hit you out of the blue again - but like a wave it comes back up again and the best way to think of any bad days or mini relapses is that it is your body coming to terms with another part of the virus, in a strange way every time you feel not so good it means your body is getting to grips with it and those feelings won't be able to hit any more.

      Hoping you feel better today and thinking about you - remember you WILL get to the stage when the ups and downs settle out and your body feels stable and is able to build strongly again! Something to look forward to smile


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky, hope your day today is better.

      The virus just acts in up and down days.

      I am struggling with virus and gi issues too. Went to gi doc yesterday. He is scheduling a ct scan. My appetite still hasn't returned. Hopefully all my systems the virus attack will soon recover. I'm trying to focus on what has improved.

      Please update us on how you are because we know the battles you are fighting with this virus and we do care.

      Others might ask how you are just as a greeting. Those of us who experiences gf care and know it helps to say how we are to those who understand.

      God bless and may more good days come your way!


    • Posted

      HI craig, anytime I feel awful I remember your words, bad days good days and finally there will be just good days!

      Today wasn't ok at all!

      I try to lay down as much as I can, maybe I miss the shining's been cold and cloudy lately!

      It's good to read your replies! Specially for me that I live far away from my parents and I live alone):


    • Posted

      Rhonda!!! HIIII!

      How have you been?

      Today was awful tbh ): I don't feel good, so tired...I feel like there's something over my head, irritable easily, anxiety is kicking me again, specially at this exact moment, although reading your message and craig's message made me more comfort and okayish! I'm so happy to be able to talk to you guys, I'm about to cry (not so good for a 31 years old boy maybe 😢wink.

      I'm having gi issues too, I had a severe nausea this evening! (made me so terrified, cuz I didn't want to throw up my dinner as I've lost too much weight). Reading the new messages changed my mood!

      God, I'm so glad to be able to unburden myself here!

      What's the cs for? Spleen and liver? I hope you get your appetite back... I sometimes can eat good, and sometimes not so good.

      Oh did you or do you have difficulty eating your food? Cuz I really fatigue eating my food, it's just like I'm moving a mountain, you know. Afterwards I feel so exhausted that I've to lay down cuz I feel like I'm going to faint! But after half an hour I feel better.

      So weird this virus!

      Please keep me updated on your overall health... I know that you're passing hard times 😖


    • Posted

      Hi Nicky, my heart is sad for you and everyone suffering from this virus!

      The anxiety can be vicious! Especially when our symptoms are so bad. It just seems we feel our health is not going to return. We know our feelings lie to us. We will have better days and health.

      I get so discouraged trying to gain weight. I have no appetite. I force every bite down. I keep a calorie log. Some days I can eat a little mor than others. It is easy to be sad and discouraged!

      Got ti go to Chiropractor. Will email later.

      Prayers, Rhonda

    • Posted

      Hey Nicky / Rhonda,

      Sorry to hear it's been a tough few days in particular for you guys, I definitely just want to offer a reminder that there is still hope there and without a doubt Nicky when the bad days are there just remember that over time they will fade away and it's just part of the cycle of recovery your body is going through, just hoping that things ease up and give you some much deserved respite soon. Living on your own with this must be very hard too, mentally also because you really often need someone to talk to or to lift your spirits when feeling that way. At the very least I hope the forum here can offer some friendship in that respect.

      Good luck with your scan Rhonda, just hoping and believing everything will improve for you too - I just know that it's going to and a big turning point is closer than you think.

      Thinking of you all and hang in there, better times ahead for sure


    • Posted

      Craig, thank you for caring and encouraging!

      Prayers are greatly appreciated!

      Hoping gi issues are just from virus and clear up as my body gets virus under control!

      Hope all is well with you!

      Prayers, Rhonda

    • Posted

      Nicky, back from Chiropractic appointment.

      Yes I have trouble eating. I too am exhausted when I finish eating but dont feel faint. I should be up for at least 30 minutes afternoon but go to bed much sooner. No food taste goodsad

      My scan is to mostly check stomach and colon.

      I realize how health is such a blessing!

      Hopefully soon we will leave this virus and it's effects behind us all!


    • Posted

      Hey Rhonda,

      You're words are so true that health is such a blessing, just hoping you feel less exhausted today and that the chiropractic work can help (remember Bowen Therapy if there is anyone you can find who does it, that's coming from me who has tried chiropractic and so many other things!).

      Definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I continue to hope and believe in your healing without any doubt smile

      Take care


    • Posted

      HI craig!

      Yeah this place does help me to better understand this virus, God knows how terrified I was one month ago, cuz everyone around told me that they had never experienced my symptoms! I know that I'm not alone!

      Thanks alot for your advices and your nice words! God bless you!

    • Posted

      HI rhonda! Thank you!

      Sometimes, It really feels my health is not going to return... And that scares but then I tell myself that I've to hang in there and that I'll gain my forces soon!

      How did it go at the chiropractor? I hope it makes feel better! Yeah the appetite...comes and goes... I don't know if it's related to the splenomegaly...

      Hopefully! God bless you and hope you are having more sleep hours at nights!!!

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