Noticing symptoms getting back after i stop taking probiotics?

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Ive been having symptoms for a really long time such as tight chest, abdominal pain and mucus in stool constipation as well as throat trouble more like esophagus so whenever i started taking probiotics it helped me with the symptoms whenever i seem to stop probiotic it takes 2-3 days till i get back my symptoms and when i start taking probitoic few days and symptoms are gone, any idea why?

How long does it take for probiotic to leave ur digestive system after u stop taking more of the supplement? 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Probiotics help balance gut flora. See more info on side bar.
    • Posted

      The thing is i did a colonoscopy and it showed nothing wrong but for some reasons probiotics are helping somewhat, if i take them for a whole month maybe some specific time i just get back the symptoms even if on probiotic but in less severe way and not for a long period of time.
  • Posted

    This supplement needs to be taken for months anyway and can be taken lifelong without side effects. You can alternate brands (and bacteria, look at the composition, they are very different). I also do sometimes a certain thick capsule e.coli nissle 1917 strain for the colon, not only lacto strains and bifidus. 

    Maybe go on it for really long, alternate products, try a colon one as well. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Can't be true, my computer gut stuck and the answer lost.

      In short: the concept of 'just' eating probiotics to encourage good bacterial gut balance is simple, but the implementation is not, how to get them there and how to make them multiply unharmed.

      It depends on which bacteria in which number in which form.

      Commonly used are lactobacillus and bifidusbacterium, if you look at package, you see, that each probiotic often uses one or a mix of different strains of them. Hence you need to find out yourself, which one work best.

      (I never found that out and simply change brands, after 2 months or so.)

      Now, life cultures (in so called fortified yoghurts or some probiotic capsules or powders) are meant to colonize in the guts and take many weeks to be established at all.

      Other products, that contain dead (yes also that can be in it) or to be activated cultures and were not correctly used, are a quick fix (when you have symptoms now ranging from diarrhea to constipation or like under antibiotic treatment) and won't colonize, but help on that day.

      The problem: products will not (since it is marketing) label specifically if they are meant to make it into gut alive, if they will colonize successfully.

      But you can have a look, if it said anything of 'life cultures'.

      I don't really care if it was a colonisation or not since I pretty much take probiotics daily, different brands and once a year a 8 week e.coli nissle course (thick capsule in the hope to get to colon before destroyed).

      So it might well be, that your product helps at the time present, which is great!, but doesn't colonize in your guts, hence no benefit when you stop.

      It doesn't really matter, if it helped, it helped and you can continue taking.

      You can eat those so called fortified (huge number of bacteria count) yoghurts plus life probiotics from the shelf (often fridge, or lyophilisied and need water activation) to encourage colonization in the guts.

      It is ok to alternate and switch and trial and error. Usually colonizing cultures have to be taken for months to see improvement, are not a quick fix. The other products will be gone with bowel movement as frustrating as it is. If you get no life cultures going in the guts, it will never be a permanent effect. But under the line, it doesn't matter as gut flora can even after colonalisation change very quickly again for the worse.

      Hence my advice re probiotics: take any product long, change brands and if you can, eat some fortified yoghurt additionally, read the label carefully how to take that probiotic since it has a reason as to why (getting the most out of it and into guts before destruction and hope for germinisation, multiplying)

      Best of luck!

    • Posted

      in short turned out longer, haha


    • Posted

      My tablet keypad frequently sticks on this site. No type comes out, or after a delay it comes out one letter at time and sometimes all at once.  Then, the keypad starts working without me touching it but nothing appears on the screen.   Then it backspaces everything I hae typed and the page reloads after saying there was a problem. Sometimes it takes several attempts to post a comment. I even had a diagnostic page coming up saying I should contact the site.  Is this happening to you often as well?
    • Posted


      So frustrating. (First slow, then to a point though that it gets permanently stuck and only a brutal 'power off' helps. Only happens recently.)

      When it starts slowing down (like you explained with the letter display delay) I know 'ohoh, it's going to crash soon'.

      I have this diagnostic page popping up since opened Wondering if I got a 'virus' now, but without bad damage. I ignore constantly, I am never pressing on pop up windows. Also am on a Mac and feel a tiny bit more relaxed, but always close the page and internet when finished. Leave no port open.

      I think I will start writing replies into a document next to it and just copy and paste since rewriting takes too long. At the moment writing to you, it works absolutely fine. strange.eek

    • Posted

      or maybe it depends how many people are typing into the forum at the time and 'overload' the capacity, was that possible?

    • Posted

      I'm using a Mac tablet so I began to wonder at first  if it was my machine playing up because I am running the latest software on an old machine.   That's why I thought I would ask you because you said you were having a problem too.  I asked for feedback on the help page twice about this without reply.  They say they cannot reply to everyone's queries because if user volume.

      It seems to be a new problem; it never happened before.  It seems to be very random.

    • Posted

      I suppose if there are many users it could crash the system depending on the strength of the server.
    • Posted

      Before we get scolded to use an abdominal post for computer problems, cheesygrin, I want to admit, that my speed is slow anyway. Nevertheless these problems of stuck curser or crashing or popping up window only happens when on this page and sometimes the animated add clips above (which are fairly new) really make even scrolling slow. It's on my end, but as said, it's not happening on my email or whatever else I do, I can also watch movies on this thing, .... so.....both sides seem to lead to a real inconvenience at times. Also here: you are not alone! Take care!

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