Obsessed behaviour!
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Hello Everyone, just found this site and been reading so many symptoms that I have been expericing, although I seem to have an unhealthy interest in my mouth and teeth, it started with a really dry mouth and along with everything else, I started to get totally focused on every little thing that ached or felt like it was burning. It seems to be ruling my life and making me totally depressed and anxious, I have a stressful job with a team of 35 and am struggling to to remain confident and seem to be on a rollercoaster of emotions, which is exhausting. Does anyone else have obessive thoughts? Thank you for taking the time to read such a long message 😬 X
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annieschaefer Marley1
I remember early on when things really started changing I did get a bit preoccupied by health concerns. Mine sort of skipped around from one worry (vision slightly changing 1st thing I remember) to another. I'd get fixated on it until I was given the all clear. Then another new issue would crop up and that would worry me to no end until yet another visit to the docs for all clear.
Sure made me feel a bit crazy at first but I think once I started reading about the many possible symptoms of this time and "chatting" with the lovely ladies on here, it has settled down.Â
This is all new to you, so please don't let it depress and make you anxious, actually those feelings can be a part of this lovely time. Please look around and check out this site. So many have offered great advice on what worked for them and may or may not help you.Â
I can say it can be quite a ride and some helpful things are to find a way to learn how relax yourself, be it yoga, mindful meditation, relaxation mp3s or just going for a good run or walk. It's helped me along with some supplements and vitamins. Remember first-you aren't losing your mind and there will be good days and some not so much. But they pass. There is always someone here to connect with.
Wishing you the best.
Annie xx
annieschaefer Marley1
Shelly0069 annieschaefer
middlemuddle Marley1
To give you hope I find this has settled down a lot for me now. Yin yoga is brilliant if you have time to try it (a great teacher for a few group sessions would help to start).
susan21149 Marley1
 I do have obsessive thoughts all the time about my health when I am not feeling good. I start thinking the bad and going to doctors to get things checked out and ER to get help Its a struggle when you are not feeling goodÂ
shaznay96184 Marley1
Just don't introduce yourself to a cooker, central heating timer, iron, hair straightners, locks on doors, bath taps.......and what else do I keep checking?!!
Seriously, I find that I over-check things like the gas hob, plugs etc before I leave the house. Never used to as such.Â
And as for obsessive thoughts....since Xmas there are a couple of people (they know who they are!!) who would not want to bump into me anytime soon. A week before a Period, I 'obsess' and go over and over what I will say to them, keeping very calm and collected(!) while I deliver my message. Got so bad in the New Year that I had to write down the 'script' of what I would say to them. I occasionally read this, tweek it a bit (less venomous ha, ha
!), and feel better for 'getting it out of my head'.
When I ran our Business (for 22yrs) I found that occasionally my PMT made me wake up fretting, with something ridiculous rolling around my head, so much that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Solution: To this day, I still use this. I have a note pad/pen on my bedside cabinet. If I wake up with something silly bothering me - I just write it down. That way I don't have to keep thinking about it; I won't forget it; and best still, by the morning I read it and think "Why did I let that cr*p keep my awake?!!".
Failing that:Â maybe go see your GP to talk about this. If nothing else, you'll probably feel better for talking over all aspects of your general health, including any other Peri symptoms you have.
Good Luck.
trudy77450 Marley1