Odd sensations!!!
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I feel like I’m always on here!! Feeling very frightened/anxious today as I’m experiencing lots of odd sensations!!! Light headed, woozy, aches and pains and so it goes on.
Is this normal after no period for 15 months?
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kate_80669 paulahove24
paulahove24 kate_80669
janet30959 kate_80669
wierd and have odd sensations on and off. I am 58 and thought I was over the menopause a few years ago then I use to suffer hot flushes and mood swings but since march this year I am suffering with so many different symptoms, its unbelievable I am still stunned to know that this is supposed to be normal and this is all down to hormones.
katyD211 paulahove24
Hey Paula...that was me yesterday... thought it was my heart. Then remembered I had been greedy the night before and ate 2 pieces of pie a la mode!! oink, oink...
I go back n forth...if it's a pain in my head I thy think stroke automatically...or brain tumor. Tingling I think diabetes or MS...or stroke.
Left arm pain? Heart
Tummy rumbling? Constipation? Yep, colon C....
I ask Gods forgiveness for this each day.
You are not alone. Maybe we're all crazy??
Sassyr12a paulahove24
Hi Paula
Sounds about right unfortunately, I think we all have those symptoms. I'm finding that kalms in the day and night time are working quite well. Also meditating can be good to get some calm. I'm like Kate.... Still convinced I'm actually seriously ill, but the fact I'm still upright suggests otherwise. It just shows how powerful hormones are. Good luck, hope you feel better xx
paulahove24 Sassyr12a
janet30959 paulahove24
Me too I'm up down and all over the place from one day to the next it is unbelievable I am so so knackered, and this heat in London is not helping.... sorry to moan but I cannot stand it sweat sweat and more sweating... yuk.
katyD211 janet30959
teri76755 paulahove24
paulahove24 teri76755
janet30959 teri76755
I can't handle too much noise and people around me as I get so tired and cannot focus, I just want to go to bed. What a life
InnerGrace paulahove24
paulahove24 InnerGrace
kate_80669 paulahove24
teri76755 InnerGrace
I have these issues too. There are days where it’s like that feeling when you’re about to get a stomach flu. Weak stomach, arms & legs feel like jelly. I have plantar fasciitis, so my left foot hurts constantly. Add to that the usual sinus headache and I’m a real mess!!
debra16694 InnerGrace
Hi InnerGrace - I feel your pain - I have just had the worst week of burning body parts, tingling hands & last night my achiles tendon in my right leg was killing me & then I had a weird almost like artery vibration in my right upper leg...the burning kicks in big time when I am supposed to be sleeping Ugh! I now am convinced I have diabetes with chronic inflammation & coupled with my elevated B/P = no bueno. I have worked myself up into a total state of health anxiety - What is causing all these whacky symptoms? I had blood work done in Oct & my glucose was elevated & so was my CRP score, so now I am just imagining the worse - I know diabetics experience neuropathy, but do they experience burning sensations that travel - I think if I could just have some answers I would feel better -
kate_80669 debra16694
The small sensitive patch I’m hoping is post herpatic neuralgia. I get repeat shingles higher up in same leg xx
debra16694 kate_80669
Hi Kate - I do know that menopause can affect your tendons and joints - I actually have developed a condition caused Achilles Tendonapathy that came out of nowhere. My Achilles’ tendon hasn’t hurt me for some time & then last night with all my other whacky symptoms kicked into high gear -
InnerGrace paulahove24
I got my blood work results back the day before yesterday and they told me I am definitely going thru menopause but for some reason it hasn’t helped my mind! ....lol. I’ll decide that I am at peace one day and then the next I’ll feel a new weird sensation. And could it ALL be hormone related???? I think I have plantar fasciitis, but my feet hurt in more places than the bottom...
Here is a list of my weird symptoms;
Feet hurt
Dull muscle ache
Stiff joints (arthritis?)
Strange headaches (not debilitating)
Blurry vision
Carpal Tunnel (or is it?)
Hot Flashes
Tingling/Prickling in arms/scalp/feet
Cold sensation across my sides and mid back (almost like Icy Hot being placed on my back)
Woozy dizzy feelings
And I’m sure other things:
I have started taking a super B complex, Iron, Magnesium, Black Cohosh, Vitamins C, D and E and my chiropractor told me to start taking an adrenal supplement... imperative for menopausal women. I am getting tired of living in anxiety of what if it’s more than menopause and I’m just missing it ....light weight training is something I do as well to keep my bones strong... My poor poor fiancé...
debra16694 InnerGrace
Hi innergrace - I am sorry for all your symptoms, but I think my list might be longer - Hah! When you described your Cold Sensation like heavy icy hot on your skin - does it ever feel like a really bad sunburn & when do you get this...at night? Morning? Or anytime of day? Also would you mind sharing the name of the Adrenal Support Vitamin you are taking - thank you! Be well!
kate_80669 debra16694
InnerGrace debra16694
Hi, Debra.....I am pretty new to this. All of my symptoms started out of the blue about a month or so ago...so now I am trying to see if there is any rhyme or reason to the things I feel as far as when, how long.... things that coincide together.... I can't really describe it as a bad sunburn.... I had my 11th rib go out sometime ago and I bathed it in icy hot. That is the feeling I get. Almost like a cool, numbing sensation...... I am actually having it as I type. I just had a hot flash right prior to the cold sensation so maybe it's just an aftermath of the hot flash. I will be more in tune to see if that's the case all the time. It happens anytime of day. I will be going to my chiropractor tomorrow and will be purchasing the adrenal support vitamin. As soon as I do, I will be sure to let you know what it is!
debra16694 InnerGrace
Thanks InnerGrace...appreciate it! Well my weird nerve sensation is definitely heat like, it just feels like a sunburn & seems to come on @ very early morning, generally while I am sleeping - I can’t figure it out & nobody else can either! Other posters have said its declining hormones, but it also feels like it can be related to anxiety. Ugh! So over it!
InnerGrace debra16694
debra16694 InnerGrace