Off Balance

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Hello Ladies,

I just started my cycle today so I'm guessing this may have something to so with it. I noticed that everytime I take a step or two. I feel a little off balance. I'm not dizzy, but just off balance. Anyone expierence this?

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    I did read somewhere that is a very common thing in peri. I get it too. I'm sure it has to do with our hormones. I'm due to start my cycle in a few days and I feel so out of it today. Breathing is difficult and I feel off balance and tired as well. I'm getting ready to head out to my ultrasound on my ovary so the anxiety is rearing it's head. Hopefully we both will feel better soon. Hang in there my friend and PM me if you need anything or just need to vent.

    • Posted

      You are right about the breathing. I been feeling off all morning. I'm sure it's hormones.
  • Posted

    Yes. All the time around ovulation and my period. I've been really ill this week. I'm sorry for the TMI but I've lost lots of blood this week with huge clots so I think that's contributed to the off balance feeling. I bought some liquid iron that made me feel a little better. If you are heavy this might explain the balance issue. Hope you feel better soon x
    • Posted

      The last few cycles have been light. Which surprised me because normally it's heavy. Since I've started taking iron for the blood loss i've suffered in the past few years, the dizzies have gotten better, but that off balance feeling is crazy. It feels like I just stopped off an elevator.
    • Posted

      It's just gross isn't it. I had the mirena coil last yr (only coped with the side effects for 4 months then had it removed) I'd been really dizzy before having that fitted, had two months of dizzy free then bam it started all over again. I bled every 19 days and the dizziness was unbearable so I had the wretched thing removed, started taking a multivitamin and B12, which improved things massively, now it's all started again. I'm sooooo sick of it all sad
    • Posted

      That's the part I hate. When you get a few months of feeling ok, it rears it ugly head again. I know eventually it will be done, I just hate that it has to go on so long before it does.
  • Posted

    Yes I get that off balance feeling too. And that's what I call it to because it's not dizziness it just feels like I'll konk over. When I tell my doctors this they always ask if I have fallen and when I say no they look at me like I'm crazy.

    I've felt it last few days as I've started continuous BC to see if it will help my symptoms. But I'm getting breakthrough bleeding now so wondering if I should just stop BC altogether as I've heard that it can also cause mood swings and depression which I am having.

    • Posted

      Anytime I tell the docs my symptoms they look at me like I'm crazy. I guess they figure everything else looks fine so whatever I'm talking about is in my head. I'm over the docs. That's why I come here and ask my questions. That off balance feeling and the dizzies is horrible. Everytime I take a step and feel like I'm going to fall over I look around to see if it's just me. I always feel so isolated like I'm the only one feeling and looking crazy.
    • Posted

      Nope, your not the only one. Thank God we all can relate or we would think it's some dreaded disease we are secretly dying from. It's frustrating when you can't get your doctor to acknowledge and confirm what is going on. Just an acknowledgement would be so helpful.
    • Posted

      Acknowledgement would mean a lot. I hate the crazy looks and being blown off.
  • Posted

    YES! They're like sea legs or a drunken sailor. Very debilitating and uncomfortable to walk, almost freaky.

    It's hormone fluctuations, jumping up and down and having a party that we do NOT want to attend!! I hate it. Feels crazy to even cross the street. Oh those raging hormones. smile

    • Posted

      I get it a lot when I'm shampooing my hair and my eyes are closed. I always need to hold on to the stall.
    • Posted are right, that is one party that I do not want an invite too. I know hormones control a lot in our bodies, but geesh. I didn't know it was going to be like this. I hate the off balance feeling. I'm stumbling around and looking around to see am I the only one looking drunk.
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    You mean as if you've had a little too much to drink?

    I had it a lot early peri but it became more like dizziness where I would have to hang on to something. It happened most often a few seconds after standing up.

    • Posted

      Yes that's exactly it. Feels like I been drinking and can't stand up straight. Soon as one thing goes another one comes. It's frustrating thinking I may have years to go through this.

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