off balance feelings everyday
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hi all i'm 54 and 6yrs into post meno, had no problems up until the last 12 months had full head feeling off balance feeling everyday which seems to be getting worse, not on hrt as cannot take it, i'm on propranolol for the last 12mths for anxiety 3x 10mg 3 times a day, had tests been to see ent had balance tests which came back normal doctor seems to reckon its my anxiety makeing me feel worse as i do think a lot but its worrying me they have missed something like a brain tumor i cant understand why i'm like this daily and it's not letting up i'm so down at the moment i'm in doctors every other day and this is not me at all has anyone had similar so i know i'm not on my own thanks for reading
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anxiousface wendy94366
hello wendy, im 4yrs post meno and im just the same as you. off balance, feel like im falling forward. i too cant take HRT . if you look through a lot of the other ladies post you'll see your not alone, many of us feel like you and our anxiety makes it worse. iv bern through all the tests known yo man and results are ok. i think it must be another hormone imbalance. i know how your feeling wendy and it robs you of your confidence, happiness and wellbeing.
sorry i have no cure for you but just had to let you know your not alone and hopefully it will pass soon x
Gypsy014 wendy94366
Hi Wendy, I also feel bad with off balance .. Google search m vertigo all one word i believe and read some , most of them are woman at this same age having issues.. Hope you find relief soon..
pamela2016 wendy94366
everyday all day day in and day out for 4 years and counting its pretty much taken my life from me homebound gave up driving cry daily it never ends. like you have had balance test seen an audiologist still no answers or why it wont stop. your not alone
anxiousface pamela2016
hi pamela
how did your house move go, i imagine your shattered.
i feel so bad today i am thinking maybe ill have to give up driving as i thought i was going to pass out coming home.
that will make me house bound which will not be good for my wellbeing as thats the only little bit of independance i have left although i dont drive very far.
why do no doctors know whats going on with us.?
pamela2016 anxiousface
i haven't moved yet its been postponed for a few days ill be going sometime this week and scared out my mind. symptoms just keep getting worse sick of it, and being in a new state is gonna make all this worse god help us all
anxiousface pamela2016
pamela you make me want to cry for you , i thought i was in a bad way but i have had a few good days this year but your suffering daily. Maybe moving to a new state might be a new start for you once your settled and you may find a doctor that will listen to you and help you because this is horrendous what we're going through, we should be enjoying life before we get too old and cant do anything for ourselves. i wish i could come and keep you company then we could reassure each other that one day this will go away and we'd feel human again.
Hugs and hope x
sunaina1983 anxiousface
Mam Dr i have no ans for our sufferings..
They only give anti depression medicines and sleeping pills
At this stage of life NO ONE UNDERSTAND US ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
sunaina1983 wendy94366
Me too having same issue mam from 18 months.
ur not alone.
Head issues make my life worst
Head pressure
Off Balance
Drunk feeling
Falling forward
Jelly legs
list goes on and on..
I lose my normal self.
Some days r soo bad its hard to come out of bed.
Like you i also visit Dr's and did alot of test..thank God all r normal.
None of Dr gave me anything that help me in this
From this group i came to know many ladies r facing this problem..Its hormones related.
Hang is there.
Sorry not able to give you any tip...didnot find anything that work for it.
Hang is there.
It will go with time i guess..
Clare1971 sunaina1983
I have/ had all on your list and more , this has been going on since October 2016 i remember it well , the month my life changed and has never come back , it started with the anxiety then panic attacks the worst i have ever felt to the point i thought i was dying , all blood work and tests done , all in my head and i bring the anxiety on myself .. makes me so mad to think an actual Dr could say this to thier patient who hardly ever visited the dr to now be going every week with a different symptom , offered anti depressants and lorazapam for anxiety . I use to cry walking home from the Dr s knowing i wasnt mad and i really was feeling all this inside my body and head , but no professional believed me , my husband and family have been through hell with me , but i cant help it, my daughter even said she lost he confident , happy mother years ago . Its so heart breaking that still hot flushes , mood swings , sleep deprivation are the main things in peri/ menopause , NO our lives are ruined with anxiety / panic attacks feeling dizzy , feeling unwell , no confidence the list goes on ... Tried everything , now on to cold pressed juicing thinking minerals and nutrients that are missing will be naturally replaced and i must admit best i have felt in years . Also walking , which is hard when i am having a jelly leg day .. keep at it ladies . Love this forum xxx
JReady64 wendy94366
join the club... Same for me. Know sometimes at all until well into postmen of pause. Started with dizziness and unbalanced feeling like you mention. I've had all the testing and seen all the doctors and there's nothing wrong supposedly...MRIs..nerve testing....everything..
Lisaippie wendy94366
im having same issue im 50 years old perimenapause and the dizziness and anxiety is herendous hot flushes next second im freezing then ive lost 9 lbs from no appetite im miserable and i cant take homones either
Irene1210 wendy94366
I have all those symptoms. you named it I have it. Stress makes it worse. So try to relax as much as possible & tell yourself there is medically nothing wrong with you. it's just another phase in life that we women have to go through. Hang in there, stay positive, eat healthy & take good care of yourself. All the best.
Jaynie12 wendy94366
hi ladies. im. very confused. for a few months i was just about feeling my old self until 3 days ago. now all the bad feelings are back and i feel worse then ever. one of the new things is i get a feeling like im falling and it wakes me up so now im not sleeping ..the hot surges are worse the weird breathing upset stomach even with nexium. is it normal for all this to come back??? i been without a period for 3 years now and all this started last year. then. eased up for a few mths now full blown. im so extremely tired. sometimes i feel like im gonna stroke or something this is not the best years of my life. anyone else have this happen???
lisa95354 wendy94366
hey Wendy, my friend has the full feeling in the head, and she is still in perimenopause. I have the balance issues and I’m 54 years old as well. These doctors don’t have any explanations because it’s hormones, I think it’s the hippocampus that controls the hot flashes... which is in the center of our brain ...I know you were not mentioning that but I feel like it controls a lot more and maybe balance is one of them ...these hormones and the fluctuating and depletion affects everything majorly. Sometimes my husband is like ...what is wrong with you with these balance issues .... whereupon I look at him squarely in the eyes... like if I was drew Barrymore from the movie firestarter he would disintegrate… LOL ... this happens a lot at the grocery Store and I feel like people probably think I’m drunk when I lose my balance. I want to start yoga, have you tried yoga ? Believe me, I know it is very hard to get motivated when we feel this way. i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I really do not understand why God made our bodies this way. hugs your way ... you’re not alone ...xxoo
anxiousface lisa95354
hi wendy i have the falling forward issue and off balance. I use to go to the gym and yoga but had to give that up because of the balance issue ( not safe on a treadmill). its so unfair as i planned to keep myself fit in my 50's so i would be ready for old age but this hasn't worked out, im completely UNFIT.
meredyn65777 lisa95354
Hi, Lisa! It's actually the hypothalamus that controls temperature regulation - it goes haywire in menopause and that's why we get the hot flushes. xxx