Off Estrogen!!!
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I am 65 years old and took estrogen for 30 years! Decided to wean off (took 4 months) but immediately having hot flashed day and night, hard time getting to sleep at night, joints aching, and my hips are hurting like crazy!!
My gyn says stay on, cardio says causing weight gain... I am ready to start taking estrogen agan as no one can tell me that all these symptoms will go away one day.... Any suggestions????
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Fairy28 doreen56098
jayneejay Fairy28
Do you take any vits or supplemets to help ?
rainforest food maca 5.1 capsules are brill i take them have for years
and vit b6
jay x
doreen56098 Fairy28
Fairy28 jayneejay
jayneejay doreen56098
what type or estrogen are you actually taking or was taking, so many different ones,
lesley61388 doreen56098
I can't help as not taking anything but like Lou I am suffering with loads of symptoms dizziness, lack of sleep, hot flushes, irritable and yes the list goes on, but I'm also a epileptic so I can't take any HRT just have to fight my way through it
mel64317 doreen56098
mel64317 doreen56098
I also weaned myself off HRT...had been taking it only for 10years....but was advised not to give myself a time frame. So went from tablets to patches, then cut the patches in half etc,etc, but this process took ME 18 months.... Cut the dose, saw how I felt, stayed on that dose for a period of time....cut the dose again, got the joint aches/ flushes back again...put the dose back up again.....and like that. I'm my 60s now
and can honestly say I'm off it and fine now. My advice, with your doctors permission, is take your time unless it's a medical issue and just allow your body to adjust to the differences....
hope it works for you. Xx
shaznay96184 doreen56098
Like 'lou86', I don't think I can offer you anything concrete. Although I know there are many wonderful ladies using this forum who are so much better placed than me to advise on this. I'm just chipping in, so to speak, on a subject dear to a few of our hearts: To HRT or not to HRT??!!
Personally, at the mo, I feel perfectly able to cope with the Peri symptoms I have. I've been blessed with fairly good health all my life, so have never really had to take meds, other than the usual painkillers or antibiotics. Oh and a few years of taking Tracexamic Acid to help with really heavy, clotting: did the trick, so came off of it. Bleeding after that was so much better, but I was about 49 ha, ha!!
But around Xmas time I felt very, very low. I was angry, tearful, pi**ed off with the world and his wife, and was aching sooooo much, left shoulder and elbow giving me so much gyp.
So I decided to take the good advice I'd been reading about on here,and got myself some specific vits and mins, and decided to give the bioientical Progesterone Cream another go.
Well within a very short period I started to feel much, much better: both physically and mentally. In fact I got something like a 'Legal High'-feeling at one point, so obviously something was working for me
The thing is, at Xmas I'd said I'd give myself until the end of of Feb and I'd definitely go back to the Doc to talk about some HRT. But to be honest, as long as I feel this good, I'm not going to bother just yet. I truly feel really well, and although I still have a rant/rage, I remind those around me who know me well that its one of my 'normal' rants and not a 'Peri' rant!
I've always been in two minds about taking HRT - mainly how rough would I have to feel to feel that it would help me? But I've never ruled it out as my biggest worry is osteoporosis, which my dear ol' mum had: I don't want too much of that, that's for sure.
2 of my 3 sisters have had it (and thats where things get relevant to your thread!), and have both sung its praises. Eldest sister had a hysterectomy so went straight on HRT after that. Recall her saying the 'sex was great' at that time!! She's 71 now, and has a L/T history with mental health issues. I now know that at one point the Qwacks took her off it almost cold turkey (how much that was required because of the toxic concoction she then had to take to keep her on the straight and narrow, I'll never know), and the poor girl was in a right state: confused, sweat dripping off her. I truly think it made her psychosis worse for a while.
The other sister (62) has been taking HRT for 7yrs: loves it. Her GP stupidly suggested she start to wean off of it. After a day of sweats and rants, she went back to her GP, demanding she be allowed to continue taking her HRT as she was entitled to a decent quality of life, which this had enabled her to have. Suffice to say, she walked out of the surgery with a repeat prescription...for HRT!
So, in this long-drawn out drone, I think knowing what I've seen with my sisters, if I have to take HRT, I will probably want to stay on HRT for as long as I am physically able to!
Put in perspective: I am of the very strong opinion that I'd prefer a decent quality of life, taking HRT that is being monitored by my GP, and cope with the extra pounds as I would should I not be taking HRT: go on a diet!!
I think in a nutshell: Listen to your Gynae! I'd rather be fat and happy rather than sweaty, moany, aching, confused and, knowing my luck, still FAT!!!!!
Maybe I have a very matter-of-fact take on life, but hey, life's for living Doreen, and I'm telling you from myself and my 3 sisters (62, 67 & 71): 65 ain't old!!!!!
From the 54yr Old 'Baby' of the family xxxx
jayneejay shaznay96184
your ' natural progesterone cream ' is still HRT you know.
be careful with it.. May feel good for a few months, but ummm it can overload in your body creating havoc in months to come .
happened to me mid peri in 2011, restarted my declining periods, gave me aching breasts and a breast lump to deal with.. All scary..
my hormones had gone wild ... And had an overload, with then converts into testosterone ...
luckily after stopping and breast checks the lump also went ..
i discussed this cream with my Gyno last Aug and told him what happened to me in 2011, and he said three words
' Big No No ' followed by, that messes women up.
so be careful and monitor yourself hun..
jay x
shaznay96184 jayneejay
Yeah, appreciate it is attempting to 'replace' some 'hormone' in a fashion, but I will use this with the respect it - and I! - is/are due.
If I thought that without it I'd still feel as good as I do, I drop it like a shot! But I suppose the only way to see that is to drop it......which I sorta did after 'trialling' it last Summer.
But although I felt no different without it (I know know) by Xmas I had the raging horrors.Both myself and my husband have gradually realised we both get very low at this time: we both miss our late parents terribly, and don't enjoy Xmas at all.
Plus I don't know if this alone should be given the accolade of making me feel 100% better since I started this again with some Menopace Original on 1st Jan - or is that 'and this Award goes to.....' good ol' Menopace??
Truth is: I have never taken any meds on a regular basis, other than Transexamic Acid for a few years for clotting: came off that to see how things were without it: brilliant. Never took another one! With regards the vits/mins I'm getting with Menopace: I am assuming that I've benefitted from them because I was probably almost depleted in all the vits/mins I'm now getting. I'm loathe to stop taking these as I can't see that they're something I'd give up now, regardless of whether I was taking HRT (traditional) or not.
I appreciate that the progresterone should not be 'played with', and will take your great advice and take things easy with this. I think for me, monitoring my bleeding will be key to whether I continue with the cream.
Truth is, I am not willing to walk around like Sweaty Betty for anyone, and hate the thought of getting so emotional that even I think I should pull myself together. I know there's something out there for me, but all the time I feel this good, I feel a little relieved - but definitely not complacent - that I'm OK at the mo.
This summer is going to be one of those Big Life Challenges for us: we've got lots of decisions to make and things to explore regarding our future: home, where we live, how we make a living etc So for now I'm loath to 'rock' my own steady boat, because I'll need the levelest of heads pretty soon.
But one way or another, I think some form of HRT has my name on it, for the sake of my dear ol' bones (mum had 3 hip replacement ops, post-Meno, but as active and lively as they come, until she passed at 81x
). When that will be, I've no idea. On a good day I convince myself that bleeding ain't so bad, and things may get a lot worse when it finally stops, and that I'm over the worse, symptom-wise, and that I've actually paid my pennance with all the trauma/stress that I've had to deal with since the age of 20.
I think at 54 I would really, really have preferred to have been the other side of Peri, be well into Menopause and then seeing what my GP and myself thinks is the best course of action for me......but then I wake up!!!
I've just been reading about a couple (he 58, she 44) who are going through their 'Change' together. I daren't show that to my husband, or he'll be winging his way down to our GP pronto for a course of Testosterone!! All I can say is that they probably have a good Postcode (Zip Code) - as that alone can determine what level of care you get in the UK at the mo!!
Thanks for the advice JJ - brilliant as ever and much appreciated
annieschaefer jayneejay
So glad you shared your experience with the cream. It's unpredictable. At first nice then bam! Happened to me. My old GYN wanted to me to still have occasional cycles (something to do with the endometrium). Plan nuts really.
The only reason I'll occasionally use it for few days is when my symptoms signal too much estrogen......and any more not very often.
I agree with you current Gyno. I am moving onto new doc who is supposed to be well versed in this area (some people consider this area med quackery but could be big pharma talking loud and obnoxiously clear here in US again) as my Naturopath confirmed I have hypothyroidism and while I need that addressed by good MD (Naturopath's can't prescribe meds as needed) I want to add the MACA you have discussed. I need a solid plan to get rid of this 100 yrs old feeling body. Plus drop a few pounds and get my damn libido back once again. Poor husband and me too, this is such nonsense.
I"ll keep you posted on what I learn (hopefully good stuff from the new doc) in the near future.
Hope the rain has stopped in Spain and you are enjoy nice weather!
Annie xx
tigerlilly doreen56098
Take a look at the Ladycare Magnet. I was told about it about a month ago on here so I read up and decided it was worth a go. I've been suffering with night sweats for around 7 years (I'm 48) and have been taking HRT, Sertraline and Clonidine with intermittant success but nothing to write home about - maybe 5 good nights a month!
I stopped taking it all last month and invested in a magnet. It was worth the £20 odd to just give it a go. The results are unbelieveable. I've just written to the lady who told me to try it to thank her. The best money I've ever spent. You simply attach the magnet to your underwear about 3 or 4 inches below your navel. How it works I don't know (something about electromagnetics) and it doesn't work for everyone but for me it's fantastic. I wear it 24/7 and it only took about a week for the night sweats to gradually subside but now I only have two or three a month (and they're nowhere near as bad as they were - I used to swim out of bed every morning (!) and had terrible nights sleep every night.). My joints still ache a little but not as bad as before.
Hope this helps!
susan556 doreen56098