Off for a Colonoscopy
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I noticed a small amount of blood on the loo paper this paper after a bowel movement. I was able to see a Dr as I panicked of course. He is booking me in for a colonoscopy so now I play the waiting game. He did suggest I may have IBS because of my change in bowel habits. He also said any bleeding from behind is not normal so now I have yet another thing to worry about . I know we are all different but has any other ladies out there had small amount of bleeding after going to the loo.? Of course I'm thinking worst case scenario.
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klm1213 kylie01267
Are you sure it's not hemorrhoids??
kylie01267 klm1213
yes i was unlucky enough for him to have a feel and probe haha he couldn't see or feel anything
carol727 kylie01267
I have to go for a colonoscopy soon just got a referral to GI doctor from my primary doctor. Not looking forward to it at all. A week ago was having abdominal pains and pressure when going to the bathroom ...nurse at doctors office said it sounds like a UTI they sent urine to lab came back negative. I never thought it was a UTI anyhow. Well went to have bowl movement this morning ( i am pretty much regular go every morning) when i wiped there was mucous tinged with a little blood of course I felt anxiety coming on right away. Now with all this Corona Virus going on really dont want this colonoscopy done anytime soon...UGH. When i went to see my primary doctor Tuesday and they did my vitals i was running low fever ... of course they said fever my immediate thought was i got the Corona Virus...omg if i make it through all this it will be a miracle being in menopause does not help matters. I definitely had changes in my bowel movement for sure, plus the lower abdominal pains and fever makes me wonder what the heck is going on . Good luck to you with everything !
kylie01267 carol727
I'm feeling your pain I tell you. It's no fun at all. I do have diverticulitis but dr said that wouldn't cause bleeding. I also feel very nauseous. But that has been coming and going for a while now. I just can not believe how awful menopause can make you feel
carol727 kylie01267
I have to go for a colonoscopy soon just got a referral to GI doctor from my primary doctor. Not looking forward to it at all. A week ago was having abdominal pains and pressure when going to the bathroom ...nurse at doctors office said it sounds like a UTI they sent urine to lab came back negative. I never thought it was a UTI anyhow. Well went to have bowl movement this morning ( i am pretty much regular go every morning) when i wiped there was mucous tinged with a little blood of course I felt anxiety coming on right away. Now with all this Corona Virus going on really dont want this colonoscopy done anytime soon...UGH. When i went to see my primary doctor Tuesday and they did my vitals i was running low fever ... of course they said fever my immediate thought was i got the Corona Virus...omg if i make it through all this it will be a miracle being in menopause does not help matters. I definitely had changes in my bowel movement for sure, plus the lower abdominal pains and fever makes me wonder what the heck is going on . Good luck to you with everything !
kylie01267 carol727
Like you I an extremely anxious right now. Especially when the doctor said any bleeding when going to the toilet is not normal. The doctor also told me this morning that menopause does not cause changes to bowel habits but I have to disagree. Our bodies go through so many changes(being a male doctor I really don't think he understands) Good luck to you also
Gypsy014 kylie01267
yes male doctors don't get it at all!!! but for me and my mom blood in stool or on t paper is very normal and the only time its not normal that ive always been taught is if its deep purple blood clot blood, and that if its bright red its surface blood such as a hemmroid that you can't see inside or out and you can usually tell those they itch and swell unless you can't see it inside still itches but can't feel the swelling tag, or could have tore some down there also either inside or out from a bigger than normal drier BM or could be diverticulitis polyps and can get irritated and spot bleed during a BM all so many reasons that are more than likely nothing real bad so I wouldn't worry but would go through with the colonoscopy so they can see up in there and snip any polyps while in there too, they did that for me when I had one years ago.. and for me this menopause causes all kinds of crazy symptoms and irritable bowl and gas and belching bloating diarreah is all part of it and constipation which also causes the blood during BM as well..
kylie01267 Gypsy014
thank you for taking the time to reply. I will have the colonoscopy when I can. I've only had the one spot of blood so far. I always think the worst though unfortunately. My anxiety is through the roof atm I am stressed also and I know that can impact health also.
pamela2016 kylie01267
i do but i have ulcerative colitis, my aunt just done the same and she dont have colitis and everything checked out just fine with her colonoscopy. try not to worry i know thats easier said then done, i really think you will be ok.
kylie01267 pamela2016
Thankyou Pamela its hard not to stress in times like these x
abijah23843 kylie01267
Please be rest assured all will be well. waiting time can be dreadful. I had similar experience but it was a very very very thin streak of blood on the tissue after poohing. it happened about 4 times on different occasions i think within 3 months. The specialist doctor was not disturbed as all my prior tests including tumour markers were clear. To the glory of GOD i have not had this challenge in the last 2years 4 months.
I know you are going fir colonoscopy. You are gripped with fear not knowing what to expect. My dear hold onto the promise of GOD in His word:
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
Say boldly to your self that
God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
Kylie you will surely be fine. Absolutely nothing is wring with you.
kylie01267 abijah23843
Thankyou for your kind words they mean a lot x
Folaboye abijah23843
I love this spirit. Fear is our worst enemy. Kylie, stay strong, you shall testify. Amen.❤
kylie01267 Folaboye
yes fear is my worst enemy I have to agree. with this virus ans having to stay home gives us too much time to think x
abijah23843 kylie01267
Please be rest assured all will be well. waiting time can be dreadful. I had similar experience but it was a very very very thin streak of blood on the tissue after poohing. it happened about 4 times on different occasions i think within 3 months. The specialist doctor was not disturbed as all my prior tests including tumour markers were clear. To the glory of GOD i have not had this challenge in the last 2years 4 months.
I know you are going fir colonoscopy. You are gripped with fear not knowing what to expect. My dear hold onto the promise of GOD in His word:
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
Say boldly to your self that
God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
Kylie you will surely be fine. Absolutely nothing is wring with you.