Off for a Colonoscopy

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I noticed a small amount of blood on the loo paper this paper after a bowel movement. I was able to see a Dr as I panicked of course. He is booking me in for a colonoscopy so now I play the waiting game. He did suggest I may have IBS because of my change in bowel habits. He also said any bleeding from behind is not normal so now I have yet another thing to worry about . I know we are all different but has any other ladies out there had small amount of bleeding after going to the loo.? Of course I'm thinking worst case scenario.

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18 Replies

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    Hi there, try not to worry, I know easier said than done. I have had bleeding before. After giving birth 15 years ago I had small tears they called them fissures, they took years to clear up and even to this day if I get constipated and have to strain it can tear and you can feel it. I also was told I have internal hemroids, a doctor did an internal check.....I never had a colonoscopy but have had many fecal occult testing all have been negative. They can also tell through blood tests if you are losing blood so if you had a good blood test I would not get worried.

  • Posted

    HI there

    I have had this before years ago . I actually had a lot of blood some times I could see in the toilet. My Doctor asked me if it was fresh red blood which it was and he told me it's either piles or I've just strained myself. Totally freaked me out . I had it on and off for years then it's just went .

    I know what it's like waiting on tests I'm going through bladder issue's just now and my anxiety is horrible and finding it hard to cope . So I completely understand how you feel. Take care xxxx

    • Posted

      yes mine was fresh blood too. I know the doctor has to tell me what it might be etc and hearing that is scary. I will try jot to worry thankyou x

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