Off home

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Hi all me again as you know I sailed through my op even though I was so nervous but it was thanks to you knowledgeable hippies x had op 6 Thurs eve off home today very sore and tender and extremely tired is this the norm please xxx

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    am i OK to be a passenger in a car or would you knowledgeable hippies be able to advise me please xx I will be 4 days post op tomos and need to get to bank lol x
    • Posted

      I was a car passenger at 4 days, would have been at 2 days if I had been let out earlier.  How did you get home ... presumably in a car?

      Note to self; as I did last time, before I go in next time, I must get some money out of the ATM and give it to my wife.


    • Posted

      Yes did get hone by car just wasn't sure if it was a good idea again or whether I should leave it for a couple of weeks xx and yes I really should have gone beforehand lol x
    • Posted

      I've been a car (taxi) passenger a few times since the op, including coming home from the hospital. Trying to avoid it for now, though, as my op was on the right-hand side and that's the side I have to stick into the car first due to our traffic laws (unless I want to walk out onto the highway to get in the other side of the cab).

      Also hurts a bit if the driver has to brake suddenly...

    • Posted

      My fourth night and am having major problems sleeping on my back!! My neck really hurts and the base of my spine feels really sore and tender :-( any advice on more comfort please hippies :-) xx
    • Posted

      hi vanessa, 

      so sorry to hear that --- well, we have these ongoing threads about sleeping on back and sleeping on side - it is so confusing -

      I bought one of those neck support pillows and it helps a little - 

      I just get out of bed, darling - given up on tossing and turning (such an effort anyway) I get out, walk around a bit, sit on the couch (elevated and firm cushions) - and then try again ....

      relax today and be gentle

      big warm hug


    • Posted

      It reminds me of a saying a friend used to have - 

      There's the easy way,and the hard way

      The easy way ain't easy, and the hard way's b....y hard !

      it's like that with sleeping on the back, and eventually one side or the other.  I found a neck support pillow helped.  

      Now however, the shoulder of my stick hand is hurting, so I cannot go on that side (unoperated side) at all.

      Graham 🚀💃

  • Posted

    I came home from hospital by car (about 40 miles) on the Monday having had the operation on the Thursday.  I then travelled by car 14 days after the operation to get my stitches out.  Since then I have been out fairly regularly either by being given a lift by a friend or else by getting a taxi and have found it fairly easy to do.

    i've been extremely lucky and have slept much better than I expected to on my back.  I use a triangular pillow to support my neck and a pillow between my legs although these days I sometimes I find that I use this pillow as a leg rest.  My only complaint has been that I find it harder to read when on my back.

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