Oh boy

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What a nightmare alcoholism IS.  I just got out of the hospital AGAIN.

This time 9 days....17 IV bags of vitamins and fluids.  At LEAST 14 shots of Heprin in my stomach (they do this so you don't blood clot cause I could not move).  I could not WALK, TALK, I was Hallucinating....

Heprin causes (at least on my stomach) severe bruising...my stomach is now purple. from the belly button down and all around. I had a heart monitor AGAIN...and this time oxygen. 

AND this time I was asked to go the the psyche ward after the detox of 5 days. I agreed and stayed in the psyche ward for the 4 days.  WONDERFUL Doctors and Nurses and AIDS....I have never been treated better in my life.

They told me their job was to keep me comfortable.  SO...I was receiving 4 mg of Lorazepam every hour for 5 days....thru the IV....for faster acting relief.  I was suffering so much at 2mg...that the Nurse called the Dr. in and he evaluated me and said to raise it immediately.  Last Monday was HELL on EARTH for me.

AGAIN..I was told I was almost dead. I started drinking Jan 2 and called on Jan 31 for help.  The rescue came and the first 2 days are very blank to me right now.  But I will never forget that Monday....Hallucinating...not knowing where I was...having a "fall risk" band for the first time too.  I didn't even start eating until Day 7....They said I looked like the walking dead. 

When I was leaving yesterday...I was told 100x how much better I looked and how far I had come. They saved my life once again.  Or I DID by calling in on myself. 

They said my BAC was VERY high...I didn't even have the energy nor the care to ask what it was because I KNEW it was high. How could it not be...again not eating all that time....just straight VODKA. All those days sad.

I missed the death of a loved one....I missed a court date I promised to attend with my sister....I missed supporting another friend thru a fight to get a child out of foster care....I JUST MISSED my own DEATH DATE this time...maybe by minutes...I don't know if that is true...but that is what it felt like and I was put into ICU (Intensive Care) when I first went in.  Then I was moved to another floor, then another floor, then finally the psyche ward.

Please listen to me...alcohol is progressive....if you are drinking hard....try harder to stop.  It does kill and I can't believe I ever ended up this way again. 

The good news...I had wonderful support and care where I was, I was not treated like I was a loser...I was cared for and catered to every minute of everyday until I could function.  When I finally could shower...Day 6...I was helped....I was brought my meals....I was covered in warm blankets.  I felt like I was 100 years old....I could do NOTHING for myself....NOTHING until Day 6.   I am doing better....Came home to my car (got rearended) and a broken furnace....but ya know WHAT?  I DIDNT care.  I am so GRATEFUL to be alive....for real.


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  • Posted

    Hi Misssy. So glad to hear from you and thought the worst. You're back, thank God. So sad to hear what you've been through again..the power of alcohol controlling your mind. I've been through the same in hospital and out. The hallucinations are the scariest thing ever. I thought the doctors and nurses were trying to kill me and was begging my husband(ex now) not to leave me at the hospital as I was convinced they were going to kill me.

    i hope you're partner is taking care of you while you recover. Love and best wishes to you xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Paperfairy and it is also VERY good to see you are still here. I requested NO VISITS this time around and wanted to focus on getting well..if at all possible because I really thought I was a goner.  I didn't think people wanted to hurt me and I KNEW I hurt myself pretty badly.

      My partner and I discussed that I have to stop worrying so much about everything and HE CANT fix me...he realizes that I am going to do things my way...he has always tried to support me but usually leads to us arguing...so he will take care of him and I will take care of me and WE will take care of each other but tread very lightly on hot topics such as medications (he hates medications and thinks no one should be on them)...these topics cause huge drama here smile.

      We need to keep it light and I need to lighten up...because my worry is one of my big triggers to drinking.  So I am going to work really hard to chill a bit.  Love back to you....and keep going on your treatment plan as well.

    • Posted

      HI Missy. Very interesting that you often worry too much. My wife is the same and will worry and even find things to worry about when there are not or little to worry about. Cancer and facing death for whatever reason is something to worry about!! Good plan you have with you partner! Take care of each other first of all. Best of luck. Robin
    • Posted

      The thing is...I always think I have cancer too...or its around the corner...LOL...(not funny)
    • Posted

      yea, my hepatologist did a check for blood cancer, because my results weren't right, even though I hadn't had a drink for 8 months.

      Whoever designed my local hospital, Warwick, had a warped sense of humour. You have the main hospital, then just to the left in a separate building (connected by a corridor) you have the Aylesford ward (oncology - cancer). And then just to the left of that, you have the mortuary (it is signposted).

      Great for logistics. Not so great for the patient or family and friends, when roughly 50% of people don't survive cancer. I'm surprised they didn't squeeze a hospice in, with a big sign saying, palliative care.

    • Posted

      Honestly, thou...when you do have any illness...even cancer.  A set up like this is ideal for the patient to only have to go to one place.  We have a hospital like that and it was very useful for my girlfriend that did die of cancer.  She appreciated not having to travel the world while exhausted on chemo...like city to city...it was wheelchair to offices down the hall.

      I haven't been specifically checked for cancer, other than lung scans that found nodules on my lungs and liver....and they SAY the nodules are begnin I guess they can tell by shape, size and hyperintensities....but it is still scary.

      You had menitoned you might think I value alcohol more than my life. That was totally incorrect because I keep trying to safe myself from it.

      But, I do think I value my cigs more than life because I almost left the hospital on numerous occassions because you can't smoke there at all...even thou they provided me with a patch and lozenges....I was always saying I was going to leave to smoke.

      That is my next quit demon...April 1...my birthday.

  • Posted

    I was missing u, so as many people on site, l love u, and many more people love u dear, as for .myself l love u, dear.
    • Posted

      I appreciate that Richardt....I really do..and I have come to love you and everyone on the site as well.  My new goal is to help people that post and not be the poster in choas all the time...LOL.  The problem is...I noticed in the past..not many post.....

      Oh and I missed you guys too.  Hopefully if I go missing again...it is because I am BUSY with life and not drinking.  Usually I go missing because when I drink..I just sit and stare...drink...and smoke...and do nothing much else.  But I will always make a point to be here when I can to help others.

  • Posted

    Hi Missy2,

    I was wondering if you have tried any other medications besides naltrexone and disulfiram? There are other good ones out there that work on different mechanisms in your brain. There are at least five or six other FDA- approved medications that you could try. 


    • Posted

      No, I gave up on alcohol related drugs.

      I do currently take Citalopram and Lorazepam...for anxiety and depression.

      I take Melatonin for sleep.

      I'm not a big fan of drugs  (lucky me or I really would be dead by now) and I try to take as few as possible.

      I'm already aggravated that I have to go buy some vitamins and the 81mg aspirin for the damage I am causing my heart by smoking and drinking.

      But THANK YOU.


    • Posted

      Lorazepam is used for treating alcoholism in the UK by the NHS.
    • Posted

      Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine like Librium and Valium. It has a much shorter half life, however, so is useful to use for detox when you don't want it in the body too long, for example if a person has issues with low blood pressure and this is exacerbated by the use of Lorazepam, it is better to know that the amount in the body will halve after 12 hours rather than the 48 hours that Librium would take to do the same.

      It is not good to take any benzodiazepine longterm as they are addictive.

    • Posted

      The last bit.

      That's what I thought, I had learnt over the last six months. But I forget who it was, but one of the regulars said in a post this week, they have no problem getting diazepam because they're on it for anxiety. I know there are different doses for different conditions. But I thought the days of mother's little helper (Valium) being handed out were finished.

    • Posted

      They should be and there are anti-depressants now with anxiolytic properties like Sertraline. However, there are still doctors prescribing benzodiazepines for anxiety. Stuck in the dark ages it seems.
    • Posted

      I have an anxiety condition actually and have been on the Lorazepam for over 9 years a VERY SMALL dose and I only take it once during the day now and once at bedtime.

      All Drs here have wanted to remove me from it slowly...but as Paul mentioned when I take it, it also lowers my blood pressure..I do not have high blood pressure regulary but do have it when I am upset. 

      My new Dr. the other day...a very respected Dr in this area..who is a worker to get people off of DRUGS...told me to come home and take a Lorazepam because my blood pressure was 186/110....very high for me or I think anyone.

      I try NOT to take them in the day because they still make me tired....I have not developed that tolerance they say you develop.  They calm me and will be an aide for my health and my continued sobriety.  They are NOT willing now to take me off of them....some people really do need something for anxiety and your right...they are VERY careful about prescribing them.

      I have a write up from a therapist that I had for 8 years that has suggested that I NOT be taken off this pill - and her original thought was also to take me off the pill.  It just is what it is with me and Lorazepam.

    • Posted

      Misssy -

      Have a look on the web wrt GABA, Glutamate and alcohol. The GABA receptors in your brain are the "brake pedal" and the Glutamate receptors are the "gas pedal". Alcohol agonizes (stimulates) the GABA receptors and antagonizes the Glutamate receptors, all of which generally works to relax and calm (initially, at least). When alcohol is withdrawn, it takes time for the receptors to normalize and increased anxiety is typically a problem, especially when anxiety was one of the underlying causes of drinking it the first place. 

      There are OTC GABA / Vitamin B6 compounds available and though it is thought that GABA is too large a molecule to cross the blood / brain barrier, people do seem to get relief with GABA supplements. It could be that GABA simply supports healthier gut function, and the gut (which has been called the "2nd brain") is responsible for producing various chemicals that the body needs. There is hardly a system in the body that alcohol doesn't thwart or subvert and the GI tract is no exception. It will also take time to normalize. Well, have a look on the web, if you google:

      GABA Glutimate alcohol

      you will find a paper by the Scripps Institute and an article in Nature that will give you an outline of the problem. One other supplement that increases GABA is L-Theanine, a GABA precursor, which does cross the blood / brain barrier. Perhaps check the reviews on Amazon to see what people have to say and if you think it might be helpful, discuss it with your doctors to see if they have any objections. 

      Do you plan on moving ahead with the EMDR soon? That sounds quite promising! It seems the VA has gotten some very good results with it, so much so that they created a course around it. Have you found any information about EMDR and cravings? 

    • Posted

      I know about the GABA...I tried to explain it to someone else...I didn't get that technical... because I was exhausted today....but i know NOTHING about EMDR....and looking forward to starting it.

      I was told they do have it in the counseling center I attend.  I have an appt Tuesday and will be asking for an EMDR appt...and everything I learn...will be shared here.


    • Posted

      Yes, I admit the addiction to this pill after 9 years or so of taking it.  But, in my case...I really only take it as prescribed...one during day if needed and one at bedtime with my Melatonin.  I REALLY need the pill  and I don't take it everyday during the day...only when something is very upsetting and raises blood pressure, heart race, shaking....extreme things.

      However, sometimes I do have panic attacks for no reason and I will wait 1/2 an hour and if I still feel "panicky" I will take one during the day.

      They still make me tired (I have not developed a tolerance) and I think I haven't because I do not abuse them.  But, I would definetly say I am addicted to them both psychologically and physically and i have also admitted that to my Drs.  If they even mention taking them away...I usually react with panic and tell them NO....I am addicted to these pills and if you take them I will end up with a heart attack or never sleeping again....or worse...taking a drink.

    • Posted

      I also take an antidepressant with anxiolytic properties (Citalopram), but the Drs and myself agree, I still need that little extra sometimes.


    • Posted

      Yes Missy, I am not being critical of you for taking them. One thing you shouls remember, though, is that alcohol causes anxiety and depression so if you do find a way to stay off the alcohol long term, you may find your need for the Lorazepam decreases.
    • Posted

      Misssy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that EMDR can help you with the panic attacks, to the exent that you can kick the Lorazepam to the curb (may the dust settle thick upon it's childproof cap). With your doctor's blessing, of course.
    • Posted

      Paul, have you come across any evidence that would support using Neurontin for anxiety?
    • Posted

      My Dad is on that for peripheral neuropathy, which is pain caused by damage to nerve endings (due to long poorly-controlled term diabetes).

      Its main use, however, is for epilepsy.

      It has recently been used for treatment-resistant depression and anxiety but it should be used with caution as it can increase suicidal thoughts in some people (much like Prozac has been reported to do).

      I have not, in my time as a qualified mental health nurse, worked with any patient who has been taking Gabapentin (Neurontin) for anxiety, so I can't say much from my own experience.

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