Oh my gosh I think my bladder is going to do me in anyonelse????
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So girls,,, now going to the specialist for blood in my urine,,,Am terrified and have to get a cystoscopy to rule out bladder cancer,,,, they have always thought it was blood that was just staying up there from meno,, because your body gets to week to push it all out like spotting inside and a thought this also, so I got a new gyno and it happened again it always seems around my period time also... She is the one referring me, I also am beening checked for painful bladder syndrome, have any of you ever had any experiences with this bladder nightmare??? would love your feedback!
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2chr2015 Beverlys1
hi. im sorry you are having to go through this Beverly. how long has it been going on? does it just show up on the urine test? or do you actually see it?
Beverlys1 2chr2015
IT just shows up on the urine test I really dont see it,,,It started once in January I was sick with diverticulitis,,, then I went to the gyno a couple weeks ago and she refferred me when It did it again,, so im kinda glad but several doctors never said anything about it... so who knows,, One told me it was common in peri,,,
2chr2015 Beverlys1
i used to work for a urologist and trust me when i say we did these all the time.It is very common in women our age. which is probably why the other doctors never referred you. It is always good to have it investigated and hopefully get some answers for why you are hurting and be able to get some relief. she sounds like a good doctor that wants to be sure everything is okay, considering so many of us get blown off with all these symptoms. please keep in touch and let us know how it all goes ((hugs))
Beverlys1 2chr2015
Thank you for your helpfulness chr,, I'm glad to have the tests, I'm sure they will be very uncomfortable and I still have to wait 2 weeks after the specialist freaked me out!!! you know how that goes!! xxxx
2chr2015 Beverlys1
oh yes girl. i always just wish someone would knock me out until the results come back. i am like frozen and cant do anything.
shylee Beverlys1
hi Beverys1
im sorry you are experiencing this awful thing. i too went through this eventually it got so bad i couldn't get up off the floor. the investigators were for painful bladder syndrome prolapse and cancer. tests came back negative. I was prescribed an estrogen cream but it didnt help and got worse eventually i was put on HRT patches for all the terrible symptoms i was having but the bladder issues all but disappeared. i have been on HRT for about a yr now and it hasn't come back except for just before my cycle i get a smaller dose of it break through but it goes away.. hope you find relief for yours. i know how unbearable it can be. good luck.
Beverlys1 shylee
yep shy they told me all those things when i first went in,,, so that is what they are testing, your story is reassuring though, thank you shy your a sweetie, its a tough one! did they also tell you at first the blood in the urine was normal or did they want to ck it right off? Because I have had this before even a couple times years ago, I also have prolapse but I dont have alot of pain.
shylee Beverlys1
hey Beverley
sorry for late reply. i haven't been here for a while. i did get the blood in urine tested but it came back inconclusive and with no uti or other positive results they weren't worried. I'm still doing ok with slight break through and of course ive noticed a weaker bladder like coughing or sneezing and sometimes have incidents. i wear panty liners all the time. makes me feel a bit safer lol.... the things we haveto go through.
Sassyr12a Beverlys1
Hi Beverly
I had the exact same thing, and was referred. I was advised that this can be a frequent part of meno as the urethra thins and can cause inflammation and uti like symptoms. I also had blood that showed on the dip test, but no real infection. I started hrt and haven't had it since really. Occasionally I get the feeling like a uti is lurking, but I take a cystitis medication and it's fine again. I'm sure everything will be okay xx
Beverlys1 Sassyr12a
Thanks for putting my mind alittle at ease Sassy and That is the kind of reassurance i need now that someone went through this and came out the other side and the tests for this are scary and I have autoimmune so not alot scares me... Also my horses name is Sassy and she is a sweetie!!! thank u, oh what is the uti med u take? xxxx
Sassyr12a Beverlys1
Lol 🐴 I take over the counter mediation called cystocalm in the UK. You take it for 3 days and it just kind of calms the inflammation. I know if you Google you hear some horror stories, but it's such a common symptom of menopause that I'm sure you'll get some answers after your tests xx
Beverlys1 Sassyr12a
Going to look for this med, thank u...
2chr2015 Beverlys1
did you notice your urinary symptoms first during peri or after meno? and as far as pain or discomfort when did that start? what does it feel like? I've been having some pain also
Beverlys1 2chr2015
shylee and sassy had some good information also for both of us,, im going to try to find the over the counter sassy takes and try to calm stuff down!!! But she is in the uk.
ok Chr, so I am 53 started peri at 47 and that was my first episode with the blood in the urine thing, And it kinda subsided or at least I thought it did but we don't get urine tests all the time and some docs don't even do them anymore,, Well this year in January I started getting it again then resent, I always feel like I have kinda that shooting up through my vagina you know that feeling like you are going to get a uti but its not sever pain,,, then my pelvic floor dropped to a number 1 they call it and i have to go potty every half hour,,, I might as well just set up camp in there!!! I also get kinda cloudy and smelly urine it got better after i took azo they say there is no infection and Im still peri and have regular periods but im getting real close i can feel it, I think most of us girls say it gets worse befor it starts to get better and its getting worse. I take bio identical hormones
2chr2015 Beverlys1
thank you beverly. that is very helpful. i have had the shooting pains and a hard to explain discomfort near my urethra...but on the inside. and i am also in the bathroom ALL THE TIME. Today i just feel generally uncomfortable down there. it is hard to explain, but kind of like pressure ...or when you have been holding it for a long time bc you couldn't get to a bathroom.