Oh to be symptom free

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So today went well then all of a sudden I feel like I have a ton of gas in my chest as for two years horrid stomach and pain in mid area. Of course me being a practitioner I think the worst and trying to focus on what my doctor said not cardiac related !!! My chest pain comes and goes and feels like a big air bubble my breast hurt like the dickens and of course again I think the worst panic and I'll feeling I want to be me again!!! No more pain!! I'm afraid of eating because I hurt after every meal. I know I have asked but anyone else have these horrid pains and what have you done to relieve it. My doctor doesn't seem to listen not to mention give me any HRT I'm just bummed

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Have they checked your gallbladder?
    • Posted

      Yes had cr of abdominal area gallbladder everything the muscle hurt terrible
  • Posted

    GE Misty,

    Try taking a 'little' vinegar w/water BEFORE each meal (1 teaspn acv w/4ounc water) Helps w digestion-


    Warm water w/a teaspoon of baking soda to relieve your gas-


    tablespoon of Dijon Mustard for heartburn-

    Hope one of these methods wrks for you.. ; -)

    btw... Im curious wht type of practitioner are you? 👀

    • Posted

      Family practitioner can fix everyone else but myself lol
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      {side bar}

      Peri/Menopause/Post can be accompanied by more than 50 DIFFERENT symptoms and if we took every medication that our Dr prescribed to treat our ailment (the thght of tht alone is scary)😨😧😱..

      I realize what works for one may.not wrk for another, but most medications have 'side effects' if not now, then later..😕

      I am eternally grateful for this forum & your input because it allowed me to dodge: Paxil, Zofran,.Nexum, Cipro & whtever other med my Dr had next on her list! (Ive had every test performed) ..& have yet to hear the diagnose as MENOPAUSE- But thanks to you all I have found comfort & been able to better manage my symptoms. ? Pls be cautious with whichever method you choose- 💕.. at the end of the day Dr's are kept in business because of us & every prescription tht they write-

      Jus' sharing my opinion & wishing you all better health soon! 💖

    • Posted

      That is because us ladies are a phenomenon 😂😂

  • Posted

    Hi, Misty,  

    Sorry that you're going through this.  I think that what you're relating to me indicates that you have a feeling of pressure and pain in your chest.  Sounds to me like you could have a hiatal or hiatus hernia.  A CT scan should show it.  An ultra-sound might not.  

    I suggest that you go to a gastroenterologist and ask to be checked out.  If you're going to see a gp, sometimes they're not able to properly diagnose or treat gastric conditions--or gynecological problems, either.

    Best of luck to you!  Let us know how you do.  

  • Posted

    me me me!! i had this too and have lost weight, which is not good cause im already too thin. i went to my GI and was put on new acid reflux meds ( after going to ER zeveral times thinking it was my heart ) idk if its those that helped or its just starting to fade away. when i get it now, i try to relax, cause thr more anxious you get the worse it is. so i try to stay calm and move my body around until i burp. its scary and no fun sad

    • Posted

      Today finally someone listened and gave me prempro anyone else been on this for menopause symptoms????
  • Posted

    I would try drinking warm liquids..acv in warm water (the kind with the mother), or tea...they make some herbal ones with anti inflammatory/digestive properties. Did you have a GI work up to r/o hernia, gerd, etc?

    If it truly is just trapped gas, I would think some exercise would help too, if you aren't already. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Posted

    OMG! I am so glad that you posted this! I have had trapped gas in my chest off and on for a couple of years. Sometimes it's not so bad and other times I panic and think it's my heart too but the times I've gone to the ER they check my heart and it's never cardiac related. They always give me antacids and send me home. My GP has diagnosed me with reflux and said that I also have episodes of gastritis. I have been prescribed Omeprazole for it. It works when taken consistently. I think yours may be reflux too. But have your doctor refer you to a GI to be sure. I am supposed to have an upper GI done myself soon to sort this out. As I'm typing this I have been going through heartburn and indigestion pretty bad. My doctor told me to take my Omeprazole at night so that it will work overnight to keep acid down because acid levels in our GI tract is greater first thing in the morning. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    • Posted

      Dear Sharcerv

      I had gastitis too and the omeprezole worked for me for so long but after a while it made symptoms worse and gave me alot of gas and discomfort and I went on zantac then. It might be worth nothing if symptoms worsen it might be time to change tablets but it might have just been me and be OK for others. Just thought I would mention it anyway

    • Posted

      I meant it might be worth Noting!
    • Posted

      I couldn't agree with you more, omeprazole, will only mask the symptoms and not cure the underlying issue which is that we need to enzyemes to help our digestion. I discovered this after reading up on a few medical websites and consulted a few friends who take enzyemes, so now I take Bromelain or HCL, to help with digestion issues, and I no longer suffer from GERD, or acid reflux or any of those issues related to acidity in the stomach which really isn't true because as we age we produce less acid in the stomach.

    • Posted

      Yes thankfully I eventually came off the zantac, my digestion seems pretty good at the moment but sometimes have episodes of upset fingers crossed! Yes the ppi's aren't a long term solution, OK initially helped to some degree but I didn't want to be on them long term. I will say taking a priobitic drink daily helps x

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