Olanzapine withdrawal ride from hell

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1 year ago I had a hospital admission from being majorly depressed. As well as being put on an anti-depressant they also threw in Olanzapine which I continued to strongly question the psyche doctor over the next year as I didnt feel myself at all 2 months ago I decided to stop taking it Within 48hrs I felt a profound difference having clearer thinking but then came absolutely awful physical withdrawal symptons and following that really bad mental disturbance with terrible anxiety/shakes and now worst/frightening of all is I feel by how Im functioning that theres been some sort of damage to my brain but one thing for sure Im going to make someone accountable for whats happened to me

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  • Posted

    Hello Kerry Just wondering how you are feeling now? Tonight I have been feeling the shakes in my fingers and toes Have not been sleeping and when I eventually slept on Thursday night I went to bed at 11.30pm I woke to use the bathroom at 9.00 am sat on the settee and felt incredibly tired and went to sleep and then did not wake up until 1.30pm!  I am still feeling unwell and still taking 2.5  mg per day. I am feeling very confused  I feel that my brain is not functioning properly and feel distress  Hope you are feeling a little better and will keep in touch  very best wishes from Margaret x
  • Posted

    Hello Kerry  I have had the most horrendence time .over the last five days L have been lost control i have been head slappping shaking no control of my fingers and horrendous stress and have been in bed most of the time  I feeling  physically and mentally severely unwell  The doctor phoned me after my husband went to see them and has put my back to 5mg of Olanzapine.  which I start tonight  I sent the doctor a letter monday morning received no reply Phoned on Tuesday and said the Doctor will call me on Wednesday which he never did  Doctor phoned this afternoon and prescribed me again the 5mg   I have two conflicting replies  One said withdraw and the other one said to increase back to 5mg!   So how are you feeling Kerry ?   Hope things are going Ok for you  love from Margaret
    • Posted

      HELLO Margaret,

      Im SO SORRY for my lapse in contact.  I havent been on a computer at the library in quite a few weeks and I couldnt access my emails until today/NOW.  My cellphone completely crashed and when I replaced it it wouldnt let me into my emails.  Anyway its finally all sorted.  Also my only daughter got married last weekend Sunday 1 October on the beach here in front of her place.  My 85 yr old Dad walked her down the beach access down to her lovely Argentian now husband.  His family came all the way from Argentina so its been a very busy time.  Im pleased to say that my health was improved enough to be able to enjoy the special occasion that it was.  It was the first time in over a year that Ive really been able to socialize and enjoy myself.  My parents actually commented "if only those Doctors could see you now!" Anyway having read all your messages its absolutely unbelievable what you have been through and still are.  You really have to take the medical profession to the cleaners! 

      If you can bear it DO NOT increase the Olanzepine. The supplements I have been taking from the advice of a clinical nutritionist are high quality fish oil tablets, an excellent multi vitamin and mega magnesium.  Do not buy supplements from the supermarket.  Spend the extra and consult with a health food store or even better see a natural practioner who will prescribe what would be best for you. Im pretty confident that the supplements have helped me! Also taking a quality high dose Vitamin C as your body will be severely detoxing.

      And yes do continue to keep me informed on how you are. I actually would like to give you my email address here.  What do you think?  Will be thinking of you.

      I really hope things ease/settle for you.  I can only imagine how tough it is for you.

      Love Kerry 


    • Posted

      Hi Kerry  I am phoning my doctor's tomorrow as I have violent stomach cramps . I have got the supplements that you have advised me of   thank you   i am not sure how to get my email address to you but please keep in touch and wish you well  love from Margaret xx

  • Posted

    Hello Kerry Just wondering how you are feeling now?  hope you are feeling a little bit better  best wishes from Margaret
    • Posted

      Hello Margaret,

      You did get my overdue message I sent you yesterday explaining why you hadnt heard from me for a while and asking if you would rather email?

      Anyway Im so much better thanks.  Mainly I just feel tired alot despite my ultra healthy lifestyle.

      Look forward to hearing from you again soon.  

      Love and thoughts


    • Posted

      Hello Margaret

      Do hope things have eased a bit for you.  Your last reply to me a day ago says.........this reply is waiting to be moderated?  What does that mean?  I was really hoping there was another way we could communicate as I suggested.

      Hope to hear from you again soon.

      Kerry xx

  • Posted

    Hello Kerry  I am giving you my email address if you would like to email me  kind regards from Margaret

    Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.


    • Posted

      Hello Margaret,

      Well they arent making it easy here for us to exchange email addresses!  Did you get advised from Moderator comment that your email address was removed?  If you can somehow figure out how to access private messages as they suggested then that would be great!

      Hope this is possible as would love to email.

      Warm Regards

      Kerry xx

  • Posted

    Hello Kerry  thanks for your email I will try and get my email address to you  Today I am feeling incredible tiredness I feel like a Zombie  Hope things are better your end   with very best wishes from Margaret
    • Posted

      HELLO Margaret

      Havent heard from you!  Hows the last week been for you?

      Im OK apart from my very broken sleep and bad dreams, every night!

      Well time is running out on the library computer so hope to hear from you soon.

      Warm regards


  • Posted

    hI kerry  just had to tell you that I have had excrutiating withdrawal symptoms  the paramedics came out to me and every part of my body was contracting  I was in despair and the pain was absolutely horrific  even my toes and fingers was in spasms  the cramps in my stomach was chronically  severe  saw my doctor and he has put me back to my original dose 5mg    I did not want this but I feel that I have no option  I am still in pain  my body feels like I am on a roller coaster  Even my neck and chin feels pain  I am taking medication to combat the pain and hope that I can go back to feeling somewhat normal at present I feel terrible  warmest wishes from Margaret  xx
    • Posted

      HI Margaret

      So sorry/its upsetting to hear what you continue to go through.  Are the Doctors actually admitting/accepting your symptons are withdrawal effects from the Olanzepine? 

      Im going OK.  I actually applied/had a very long interview for a position as a consumer consultant for the mental health and addiction services.  No decision will be made until the New Year until I have met with the core group of 5 people and see if its really what I want to get into and whether I would be a fit for the existing group.  I feel very passionate about certain areas of mental health that need improving.  They/the professionals may not like what I have to say!

      Anyway hoping things ease for you real soon.

      Warm regards

      Kerry xx

    • Posted

      My son too had to be re-medicated but same meds not working.  

      Did you get thought disorders?  He is very angry too and still struggling to sleep.

      Of course NO DOCTOR thinks it's withdrawal symptoms.

    • Posted

      Hi DrNoldea007

      I have the same thing - I am the patient - they will listen to my wife ( who is the one that sectioned me into the mental health unit in the first place) BUT they will completely dismiss anything I say.

      Because my wife is so paranoid, every time we have an argument she is threatening to ring up the emrgency mental health team and have me sectioned again. Like having a loaded piston constantly pointed at my head,..


    • Posted

      Oh, and I tried to come off my Olnzapine 2.5mg cold turkey but it was just too difficult with the withdrawal symptoms, am back on Olanzapine 2.5mg but tapering of more gradually and wisely this time.
    • Posted

      Anothet good way is to take CBD oil (medical marijuana) it does not get you high and it can greatly help the withdraw.

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