Olanzapine withdrawal ride from hell

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1 year ago I had a hospital admission from being majorly depressed. As well as being put on an anti-depressant they also threw in Olanzapine which I continued to strongly question the psyche doctor over the next year as I didnt feel myself at all 2 months ago I decided to stop taking it Within 48hrs I felt a profound difference having clearer thinking but then came absolutely awful physical withdrawal symptons and following that really bad mental disturbance with terrible anxiety/shakes and now worst/frightening of all is I feel by how Im functioning that theres been some sort of damage to my brain but one thing for sure Im going to make someone accountable for whats happened to me

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    Hi Kerry  Many thanks for your email  I am living in  worcestershire U.K.   I  am 69 years old  The last 2 days I feel that my breathing is shallow.  Have you experienced this? I am hoping to ride this out as I am never going to take Olanzapine again  I also take Diazapine 2 mg at night  My G P wants me to reduce the diazapine to every other night. I feel that I cannot reduce both at the same time Diazapan helps me to sleep.  I feel angry that I have been taking Olanzapine for many years and enduring these side effects that has affected my health    How are you feeling today?   Please keep in touch  with very best wishes from Margaret x
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      Also Margaret.....I did experience shallow breathing and many times I felt quite frightened.  Im 58 years old and recommend you seek advice from a natural health practioner to take some high quality supplements as I am and be as active as you can.

      Kerry X  

  • Posted

    Hello Kerry  I had a telephone conversation   with my doctor yesterday as I experienced a panic attack  and shallow breathing after reducing my Olanzapine from 5mg per day down to 2.5 mg for two weeks and then 2.5 mg every other day  I said I had never had a panic attack before or shallow breathing   All he said to me was stop taking the Olanzapine and see what happens!  I cant believe that he was telling me this  What are your comments?   How are you feeling now?  kind regards and best wishes from Margaret


    • Posted

      Hello Margaret

      What! Stop taking the Olanzapine and see what happens!  Unbelievable and so irresponsible!  I quit cold turkey and confessed to my case manager I had done that a few days later and as I was concerned I asked her if it was OK to just stop and she said "Yes" which I found out the hell way it was the worst thing ever.  I continue to feel quite unwell some days but nothing to what I experienced for the first two months of stopping.  I too experienced 2 panic attacks amongst other severe symptons.  I have actually taken my case to the Health & Disability Commission where an advocate is preparing a formal complaint as I spent the last year feeling so unlike my real self which I repeatedly kept telling the psychatrist.  It just makes me so angry!  Mentally I am now functioning so much better but its just the lingering physical withdrawal symptons Ive got to endure which goodness knows how long will last for.

      Anyway my advice is to keep tapering off Olanzapine very slowly.

      Keep in touch.

      Warm regards


    • Posted

      Hi Kerry  many thanks for your reply regarding Olanzapine    I spoke to a different doctor and he prescribed 2.5 mg of Olanzapine  every other night   The nights that I did not take it I could not sleep and was awake the whole of the nights with stomach cramps  I phoned my doctor again and asked him to carry on prescribing  me 2.5 mg per night. I know it is going to take a long time to reduce it further  I am afraid that I am  not very active as I have got loss of balance, stroke and shallow breathing  due to I believe are the side effects and at present not feeling well  The last time I saw a psychartrist  was 10 years ago when I had electric shock treatments for severe  clinical depression and  was prescribed this drug.  In hind sight looking back  I think that I should have been referred to a psychartrist  periodically to monitor my progress?   My daughter claims that it is clinical negligence  (she has a new job with Care Quality Commissions) where she inspects  Doctors and Abortion Clinics . I intend like you to take this matter further and I am seeking legal advice to sue against my Doctors. This medication has ruined my life.   Please keep in touch Kerry as it is lovely to hear from you   with very best wishes from Margaret  x

    • Posted

      Hello Kerry how are you feeling?  I am having withdrawal symptoms  I am taking 2.5mg  olanzapine every other night.  I am experiencing tingling sensation through out my body almost like an electric current   I feel really strange and have absent minded episodes which is embarrassing when talking to people  Have you or anyone else reading this experiencing this?  look forward to your comments  very best wishes from Margaret
  • Posted

    Hello again Kerry  Just forgot to tell you that because of the Olanzapine I have to cathetize as I can not pass urine (another side effect)   The more I think of this drug I am getting angrier I am getting.  If anyone else is reading this forum try to get off this drug. it is evil.  My side effects are Stroke. Loss of Balance, shortness of breath, urine retention. Withdrawal symptoms  Dreadful anxiety sleeplessness  chronic stomach pain and feeling totally unwell and cannot walk without support. I intend suing the medical profession  I have been taking this drug 5mg for 10 years with no support. Sorry to carry on Kerry  Look forward to hearing from you warm regards from Margaret  xx


    • Posted

      Oh Dear Margaret!

      I am absolutely horrified and also so angry hearing what you've just shared, so many serious dibilatating side affects you hve had and continue endure all without doubt from that evil drug and yes you absolutely MUST sue them! I would also expose your story to a well read magazine. Last week when I caught up with a girlfriend who I'd met last year when we were both patients at an acute MH centre we got into a discussion about how these psychiatrists prescribe these drugs and there's no long term follow up I was so shocked at the large doses my friend had been left on

      Well I must get myself up now. Do keep in touch ok and good luck with yr legal action.

      Warm regards


    • Posted

      Hello Kerry many thanks for your reply.  At present I am writing down all the problems   I  have had to endure whilst on Olanzapine to give to my solicitor.  I think it is a good idea to write to a popular magazine to warn others who maybe thinking taking this drug. On another subject I went to  Benidorm  2years ago for a holiday with my husband and suddenly felt terrible pains in my stomach I went to the hotel for some pain killers but the pain was so bad I had to call a doctor out who immediately sent me to hospital on arrival at the hospital my husband my husband had to pay 3,000 dollars  I was in critical state  I had septic shock with only 40% chance of survival I was in intensive care for three weeks Because I was on a drip and in a foreign country I was not given my drugs  The anxiety I felt was horrendous   I had to have an interpreter It was a terrible ordeal (My medical bill was over £100 thousand pounds  luckily I was insured) After three weeks I was flown in a medical plane to the UK and arrived at the hospital where they also diagnosed me pneumonia and said I should not have flown Again I was in intensive care  The whole episode was a terrible ordeal!  Then believe it or not I have a park home next to the river seven and last year my husband was fishing and I tripped over and fell to the bottom of the river  I do not swim!  My husband jumped in after me and he does not swim either! Luckily there was a bar at the bottom of the decking which we managed to grab There was some fishermen who saw our ordeal and they eventually pulled us out and I was taken to hospital with secondary drowning  I could write a book Kerry!  Actually my husband risked his life for me and this was in the local paper.  Hope this has not bored you Kerry as I have rather gone off the subject of discussion!   Also Kerry can you tell me which supplements are you taking please?   Will keep touch with warm regards from Margaret

  • Posted

    Hi Kerry  I have been doing more research on Olanzapine  I was taken critically ill in Benidorm and nearly lost my life I have found out that the septic shock was caused by Olanzapine    septic shock can occur mainly to small percentage of sixty plus year old femails (according to the FDA reports) who take Olanzapine  It was approximately three years ago that I was taken ill in Benidorm  The question I ask is this Why was I still prescribed this drug?  I know feel that I have a very strong case against the medical profession for all my ailments and I am going for it head strong! Will keep you informed   with best wishes Kerry from Margaret x

  • Posted

    Hi Kerry  How are you feeling today?  I have now started legal proceedings against my doctors and I am claiming for stroke, loss of mobility, septic shock (which I was critically ill  which I nearly died), brain damage (caused by the stroke)   I am claiming for clinical negligence.  I have got proof from medical reports that all my symptons are the results of taking Olanzapine  At present I am taking 2.5 mg Olanzapine instead of the 5mg that I was originally taking.  I told my solicitor that I felt a physical and mental wreck. I am suffering from awful anxiety withdrawal symptons and feel that i can not reduce my medication further at present . Hope all goes well too with your claim and  will keep you informed with very best wishes  from Margaret x 
  • Posted

    Hello again Kerry  further to my reply this evening regarding Olanzapine  I have done some more research  on Olanzapine  and found the following reports  " olanzapine and other antipsychotics    may not only shrink the brain but cause actual cell death resulting actual brain damage"  Hope this information is useful to you  kind regards from Margaret x

  • Posted

    Hi Kerry  I have some information for you regarding Olanzapine If you go on to the internet and go on the site RXISK there are two doctors that will analysis your information that you give regarding Olanzapine  or other medical problems  You have to fill in a very detailed report including all your medication and symptoms After you have filled it in they will respond to you and  give you a very detailed report that you can print out to summit to your lawyer   The report gives information and rates your symptoms 1-10    There is no charge and I find this site excellent  Will keep you informed kindest regards from Margaret
    • Posted

      Thanks for that info Margaret, have done that and now waiting for the results

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