OMG! I can’t do this ! Perimenopause !
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This is the worst thing I’ve ever been through ! I was run over by a car some years ago and at least I knew with all the injuries and rehab I was going to get better but this thing! When does it get easier ?????
I just got divorced so at a low point anyway coupled with all these horrible feelings it’s like I have the worst flu everyday .
Wake up and takes me hours to fully wake up ... exhausted all the time and like many others believe I have Lyme MS Lupus Chronic Fatigue something !!! How can this subject not be THE subject for women ?
I had no clue . Hot flashes grumpiness clumsiness can deal with all of that no biggie . However the mental anguish the fatigue .... panic .. weak legs .. dizziness.. have to drag myself to workout and can’t make any plans to go out as exhausted ALL the time !
My get up and go has gone and living alone with a cat and no job am I going to start this new life ???
My last period was December and like a bullet these symptoms just came on 2 months ago . I see friends my age just getting on with their lives and doing things I’m mostly stuck at home now and it’s terrible .
Started the bio identical hormones but the progesterone interferred with my sleep and the estrogen cream I believe brought my vertigo back .
Help !!!!
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Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
I know, I know! It's really hard, and like you it was anxiety and just sheer exhaustion that was the worst. I was dragging myself around either shaking with nerves or comotose and in despair. The only thing I can say is that you will find the right treatment and things will start to get better. I've been on bio identical since March and think I've still got a way to go but it does improve.... Or at least I can go to Tesco without a meltdown and energy levels are improved. I'm trying to force myself into being active, walking, cycling etc regardless of feeling like I've died, just to give my brain a break from worrying about how rough I feel. Hang on there and hope you start to feel better, but don't be afraid to go back and fore to gp until you get what you need xx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
Going back to docs Tuesday and have to cancel an upcoming trip which I was looking forward to as I’m just a mess . Not a good idea to travel when you’re not feeling well.
I shake in the mornings like a bloody alchie and don’t fully wake up until like 2pm ! And in bed by 8 or 9pm.
This is really a subject that needs to have specialized treatment or at least education !
I had no clue it was this bad? The moods sweatiness etc I can handle but the other stuff it’s like a demonic possession .
So much for my new single dating life !
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
It's really hard, I know exactly what you mean. Mine hit the skids in February after so many trips to the doctors and I just could get over that the way I was feeling was to do with my hormones. I lost all confidence in my job, couldn't sleep, panic and genuinely thought I was having a breakdown. It does take a while to settle, but you will see an improvement when you're on the right dose of the right stuff. In the meantime just be good to yourself. I was in the same position with a cruise we had booked.... The thought of being a lunatic whilst at sea was utterly terrifying, but I did go and was glad I did . At least if I was going to be anxious I could get some sun and take advantage of the buffets xxx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
Thank God I found this forum I thought for sure something medically was wrong . I actually feel normal tonight ! Making the most of it ! God knows what tomorrow will be ! ‘This surely is a crime against womankind .
I feel so uneducated I NEVER knew it was this bad we should be taught how to deal with it as it’s debiliating .
I’ll continue with the estrogen cream but the bloody progesterone pill gives me a weird sleep ? So I just use the health store progesterone cream as that puts me asleep.
I took 1/2 Xanax today so I could make my hair appt and had to take a taxi as was so shakey and dizzy . Glad you are managing much better so grateful for all the lovely supportive women on here !
I’m no wimp I even represented myself in my divorce in court ! But this THING even Margaret Thatcher couldn’t handle it !
karen96339 lori93950
lori93950 karen96339
Hi Karen
It’s Emerita and you can get it on Amazon I find it works as well if not better than the prescription Bioidebtical hormones . The progesterone the hormone dr prescribed is too much for me .
dora_39625 Sassyr12a
Hi.. are you based in UK? Just asking as have been told by my gp that he can't get bio identical hormones on nhs.... not sure what to do and desperate to try something.
Woo3353 dora_39625
some doctors who understood The menopause used to be able to prescribe Bio's but not now since the NHs cuts etc. Private clinics will prescribe but there are some online Well Springs is one. They import from USA so it takes can take a few weeks to arrive once you order, these are only topical creams thou.
Sassyr12a dora_39625
Hi Dora
I get bioidenticals but I actually went to see Dr Annie Evans at the nuffield in Bristol, privately because I couldn't get to the bottom of it with the GP. She has retired now but I think there are a few out there. Anyway, she prescribed utrogestan, sandrena and testogel and then wrote to my gp. It did take a little struggle to get them to support the prescription but by then I was desperate and Would have paid for them anyway which would've been about £100 per month. The NHS will pay for it, it's more than likely that the GP is unsure of what to prescribe maybe. I found a really useful website belonging to another private gp with loads of info on bio identicals have a look and try the GP again. I found that the synthetic ones weren't for me xxx
amy341731 lori93950
dora_39625 Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a dora_39625
Dora, just remembered that the women's menopause society is also really useful. It's the patient arm of the British menopause society and as well as info, they offer a medical support service. For a small fee you can arrange a callback from a lovely nurse called Kathy who was really helpful when I was struggling. Xxx
sarah05599 lori93950
Hi Lori
I to am at my wit's end with this peri hell, when's it gonna end!!
I think mine started 3 years ago with all over itching then I had the most terrifying anxiety for 3 months where I thought I was going insane couldn't eat or sleep now it's milder anxiety but still makes me feel ill first thing in the morning, fatigue which hit me last weekend along with depression legs aching, lower back pain, sore ankles/tendons, feeling angry and tearful, aching eyes/head I feel 80 not 50 and have totally had enough!!
I'm going back to docs in a week to see about HRT as last doc said try CBT and menopace but so far nothings helping but tbh the docs have been useless the test came back negative so can I still take HRT I wonder.
I am so glad I found this site as I feel so alone and isolated and I work with all men and it's so stressful now so cannot cope anymore with my job but can't afford to quit so that makes everything worse.
I feel your pain but hopefully we will all get through this peri hell together.
pam90720 lori93950
Lori!!! I'm so sorry you are dealing with this crap! I swear that I could have written both your posts!! I'm in menopause and it's a pain in the ass! I have such bad anxiety and have turned into a hypochondriac !! I too shake and tremble in the mornings!! I'm sitting here right now with a bad tummy ache and it feels like I have the dang flu ! Ive got a blanket on me! Dizzy, motion sickness! I pray for all us ladies going through this crap!! Just know you are certainly not alone in your feelings!! Blessings and hugs to you!! 💕🙏
lori93950 pam90720
I live alone and just got divorced don’t work so I rely on my brain to keep me positive but with this crap .... boy it’s tough ! At least if you have people around you makes it a bit easier .
May make it harder though ! Can’t imagine having to go to work look after kids ...
Have been a bit down in the past but this stuff is like a massive black cloud even clothes shopping isn’t doing it for me and I love clothes ! It’s a job just to stay positive !
If they only prepared us for this ‘change’ early on in life I had NO CLUE it was this bad !