One month after prostate surgery good news and bad news
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I am 56 years old and I just had a prostatectomy nerve sparing hopefully. Incontinence looks like it won't be an issue at all now thank God. However down below there is absolutely no reaction and I fear no hope and that scares me to death. It is deader than dead and shorter I might add , all of this I had knowledge of beforehand as a possibility but of course I was hoping that it would not happen to me. My question to anybody out there in this forum would be ... is there anyone with similar experience as me and similar age with some sort of timetable of successfully regaining sexual function. I need something to hold onto. I need hope
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Tybeeman mark_fastco
mark_fastco Tybeeman
Tybeeman mark_fastco
geoff90305 mark_fastco
Well so far so good. PCa, Tick(we hope), Incontinence, Tick. Now from what I see here on this forum and others, the last item on our wish lists is sexual function return. It seems to return often much later on, 3-6-12 months. Maybe with a bit of viagra etc to get things working, then hopefully, solo.
MK51151 geoff90305
could you please elaborate with your experience on incontinece and how bad it was? Did you do kegel excercise before surgery? How long ago did you have your prostate removed? What was your recovery experience?
I am 51 and scheduled for surgery on 11/2.
Thank you,
geoff90305 MK51151
mark_fastco geoff90305
mark_fastco MK51151
et0hman geoff90305
geoff90305 et0hman
andrew68876 mark_fastco
Hay mark, I just had mine done on 8-16 2016 and I am experience the same promblem. Hope I get the feeling back soon, I'm hoping that the feeling will come back soon because I'm only 47. Can some one shed some light on this issue for Mark and I??? Please!!
ES28567 mark_fastco
Listen to Tybeeman. He has gone through this and is an excellent resource for you. The sooner you can get stimulation to that area (with doctors approval) the better the results tend to be. Do the injections and if you can't (psychologically or physically) do them to yourself, have someone (trained) do them for you. Do the pills as soon as you are given the ok by the doctor. The pump is a great suggestion. Studies show the sooner you are proactive, the better the results tend to be.
mark_fastco ES28567
alfred5 mark_fastco
There are many stories on there of men that have gone down the removal route. Many go on to having things return to normal in that department, but it takes time, a year or so. Others never regain the use. The younger you are it seems the better.
From what I have read it is hard work, including using a pump several times a day. Not for sex, but to get the blood flow into it, for rehabilitation. Also medication, like cialis to help with the flow down there.
Wishing you all the best and I hope you are successful.
MK51151 mark_fastco
To Mark and All,
So far I did not have my prostatectomy but I am scheduled for surgery on November 2nd. Diagnosed with prostate Ca in August Gleason 7 (4+3). My question for all of you is: Did you guys regretted having surgery? I am terrified of surgical side effects as be incontinent and impotent for the rest of my life. Even being scheduled for surgery I am still fighting with my self thinking that I already made wrong decision.
I do not know what to do, proceeding with surgery or back up and do nothing while enjoying meaningful life.
I appreciate any response and please tell about your good and not so good experience about regaining continence and your sexual life back.
i don't mind hearing bad experience also.
God bless you all,
andrew68876 MK51151
Mk, I don't regret any thing. My Gleason was a 9, and I had my prostate taken out on the 16th of last month the only thing I'm worried about is down below that I'm able to perform again, hopefully soon...
MK51151 andrew68876
what was your experience with urinary incontinence? How long it took you to regain it? I can't believe you have full urinary control after just 45 days.
if that is right than you are the luckiest person in the world.
i am only 51 and all this worry me to death.
Thanks for your response.
andrew68876 MK51151
Mk, it's only been 2 1/2 week since my operation . I don't have full urination control but it's getting much better...the healing process is going very well. my only concern is being able to perform in the near future... there is no activity down there....
ES28567 MK51151
andrew68876 ES28567
ES28567 andrew68876
Tybeeman MK51151
Do you research there is a lot of therapy you will need to do before and after surgery. In most cases if the cancer is contained to the prostrate the continence will not be an issue. Now the sex part is a different situation. I had my surgery 7 months ago and have no feeling down there. But as I have said my orgasms are a lot more instanced than before. I started injections that I have not been able to get right mix but working on it. I am 57 and I figure worst case I will get an implant.
At 51 why would you take the chance of leaving that cancer in you. If you go with the chemical treatment you will never have the removal option. You are doing the right thing.
andrew68876 Tybeeman
MK51151 ES28567
MK51151 Tybeeman
my surgery will be with the doc who only performed about 300 robot assisted prostatectomy and that number includes his cases as a resident. He is very young and I doubt he has much of experience. I can not go out of my insurance group of providers and facilities. Very limited number of docs that are employed directly by the group. I have no coverage outside of that group.
to be honest, I don't know if I am risking more with surgery or with doing nothing?
I do not see light at the end of my tunnel.
Tybeeman MK51151
MK51151 Tybeeman
Thank you for your kind response.
Could you please shed some lights on your recovery and how log it took you to regain continence? I would like to hear first hand experience not sugar coated answers from doctors. Doctors especially surgeons will never tell the truth to any question without sugar coated answers. Side effects per doctors are always very minimal and their percentage don't make sense.
mark_fastco MK51151
I know you didn't ask me but I had my surgery on August 30th took the catheter out on the 7th . At that time I bought a crapload of incontinence supplies not having any idea what to expect and expecting the worst. I wore pads for a couple of weeks and slowly stop wearing them and now I have gone 5 days without wearing any pad whatsoever. I started pelvic floor exercises a month before my surgery and continued them and I will always continue them. This I believe help a lot. And I, like you was terrified before of basically urinating uncontrollably forever. I am happy with my recovery of my incontinence
andrew68876 mark_fastco
Mark, I'm having similar experience with my recovery but are u having any stimulation in that department yet??
mark_fastco andrew68876
mark_fastco MK51151
andrew68876 mark_fastco
Question for anyone. I am 3 week out of surgery, and I'm feeling much better down there but of course the is no stimulation going on. Is it to early to try the pill yet??? Just curious...
Tybeeman MK51151
ES28567 MK51151
Hi MK,
I talked to the doctor who performed my HIFU procedure and based on your age, Gleason score, and cancer in only one area, he said you would most likely be an excellent candidate for the procedure.
I don't know your financial situation. Some insurance companies are starting to cover a portion of HIFU but in general insurance does not cover the procedure. The cost is about $25,000. I got a loan to help pay the balance and now I have a 2nd job to help pay it off. The main factor when I was deciding what action to take was the fact that any decision would impact the rest of my life (and quality of life) so it was totally worth it for me. But every man must decide for himself which option is best for them.
Because it looks like you would qualify for the HIFU procedure, If you would like, you can talk to my doctor (at no cost). He will even review your medical records (at no cost) and talk with you and answer all your questions. (My doctor and I had several phone conversations before my procedure as I came up with additional questions). We agreed on an action plan and I now, 6 weeks post procedure, I feel like I have a new lease on life.
If you are at all interested (even if it's just to learn more without any commitment) I will private message you his personal cellphone number.
If you are not interested, that's completely fine with me. (This is not a contest to convince men to do any particular procedure). I only offered to share this information with you because I have had such an amazing and positive outcome (and more importantly) because you expressed some doubts that surgery may not be the right option for you.
Regardless of the final decision you make, whether it's HIFU, FLA, prostatectomy, active surveillance, radiation...the absolute best advice I can give you is to thoroughly research all the good and bad side effects associated with each option and pick the best skilled doctor for that procedures. Then and only then will you be able to take some comfort in your decision.
barney34567 andrew68876