One week using "Wet Ones" with Benzethonium Chloride
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I have been using Wet Ones as recommended by Lynda79 (Clean eyes 4 times daily using 1/4 wet one) for one week
I can report the following.
Initial State:- Eye irritation/soreness/dryness including corneal ulcers, etc which I have had for over 2 months continually. Requiring washing approx 3-4 times daily with warm water, baby shampoo, eye drops etc..
When starting with the Wet Ones, I initially felt slight stinging around the rim of the eye, but this stopped after 24 hrs use.
After 3 days:- A lot of relief, maybe rinse eyes with just warm water if they felt dry.
After 7 days:- I have forgotten that I have blephoritus. Have to remind myself to clean eyes with Wet Ones.
I will continue to use the wet ones, now cutting down to 3x daily as recommended by Lynda79, and will update again next week. Hope this helps somebody, and many thanks to Lynda79 for sharing this.
22 likes, 619 replies
You will do more for people trying this then I can ever do. You tried it and are getting relief.
Thank you so much for helping others to see this can be cured.
I used the WET ONES 3 times a day for a month. You can shave off time if you keep up the 3 times a day but I imagine you will be like me and just feel so much better that 2 times a day will do it for a couple of months more as not much work to do it morning and night.
Thanks again for taking the time to post your results.
Florida_gal lynda79
Sorry, but this is going to long!
have been suffering from blepharitis for the last 6 years on and off. Originally it was treated as an allergy,because it itched like crazy. I did rub my eyes which caused an infection. Antibiotics were prescribed and it got better, but the itching persisted. It happened again more severely 2 years ago and it has been a downward spiral of trying everything that is out there to try at a very high cost. My symptoms only got worse: itchy, watery eyes, red swollen eye lids, sore redness and cracked skin along the outer and inner skin aroundmy eyes, waking up every morning to almost completely crusted eyes were i couldn't even open them. I was becoming reclusive. No matter where I was, it was bad!
I finally decided to stop everything and searched the internet to see if there was possibly some else suffering like me. I was overjoyed when I found this forum! I read every comment that pertains to the eyes as well as blepharitis.
I saw that you had posted your Wet wipes solution on this forum as well as other forums and I decided to give it a try immediately ...I was DESPIRATE!!!!
I was a bit confused about the % of benzethonium Chloride(.03% or .3%?)
i could only find the .3% and used it (later I found Walmart brand of wipes -Equate with .113% which I now use)
I want you to know that it gave me relief immediately. It stung just a bit but was soothing after a few moments. And I continued using it and am now finishing up my second week of using wipes and my condition has improved. Today, My eyes are not as crusty in the morning, watering less, not swollen or red, however, the inside and outside corners of both eyes still itch. I did resort to using a drop of Lotomax only on the spots of my eyes that itched the most. Also, to help heal the soreness (tiny wounds) around the outer and inner skin near the eye margin, I put a thin layer of Aquaphor ointment. The watering was irritating the skin.
I am am seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel! I am hopeful that I will be able to wear make up again. I have already thrown out all old makeup and am going with disposable.
my one question for you is: did you have itchy eyes like me? Where it itched on the onside corners (lacrimal sac and duct areas) and outside eyelash margins ? Did you only use wipes to get rid of itching?
thanks so much for reading and for sharing your wet wipes solution! Will post an update in a month! God bless!
lynda79 Florida_gal
Nice to hear that you are doing better. My friend who used the facial scrub had stuff all over her eyelids (where you where eye shadow) and I had the itchy like you described. I had it for about 6 months and then started in on the wipes.
What may be happening to you is that you are getting the wipes on areas that don't need it. They are drying. Be sure and tear each one into 8 sections as that way only a fingertip is covered. You can direct the coverage that way.
You can wipe the area off with water too.
I did not rinse after applying the wipes on the lashes. Later found out that the Quats (Benzethonium Chloride and Benzalkonium Chloride) need a 10 minute time to kill.
Of course, I learned everything later. I looked into it as a couple were allergic to the wipes and one the lanolin in the wipes. As they say, better late then never.
Yes, I only used the wipes. I do use eye drops for lubrication (ones without preservatives). I try to warm a thick wash cloth in the microwave each morning (forgot today) as Dr. said it gets things going.
I can't tell you where as it seemed everywhere. Drove me crazy.
I used the wipes 4 times a day for a week and a half and then went down to 3 as felt so much better. Then 2 times a day and that was easy to do.
Do whatever helps your eyes. You can skip an area and do the rest and see how you do too or cut down the number of times you are doing it. May only need to do it 2 times a day if you get sore.
I would love to hear from you in a month.
Thinking of you,
lynda79 Florida_gal
I thought about what you said after I signed out.
You may want to switch to the WET ONES and not the Wal Mart brand as could be harsher on your skin. Compare the ingredients.
Just an after thought.
Thinking of you,
lynda79 Florida_gal
Sorry to bug you but forgot something. The wipes are 0.3% Benzethonium Chlorid. I read the label wrong. Needed new glasses for 2 years. They work just the same. Here is the tox report I found.
International Journal of Toxicology
3 Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Benzethonium Chloride and Methylbenzethonium Chloride
Benzethonium Chloride and Methylbenzethonium Chloride are quaternary ammonium salts used in cosmetics primarily as preservatives and secondarily as cationic surfactants, usually at concentrations below 1 percent. They can be irritating to the skin at concentrations of greater than 5 percent. Chronic and subchronic feeding studies indicated little or no toxic effects for both ingredients. Benzethonium Chloride was nonmutagenic in microbial systems and shown to be noncarcinogenic in rodent studies.
In clinical studies, Benzethonium Chloride produced mild skin irritation at 5 percent but not at lower concentration. Neither ingredient is considered to be a sensitizer.
It is concluded that both compounds are safe at concentrations of 0.5 percent in cosmetics applied to the skin. A maximum concentration of 0.02 percent is safe for cosmetics used in the eye area.
Hope this helps answer your question too.
Lynda 79
Florida_gal lynda79
florida gal
lynda79 Florida_gal
The reason I said to switch to the WET ONES as never heard anyone having that kind of a problem.
Here is some of my research (shortened) on the time element:
How do quaternary disinfectants actually work?
Quat-based disinfectants carry a positive charge. Bacteria, viruses and fungi carry a negative charge. When a bacteria-laden surface is sprayed or mopped with a disinfectant, the charge distribution of the bacteria cell changes from negative to positive. This results in the disruption of the bacteria cell wall and eventual death to the microbe.
The antimicrobial capabilities of quats were first observed in the 19th century.
Generally speaking, quats are only readily effective against easier to kill microorganisms such as vegetative bacteria (Staph. aureus, Salmonella sp., etc.), enveloped viruses (Influenza A, HIV, etc.) and fungi (Aspergillis sp., etc.). However, even in the case of these relatively easy to kill pathogens quats often require a contact time upwards of 10 minutes to do so.
I did not rinse my eyes off after using the wipes but found this info later.
If you are having a problem you can wipe with water, just wait 10 minutes. That is just a suggestion.
I use the wipes on someone in a rest home just 2 times a week toget rid of the gunky yellow stuff on her eyes. When I started they were almost glued shut. Now just a little on her lashes when I go. I wipe her eyes with the water on a tissue after. I can't kill it for her but I can keep it from taking over. It just melts off her lashes and a very small amount now.
Hope this helps to answer your questions.
Thinking of you,
sandra40102 lynda79
lynda79 sandra40102
What a wonderful note. You can wear mascara and kill this at the same time. You need to buy throw away mascara wands and all new mascara dn makeup. Never put a used anything back into your makeup.
Use 2 wands, 1 for ach eye.
Wash your eyes with 2 washcloths. One for each eye so as to not re-infect. Actually, saw that a doctor said that online too.
I took my mascara off as soon as I came home. Did not leave it on anymore then actually needed to.
Hope this info helps you.
sandra40102 lynda79
veronica85865 lynda79
I've been struggling with this eye thing for the past couple months, first time ever, and something tells me that the Wet Ones way is the right way to go.
I do have Celiac Disease and I found that once you go Gluten Free when you accidentally ingest gluten some of the symptoms (beside gastro) are skin related, psoriasis, scalp issues and blepharitis... which may have been the trigger for me.
Anyway, I'm giving the wet ones a try and will keep everyone posted. Thanks for this!
jeanette43594 veronica85865
I hope you have some luck with the wet ones i have been using them for just about 3/4wks and i found them to be the best thing i have done!! I found this site by accident and i saw a post from Lynda79 and i am pleased to call her my friend
because if it was not for her myeyes would still be red sore and itchy!!! I can also wear mascara again after to long? so i hope you can to find this site useful
lynda79 veronica85865
Just make sure you are not allergic to the detergents, shampoos or even handwipes or lanolin. Some 16.5% out of 959 are allergic to these items and it is usually the Quats in them.
Hope you have success.
veronica85865 jeanette43594
That gives me hope! And about the mascara, I already bought the disposable wands, there's a pack of 300 for 12.95 thru Amazon. I'm faithfully waiting for my eyelids to go back to normal!
Thanks and will keep you posted.
veronica85865 lynda79
Will keep you posted and thanks, really, for sharing this. It makes a lot of sense to me and it sounds 100% viable and effective.
Raellen lynda79
jeanette43594 Raellen
my eye had the same feeling.As if there was something in it all the time i was doing the washing with baby shampoo and cotton wool! I have been having trouble since 2003/4 what i should have said is had that trouble until i found this site you should maybe read some more of these posts on this site? try and get in touch with Lynda79 on here or honjon i have been using wet ones and that seems to have cleared it when i was using the baby shampoo it never really made a difference my eye always seemed to be itchy/red/sore!I still do my eye but only once or twice when i feel a bit itchy or sore! I hope you find ease for your eyes.
lynda79 Raellen
People seem to have varied symptoms. My friend who used the antibacterial facial scrub with Benzethonium Chloride had stuff going up onto her eyelids (where you wear eye shadow) and looked so bad that she wore sun glasses everywhere.
I had the terrible itching. Others had the oil problem (Honjon on this site).
I used the WET ONES, antibacterial hand wipes, as had Benzethonium Chloride in them to kill my Blepharitis. I found out afterwards when researching that Staphylococcus was a cause of Blepharitis. These wipes (Quats, Benzethonium Chloride, US, and Benzalkonium Chloride, UK wipes) kill Staphylococcus.
My husband gets those bumps and he started using the wipes and they are gone so far. Not sure if the same as you but he was told to use lid wipes on them.
As far as the antibiotic is concerned, they told me to put it into my eyes (I did that 3 times). I found an online site that talked about using the antibiotic on an off label method. They said to put it on the eyelashes and on the lid margins. That is where I used the wipes and killed it.
If you are not allergic to shamoos, detergents, fabric softeners,hand wipes or spermicidal jellies or lanolin (that is in wipes) you can give these a try and see if they help you.
Doxycycline works on Blepharitis but 2 doctors told me they do not know why. These wipes can kill it then an antibiotic applied on the eyelashes can too. Just have to find the right one. I personally think it may be the Doxycycline after reading a dental application on that antibiotic. We will have to wait for that one. Now all you can do is give this a try and should know in a few days if it does any good.
Hope I answered some of your questions. You can google this info too.
Thinking of you,
Raellen jeanette43594
veronica85865 Raellen
I'm 60 hours into using the wipes. Sunday I had a swollen almost shut left eye (OS) and a sore spot on the right eye (OD), started using the wipes Monday night, woke up Monday with still a crusty, swollen, red eyelid OS, but a clear painfree OD. By Yesterday night OS noticeably better, no redness at all, slightly swollen around the lacrimal. OD completely clear, even of tiny little bumps around edge of lid that I had become used to. This morning I woke up with no crust, no redness, less swollen OS and completely clear OD. I think it's working. I'm waiting to see if the bump around my lacrimal OS that I could clearly feel on Monday is still there but I can't feel it anymore, the inner corner of the eye still swollen in comparison to the OD, but definitely better.
Hope this helps someone else too!
sandra40102 veronica85865
lynda79 sandra40102
Actually, the credit goes to my daughter's mother-in-law who used the Avon Facial Scrub with Benzethonium Chloride who got this ball rolling for all of us.
The wipes were the only thing I could find with Benzethonium Chloride in them (Avon had reformulated the facial scrub) and the rest is history.
We have to give credit where credit is due. I just jumped on the ban wagon. Didn't want to be there alone so started posting.
Thanks for all the kind words.
sandra40102 lynda79
veronica85865 lynda79
bethany57143 lynda79
I recently come across this discussion after suspecting I might have blepharitis and I was wondering if any of you guys could help me? Okay, so around a week ago I noticed 3 massive clumps missing from my eyelashes and a few days later i was welcomed every morning with massive crusts surrounding the inner and outer corners of my eyes. I went to my doctor and he gave me some antibiotic eyedrops but he's pretty useless and did not give me much information apart from to tell me i had an infection, which was pretty obvious and then he sent me away. Anyway, I've been using the eyedrops aswell s cleaning my eyes with baby shamppo, hot compressess and I recently bought wet ones and so far my eyes seem okay, from the photos I've seen on the internet it seems I actually have a really acute case of blepharitis. The thing that bothers me the most is the loss of my eyelashes and I was wondering iof any of you have found any solution for that? I've been using castor oil and so far its worked really well but i'm so scared to put mascara on again. I haven't been wearing any since i found out I had problems with my eyes and i've brought all new makeup, but i'm moving to university in just over a week and i'm going to be meeting new people and going out all the time, and being an insecure 18 year old wearing no eye makeup is really not an option for me, infact wearing just a little eye makeup is not even an option! I hate to sound superficial but my eyelashes were so lovely and long they were literally like my coat of armour and i really want to grow them back! Is there anything you can suggest that would help? I'm so desperate please please help thankyou X
JJ111 lynda79
I feel compelled to write to you and thank you so much for your advice regarding the Wet Ones and Blepharitis. I am a 40 year old male suffering from horrible insomnia for over 7 years. My Blepharitis condition has been missed diagnosed because of all the meds I was on and always being exhausted. I thought the burring and itching eyes was from just being so tired. As my sleep improved the burning and itching eyes didn’t. After getting off most of my meds the condition did not improve as well. After about 5 doctors finally one doctor said you have Blepharitis and there really is not a cure. Use Flax seed oil and baby shampoo and it will get better. Well that really didn’t do anything. I then found your posts here and thought I will try anything. After about 3 weeks using Wet Ones 4 times a day my condition improved dramatically and I am down to using them once a day. I told my ophthalmologist about this and she had never heard of it. She said she would research it and get back to me but told me I should cut back on it and be very careful not to get it in my eyes.
I can honestly say this has improved my quality of life so much. Thank you, thank you and thank you! For others out there that are suffering don’t hesitate to try this it will work. Follow the instructions on this blog and you will get relief.
lynda79 JJ111
Thank you for such a nice report.
I only used the Wet Ones at 4 times a day for just week and a half. I then went down to 3 then 2 times a day.
Please don't use these as an every day thing forever. These are just to kill it. After a while stop and see how you do. If a problem, jump on it for a day or two then stop again. It will go away.
You can reinfect too so be careful. Dry eyes do not wash out the bacteria like normal eyes.
Sorry, I do go on. Thanks again for letting everyone know that you are doing so great. I knew others out there would want a solution. I had to ask a teenager how to get some info out on the internet. This does work for bout 80% of people, those not allergic.
Thanks ever so much for your lovely comment,
lynda79 bethany57143
Good news! Jill, who had Blepharitis for over 20 years (she got it in college she said) lost her lashes and after using the wipes they grew back in and she said people comment on how beautiful her lashes are now.
Blepharitis is caused by a staphylococcus infection. If you are not allergic and can use the wipes there is hope.
Don't despair, keep at it and let us all know when your lashes start to grow back in. Look at the big picture. It is just a few more months out of your life and then back to normal.
I do appreciate Jill for letting me know that info as can help others like you.
Wish you well soon,
JJ111 lynda79
lynda79 JJ111
Sorry, may have sent the wrong angle. Stop using them to see if it is killed off. If not, go at it again. I used them for over 3 months then stopped. Just once or twice there was a small itch and jumped on it for a day or two.
If these wipes kill Blepharitis then it means that an antibiotic will do it too.
From my research that I found (put on site here too) I believe it is doxycycline. When taken orally it does have an effect on Bepharitis and two doctors told me they do not know why. I took it for a month for something else and it did work on the Blepharitis. Judging from a dental report that I found I can see how it will work on Blepharitis topically.
Needs to have doctor put some Blepharitis on a slide and try the doxcycline. Well, that is my 2 cents worth there.
Please try and kill this off and not reinfect yourself.
Thinking of you,
vanessa02778 Raellen
i too have rosacea and blepharitis and the small lumps on my lower inner eye rims,have you found help?
drewlizard vanessa02778
vanessa02778 lynda79
Is benzethonium chloride in the optrex eye bath? I think I read that someone used that with a tip to clean the eye rims with sucses and since it is meant for the eyes may be a kinder option?
what do you think?
eileen64__UK vanessa02778
I'm in the UK......if a tip is the same as a cotton wool bud I was always advised never to use them close to my eyes incase strands came off it and made them worse
Love Eileen UK
vanessa02778 eileen64__UK
yes they are the same I use a very good make 100percent Cotten and make sure no fluff on them before going near my eyes at the moment use blepaclean on them and or I use medical pads that are fluff free.
have you tried the optrex eye bath as a lid cleanser?
I am from the uk but live in Holland.
eileen64__UK vanessa02778
Glad you are finding them helpful.....I'm only going by what a doc told me
No I havent tried the optrex eye bat as a lid cleanser
I use the wet ones and although it comes back now and then Its not nearly as bad as it was
Eileen UK
lynda79 vanessa02778
I have not used that. You can search online and find the ingredients. I have done that with a lot of items.
They use Benzalkonium Chloride as a preservative in eye meds. It is a Quat too.
Search for the causIes of Blepharitis too. All the cleaning in the world will not get rid of a staph infection. I cleaned my eyes with baby shampoo 3-4 times a day and even use antibiotics 3 times (in the eye). I was just desperate. By the way, rubbing alcohol doesn't work either. See what I mean.
Sorry don't have experience with that product.
nicky_S lynda79
Did you, or do you know of anyone who has developed a lump on the eyelid?
I have been following your programme for 2 months with good results, only concern is a lump that has formed over the period of a month on the inner upper eyelid. When I am wiping with a wetone and lightly press on it, it is tender. I can see it in the mirror so is quite large. Is this part of the characteristics of Bleph? Or could it be a badly blocked gland? The lump was never their prior to Bleph.
lynda79 nicky_S
You need to go to the doctor as someone has mentioned something like that on this site. I forgot what they called it, if that is it.
If you get the wipes in the eyes just put some drops that you use for lubrication in your eyes.
I don't think this is a cause from the wipes.
Look online for bumps on the eye area. Feel bad I can't remember what that was called.
If I remember correctly, it said the doctor can do something about it but they do go away by themselves too. If that is it.
Maybe someone on this site can tell you what it is called.
Sorry not too much help on this problem.
vanessa02778 nicky_S
nicky_S lynda79
Thank you very much for your reply. What a lovely, geniune,caring lady you are.
Went to my doctor, he was very curious and interested to research himself re: your findings and your own research, that was after my half hr consult all about bleph and how baby shampoo etc might be adding fuel to the fire!!
He then diagnosed my lump on the top eye lid as a Cyst, a build up of fluid due to a blocked gland. So solution is to make a nic and drain the fluid, otherwise not much else can be done!!
Will be going to a eye specialist soon to get the procedure.
Again thank you so very much
You are a true gem
Take care
sandra40102 nicky_S
lynda79 nicky_S
Perhaps, this doctor can see what I see. Bottom line is that if something over the counter can kill the staphylococcus on the eye area then an antibiotic can do the same.
Are you in the UK? I have given the info to several doctors but US not very interested in a cure. The wipes help about 80% of people. I am worried that the wipes could be reformulated so wanted to get the word out to people now. Things change so fast in this world now. They are always looking for a cheaper way to make things.
Thanks for letting me know this info and thank you for the nice complement.
Wish you success.
karen41245 lynda79
sandra40102 karen41245
karen41245 sandra40102
lynda79 karen41245
Just check to see if the amount of Benzethonium Chloride is .3%. Some of the handwipes have a lot less. That means they would have perhaps more of the other ingredients in them and not work as well.
Honjon, on this site, used the wipes in the UK and they had Benzalkonium Chloride in them. It is a Quat too and worked for him.
You can order these wipes from a drugstore online.
Hope this info helps.
karen41245 lynda79
ncreight lynda79
lynda79 ncreight
It takes only about 3 months to kill this. The contacts could recontaminate your eyes. I am not sure. You might want to wait a while or at least until you get it down to 2 times a day.
Perhaps someone on this site can tell you their experience with contacts.
I know just using a wash cloth you can reinfect your eyes.
You can wear mascara if you use 1 throw away wand for each eye. That is new mascara and never double dip.
Even though I have killed it I still use a throw away wand. I use 1 for both eyes and never double dip. I don't want it back. It may be that dry eyes do not remove bacteria like normal eyes do.
You will have to really disinfect your contacts too. You wouldn't want them to be the cause of infection either.
Hope this helps you,
sandra40102 lynda79
I have told sveral people about the Wet Ones and they have all had success using them. Today I talked to a friend who has used them and conquered the problem of blepharitis. Her husband has a dog that has had recurrent eye infections and nothing has worked. She suggested the Wet Ones and after several days the dog has improved immensely. They were on the verge of euthanasia and Wet Ones saved the day
lynda79 sandra40102
Thank you for such wonderful experiences. The dog one made me laugh and happy at the same time.
My husband and brother have it too and both are doing great on the wipes.
Thanks again,
dena64643 lynda79
lynda79 dena64643
Yes, I get quite a few people who are doing great on it. That now includes my husband and brother and just last night a young girl came over with a swollen eyelid and itching. She use the wipes (US) and she said it was helping right away with the itching. I gave her a box and a package of throw away wands.
I threw out all makeup and started fresh. The eyeliner I used was the makeup applicators that look like a cotton bud (US cuetip) except they are flat on one end and really sharp on the other end. I used the sharp end in a really dark (grey or black creme) eyeshadow. The other end for regular eye shadow. Use 1 for each eye. One eye can be getting better faster then the other and you don't want to keep reinfecting yourself.
Never double dip anything.
The wipes can be used to clean a brush in the future. I would not risk it until you are clear of it and it takes a little over 3 months. Don't miss a day.
I was so desperate I tried the alcohol on my lashes. Doesn't work.
So my suggestion is to use throw away everything until it is gone.
I still use a throw away mascara but now on both eyes. I just don't double dip. I do not want it back. I also buy new mascara each month.
Hope this helps,
lynda79 dena64643
Yes, I get quite a few people who are doing great on it. That now includes my husband and brother and just last night a young girl came over with a swollen eyelid and itching. She use the wipes (US) and she said it was helping right away with the itching. I gave her a box and a package of throw away wands.
I threw out all makeup and started fresh. The eyeliner I used was the makeup applicators that look like a cotton bud (US cuetip) except they are flat on one end and really sharp on the other end. I used the sharp end in a really dark (grey or black creme) eyeshadow. The other end for regular eye shadow. Use 1 for each eye. One eye can be getting better faster then the other and you don't want to keep reinfecting yourself.
Never double dip anything.
The wipes can be used to clean a brush in the future. I would not risk it until you are clear of it and it takes a little over 3 months. Don't miss a day.
I was so desperate I tried the alcohol on my lashes. Doesn't work
Hope this helps,
lynda79 dena64643
Yes, I get quite a few people who are doing great on it. That now includes my husband and brother and just last night a young girl came over with a swollen eyelid and itching. She use the wipes (US) and she said it was helping right away with the itching. I gave her a box and a package of throw away wands.
I threw out all makeup and started fresh. The eyeliner I used was the makeup applicators that look like a cotton bud (US cuetip) except they are flat on one end and really sharp on the other end. I used the sharp end in creme eyeshadow. One applicator for each eye.
Hope this helps,
dena64643 lynda79
jeanette43594 lynda79
Just a quick post to see how you are doing and to let know that my eyes are still clear and I decided to try the Optrex eye wash as it has the same ingrediants in as the wet ones,and it is still doing the job as i find it hard to buy the wetones. The shop where I buy them said they only get them in in the summer!! So as I have said in my previous posts my sons wedding is in May and I will be able to wear mascara because before I found this site and your posts I could not wear it and had not worn it for a long time and if I did I suffered for it even though I removed it as soon as I got in the house.So I hope you are doing well also the lady you go to visit and I still cant thank you and your daughters M/I/L enough and still I am pleased to call you a dear friend and hope you are keeping well
your friend jeanette xx PS M/I/L is still doing ok every now and again she has a set back because she keeps forgeting to do it.
sandra40102 dena64643
dena64643 sandra40102
lynda79 dena64643
Sandra covered it. I wear glasses and I use glass cleaners that I carry in my purse too.
Just make sure you don't double dip your makeup in anything.
Wish you well,
lynda79 dena64643
Sandra covered it. I wear glasses and I use glass cleaners that I carry in my purse too.
Wish you well,
lynda79 jeanette43594
Doing O K. I wash my friends nightgowns and she still tries to put dirty ones on her. I guess it is a game to her. Not me, I am busy and I am doing my best to go and feed her and keep her clean.
Thank you for the nice thoughts and glad to hear your eyes are better.
Your friend,
lynda79 jeanette43594
Doing O K. I wash my friends nightgowns and she still tries to put dirty ones on her. I guess it is a game to her. Not me, I am busy and I am doing my best to go and feed her and keep her clean.
Thank you for the nice thoughts and glad to hear your eyes are better.
I don't know what is happening as I cannot seem to comment and the Unexpected error (0:1) shows up. Does anyone know what that means?
I would like to correct whatever I am doing.
Your friend,
chris13161 lynda79
lynda79 chris13161
You can order the others from an online pharmacy (chemist). I check for someone who lived there.
Honjon, on this site, used the ones you mentioined. Some have had some issues with them but he did not.
I can only tell you that I had no problems with the ones I used. As long as you are not allergic to the items mentioned or have sensitive skin.
If you have a problem with the ones you have you can order the other ones.
Hope this helps,
lynda79 chris13161
Honjon used the ones you mentioned. You can order the ones with Benzethonium Chloride from the online pharmacy (chemist) in Australia. I check for someone who lived there.
I can only vouch for the ones I used and caused me no problems and they had Benzethonium Chloride in them.
Let us know how you get on,
chris13161 lynda79
lynda79 chris13161
Honjon used the ones you mentioned. You can order the ones with Benzethonium Chloride from the online pharmacy (chemist) in Australia. I checked for someone who lived there to see if they had them.
I can only vouch for the ones I used and caused me no problems and they had Benzethonium Chloride in them.
chris13161 lynda79
margaret85850 lynda79
lynda79 margaret85850
I did not rinse it off after using. It does take 10 minutes for the Quats to work I read.
My husband started wiping his brows with the wipes too and seems to take care of his issues. My husband's sight was affected too and is now better. We thought he had allergy problems for years.
Tea tree oil kills staph too. There is a person on this site who mentions the amount to use and how often. Even if the wipes are changed the tea tree oil will probably always be there.
Hope this helps,
margaret85850 lynda79
martha51654 lynda79
jeanette43594 martha51654
I started using the wet ones but then I started using the optrex eye wash and I also just use it once a day. I was using the wet ones twice a day morning and night but I find the optrex eye wash easier to use and it has the same ingredients in as the wet ones.I started to use the eye wash as I found it hard to get the wet ones from a well known supermarket (Asda) when I asked why they said they only put them on the shelves in the summer!!! I used the light blue ones the sensitive ones .I have Lynda79 and Honjon and this site because if it was not for them I would not be able to wear mascara again after a long time and my eyes would still look red and sore so I can wear mascara to my sons wedding in May as I thought I would be the only one not wearing any and looking as if I had been crying for days with red and sore eyes!!!
I hope it works for you
lynda79 margaret85850
The Wet Ones are an antibacterial handwipe and they are in a red or now yellow box and are called singles (24 in box). Please do not use the house cleaning ones.
Hope this helps,
lynda79 margaret85850
The Wet Ones are an antibacterial handwipe and they are in a red or now yellow box and are 24 single ones in the box.
Please do not use the house cleaning ones.
Hope this helps,
margaret85850 lynda79
martha51654 jeanette43594
I am now quite well, I can wear mascara which I do only occationally as a precaution, this is after about a month and a half of starting the heat/massage/Wet ones treatment three times a day. Now more like twice a day, yesterday I used the Optrex at midday without the heat and the massage.Very refreshing but I think the heat/massage is necessary.. I was being lazy.
i also had trouble finding wet ones. I wanted the ones without alcohol. Found the last couple of packets in a local farmacy. When I need more I shall try the web.
I think to use both methods is better, the wash must get to the glands but the wipes can clean up the lids too.
i wish that you recover well for your son's wedding. I am sure you will.
valerie_18359 lynda79
i went to my GP who had no idea what was wrong with my eyes. Then optician diagnosed Blepharitis. But Blephaclean didn't fully resolve the problem although it did improve.
i have now got Wet Ones. My query is in relation to the fact that they specifically say Don't use near the eyes. They are in a blue packet and I am in Ireland. The Benzalkonium Chlodide is at a concentration of "0.0975g in 100g of dosed liquid".
Many thanks for the help.
val freeman
dena64643 valerie_18359
Excuse my comment, but those seem strong. Be sure, before you try to use them
valerie_18359 dena64643
lynda79 valerie_18359
I used the Red package wipes with Benzethonium Chloride in them. Some have said the blue ones were too strong.
I can only comment on what I used that helped me. I had no ill effects and did not put them in my eye. I used them on just the eyelash area rubbing as I went along.
The Red package can be bought online.
Hope this helps,
valerie_18359 lynda79
magda14821 lynda79
please I have a question to you. I am using wet ones about 2 months now. I am still worried if I cannot hurt my eyes. It is a great relief from itching and swollen and red eyes but no doctor tells you to use it. You studied it thoroughly so please can you write me if you discussed it with some doctors.
Thanks in advance,
Magda, Prague
lynda79 magda14821
I have given the info and experiences and my antibiotic research to several doctors. One is asking me for everything. I just saw him about a week ago. He asked me to email him more info.
My friend used a facial scrub with Benzethonium Chloride in it and killed it in several days. They are allowed to put up to .5% Benzethonium Chloride in facial products. There evidently was more then .3% or it would have taken longer to get rid of it.
There is one person on this site who took the wipe to a doctor and he looked at it said it was O K to use. It doesn't go into the eye. If you touch your eye wash with water.
The main problem is people having allergic reactions. That is people who have sensitive skin.
Hope I answered your questions,
valerie_18359 lynda79
Hi Lynda,
Just to add to what you are saying...
Benzalkonium Chloride is an ingredient in the Optrex Multi-Action eye wash product, which I bought in Ireland and in another Eye Lotion, which I
purchased recently in Asia. This seems to be a very commonly used ingredient,even in products specifically designed for use on the eye. The only issue is the concentration in various products.
So appreciate this sharing of information.
magda14821 lynda79
thanks very much for info, it gave me a relief.
magda14821 valerie_18359
thanks also for info. I use some Czech version of wet ones in Benzalkonium Chloride in it and it helps me a lot so I am glad I can use it without any concern as my doctor does not know about this cure.
valerie_18359 magda14821
faye______00403 lynda79
been an ongoing nightmare. Sometimes not so bad but I've never had
some of the problems listed here. I'm trying the wet wipes but find that
after putting it on I seem to get a lot of grit in my eyes from the
crust washing off. Any thoughts on how to prevent some of that?
Just a note for the people who suffer with bronter-in-law
is an eye doctor in another town. Not my local guy...and he told me
several years back to buy Zaditor, an OTC eye drop for the itching
of allegies. It's kind of pricey but helps a lot.
I'm sure hoping for the same results come of your bloggers are
dena64643 faye______00403
faye______00403 dena64643
loosens the crust. My brother-in-law (eye doctor)didn't like using baby shampoo and suggested I use lid scrubs after the soaks. Also
question for all......some of the wipes are dryer than other ones
nearer the bottom. I'm a little nervous about using really wet
one since it's hard to keep out of the eye and not sure how the
dryer one is working......anyone?
lynda79 faye______00403
I had the terrible itching for 6 months. The US Wet Ones with Benzethonium Chloride in them were in singles packaging and I tore them into 8 strips and just put a strip around my fingertip. Using a little piece of it so as not to get it in the eye. Using the whole single one or a large section would get on the skin or in the eye.
I did not have the grit you were talking about but I did not have it as long as others have had it.
Just make sure you are not allergic to the shampoos, detergents or fabric softeners or even lanolin.
Hope this helps,
lynda79 valerie_18359
The Benzalkonium Chloride is used in eye meds as a preservative usually about .01%.
They have now realized that using it in the eye for long periods of time can cause eye damage. That is why they are now making preservative free eye lubrication. It is a little more costly but safer especially if a person has to use eye meds such as steroids every day. My Dad is one of those people and that is why I put him on preservative free ones as he had to have the medication to be able to see. I just did not want him to double up. I researched preservatives as Eileen on this site mentioned this info.
The wipes should not go in the eye and I tore them into 8 sectiions so that a little piece would go over my fingertips to be able to direct it where I wanted it to go and nowhere else.
Hope this helps,
valerie_18359 lynda79
Thank you for that additional information. It is great that you have researched all this so thoroughly. I am hoping that I will not need to use the treatments for too long, but will look out for a preservative free eye wash. I am using the Irish Wet Ones with just under 1% B.C. The US ones are on the way. My eyes are still problematic, especially in the mornings, but I am continuing with the battle to get rid of this condition. Big thanks for all your amazing work.
dena64643 lynda79
lynda79 dena64643
I used a wash cloth to take off my mascara as it was water based. I used one for each eye. A doctor did mention that too on an online site. It prevents cross contamination. I do know what you mean as it does feel good to clean them.
Thinking of you,
DRana lynda79
Hi Lynda79,
I want to follow the procedure mentioned by you. DO i have to clean my eyes before using wet ones? Also, Can i do hot compress before applying we ones?
lynda79 DRana
I used the wipes on mylashes and only used a wash cloth when taking off my mascara or just cleaning my face. I did not rinse it off. The Quats do take about 10 minutes to work so after that it could be rinsed off. I did use hot wash cloths that I put in the microwave but after reading about heat and catarcts I stopped as worried about making mine larger.
This took about 3 months and I did not miss a day. Some have used them only 2 times a day and had success too. I used them 4 times a day for just a little over a week and then went down to 3 times for about a month. After that, I went down to 2 times a day for a couple of months.
Right after I quit using them my eye itched and I used the wipes for 2 days. Once again after that, it itched and I used the wipes for 2 days and then it has not come back.
Just make sure you are not allergic to shampoo, detegents, fabric softeners and even spermicidal jellies. People with sensitive skin cannot use these.
Someone on this site did use heat before the wipes and did not like the results. I did not do that and it worked fine.
Hope this helps you,
Pedro64 lynda79
my name is Pete, I'm from the UK and have been suffering from bleph for over 25 yrs, no doctor had diagnosed it until a couple of years ago I insisted on seeing an eye specialist, he looked at my eyes under a magnifying glass and told me that I had bleph, as usual he said there is no cure and all I could do was to use a warm compress, massage, eye hygiene blah blah blah, as you can imagine nothing has made it any better, I was extremely interested when I came across this forum and I'm keen to try these wipes however there is one thing that concerns me and confuses me, that is everybody seems to have some kind of infection that this ingredient in the wipes kills, my bleph is caused by glands being blocked so how can a wipe I block glands or am I missing something, be nice to hear what you think thanks.
lynda79 Pedro64
I had the itching on the lash area. Honjon, had the oily problem. Someone who had your problem should respond as to the results. I did use the US Wet Ones, antibacterial wipes, and Honjon used the UK ones. Some have said that the UK ones were harsh.
I hope someone can answer your question about the glands, if they were able to benefit from the wipes with that problem.
Honjon did say it helped his oily problem.
Wish you relief,
Pedro64 lynda79
one more ore question for you, where do you actually apply the wet one wipe? Is it along the inside edge of the eyelid, the top edge of the eyelid, the outside edge or along the eyelash?
lynda79 Pedro64
I rubbed the eyelash area. It does get on the rim on the bottom some and the top lashes I rubbed the eyelashes too. I did it open and closed to get the lashes on top good. I used only a small section over my fingertip so as to not get on the skin or areas I did not want it to go on.
Hope this helps,
aimee2011 lynda79
After two days, 4x day, my eyes already felt better. Then on the third day they started to ache so I cut back to twice a day after that. It's been two weeks and my eyes are clear! Today my husband said my eyes looked clearer than he has ever seen them. We have been married over 10 years. Thanks so much for posting. This has changed my life. Not only do my eyes feel better but I'm not embarrassed anymore about the constant redness! I hope that this works for other people! Best of luck!
lynda79 aimee2011
This should help to get rid of it in just a little over 3 months. These wipes are not an every day use for life. I did not let a day go by during that time.
Hope this info helps too,
ana83617 lynda79
Will these wipes help reduce the swelling?
Would it be okay to use some sort of moisturizer with this treatment? (Such as aveeno or coconut oil for the dryness?)
How exactly should I use these wipes?
Thank you for your help, this thread was my reason to join
margaret85850 Pedro64
Everyone on this forum seems to always talk about using the Wet Ones
for their problems, but I am like you. My problem is different. No one seems to ever talk about stopped up glands, which is what bleph is.
It is Chronic and all you can do is treat it. My eyes tear profusely all the time. I have had tubes put in my eyes into the tear ducts, but then my eyes are too dry. I stay confused most of the time on what to do about all this. I have tried everything and it will work for awhile and then back to square 1. I know you are confused as well, and I wish you luck. If anyone out there has had any luck with tearing eyes I sure wish I could find out from you what you did. THank you so much.
lynda79 ana83617
I used the wipes (US ones and in the red Box) 4 times a day for a week then went down to 3 times a day then down to 2 times a day for several months. Some have done only 2 times a day.
I do know that organic coconut oil when I used it on my face it did clog some pores. It is an antifungal.
I tore the wipes into small sections and used on my fingertips and rubbed along my lashes. The wipes do work on Staph. Some Bleph can be caused by Staph from what I read.
There are doctors (online) who mentioned using antibiotics in an off-label use. That means they put it on the eyelashes. I think that would be a good place to put antibiotics if gland problems were the issue.
Some are allergic to the wipes. If you have sensitive skin and are allergic to detergents, fabric softeners or lanolin (in wipes too) you should not use them. Most (about 80%) people are not from what I read when I looked up Quats.
You should read up on the ingredients and make sure you can give it a go.
Hope this info helps,
ana83617 lynda79
john41526 lynda79
OK so first of all sorry for dragging up a really old topic.
Searched Google and this was the first link.
OK here goes, I've been suffering with this horrible infection for 2 years now. Tried everything under the sun. Have ordered wet ones front usa ( be with me saturday)
But what I would like to know is I don't get the crustyness around my eyelids but they look red and I get these little white bumps on the outereges. Also my eyes allways look so heavy, like I'm on drugs or a raving alcoholic. Plus sunlight gives me so much pain. Does this sound like bleph. I feel like the doctor isn't interested in this condition and just gives you a leaflet to follow and sends you on your way.
I'm so glad I can speak to other people with the same condition because nobody else seems to understand or seems interested.
I use to be so confident, but I feel like this has caused me so much anxiety. I can't look into people's eyes when I talk to them and it really affects my job as I have day to day customer interaction.
I'm hoping this wet one solution works for me because I've been at my wits end with it.
Thanks for listening
lynda79 john41526
I had the itching on my eye area (lashes). I thought my husband had an allergy as he had white bumbs on his eyes (rims by lashes). The doctor told him he had Blepharitis.
He came home and started using the wipes and it took a couple of months but it is gone.
I have had people tell me that the whites of their eyes after a couple of week started to become white instead of red. I did not have that problem but I did get rid of it after just 6 months of dealing with it. It took about 3 and 1/2 months of using the wipes daily.
The 4 times a day was just a first week and a little more. I felt so much better that I went down to 3 and then 2 times a day. Twice a day for a couple of months was not bad. Only once or twice after that I had an itch and jumped on it for a few days with the wipes and so far so good.
You just have to make sure that you are not allergic to detergents, fabric softeners or even the hand wipes. They have lanolin in them too. People with sensitive skin have problems with them.
Hope this helps,
jonnie00051 lynda79
Hi Lynda,
I hope this message finds you well.
I've had this ongoing Bleptharitis for around 6 months now and feel like I have tried everything. Infact today I went to a specialist who prescribed me with antiboitics and lid hygine ( warm compress, drops and cream).
She was also big on the diet. My issue doesn't look that bad from a passer by nothing really stands out , although I have definitly got the gritty feeling and burning sensation. My question is my problem is obviously to do with the oils i.e inside my eyelid. Have we had any success stories of people using the wetones with the posterior bleph. I have recently bought the red packet, very nervous to use them.... Thanks a million in advance! J
lynda79 jonnie00051
Honjon, on this site, mentioned having the oil problem. He did use the UK wipes which had Benzalkonium in them. They may be alittle harsher from what the postings mentioned.
Mine was on the lashes and not in the glands. I kept them on the lash area. When I touched my eye I rinsed with water right away. Did not happen very often as just wiped my rims.
If you are not allergic to the items mentioned you could give it a try. It does not work for everyone. It does take months. Some get relief and then think it is gone and it comes back. I did it for over 3 months to kill it.
Hope this helps,
jonnie00051 lynda79
Dear Lynda,
Many thanks for your reply.
I have been using Thealoz drops lately with great success, one question I have, after using the wipes for a period of time does it come back? And if so do you go back to the wipes?
I haven't had any issues using the baby shampoo on my lids, which is good sign and don't seem to be alergic to anything... something else that might be interesting to hear apparently it is common to have a mixture of both posterior and anterior so most people have it on the eye lashes and the glands....
Thanks again for comments.
lynda79 jonnie00051
Dear Jonnie,
I had it on my lashes and did not have in the glands. I think it is because I caught it in time. It may have gone into my eye if enough time elasped. Some people feel better after a few weeks and think it is gone. I used them for over 3 months and after that about a week later a few itches so jumped on the problem for a couple of days. Again in a week it did it again in a spot so used the wipes for a couple of more days and then it was gone for good.
I have used them once or twice if I have touched my eyes and my hand was dirty. I am afraid of getting it again. For the most part, I just use and antibacterial soap on my lashes if I do something silly and touch my eyes.
One girl said she had lost her lashes and she had this problem for 20 years. She used the wipes twice a day and her lashes grew back.
I found it was probably a Staph infection as the wipes do kill that.
If you don't keep at it long enough it will come back. Using them twice a day for a few months after you think it is gone usually does the trick.
Tea Tree oil kills Staph too and the mites on the lashes.
There are quite a few options on this site that help people.
I did use the baby shampoo and it did not stop the problem. I used antibiotics in the eye (should have put them on the lashes) 3 different times. Nothing seemed to help the problem for me.
I actually killed it and then did the research as to why it worked as some people were allergic to the wipes.
Hope this helps,
dick89885 lynda79
I found your post about 2 weeks ago and I am Amazed !!!
It has been 8 days since I have got off Minocycline . My face is clearing
and it is awesome! Wet ones / desert essence face wash are doing what nothing else could do !
I start my day with a warm compress ( 20 min ) then wash face with desert essence then dry and wipe with wet ones . I started with 4 wipes a day and am moving to 3 a day starting today . I have an appointment with a new dermatoligest in 2 weeks , I plan to tell her of my great sucess Thanks to You !!!!!!
( it has been a LONG struggle )
lynda79 dick89885
I used the antibacterial wipes that have .3% Benzethonium Chloride in them. There are many kinds of wipes. The ones I used were in a red box and individual packages.
It seems to be a Staph infection and that is why the wipes worked. Do some research online on Benzethonium Chloride and Staph. Knowledge helps.
Hope this info helps you out,
dawn90509 lynda79
I want to publically thank Lynda for sharing her experience with the rest of us. I remember when I was diagnosed the terrible fear and pain I was going through. Then I found Lynda's post and I wrote everything she wrote down in a notebook....that was my therapy!
I wrote all my questions to Lynda, and she was so gracious to reply every time. Many people would be cured and just get on with life....not Lynda. I am now cured of blepharitis....two doctors have verified it......but I still follow much of Lynda's advice and wish her the very best.
You were a light in my dark world, Lynda.....THANK YOU!!!!!
dick89885 lynda79
5 pack $ 11.50
After years and years of fighting Bleph/ Roseaca who would have thought
the wet ones were my answer ! I am now into my 30 th day and they are working well !!! Thanks again to you and everyone else who did the
research for me !!! THANK YOU
Debbie444 dawn90509
Debbie444 lynda79
Hi Lynda,
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. I am doing so well now! I do have a couple of questions for you, though. I haven't had any problems for several months now, but it also isn't like I feel it is "cured". I still feel it ever so slightly. I have read that you feel cured, so does that mean that you have no symptoms at all? I also still have crusty eyes some mornings, which I have made it my habit to wash my face immediately when I wake up which I believe helps. Also, I have read that you are able to wear makeup. I have always worn makeup, and still do except I have been too afraid to use mascara again. I have worn it al my life so it was hard to give it up. I still wear eye shadow and eye liner. Does mascara bother you at all? I bought some recently and also have disposable just to get my courage up...
Thanks again, Lynda. You have done so much for so many of us!!!
lynda79 Debbie444
Dear Debbie,
I, actually, wore mascara the whole time I was killing the blepharitis.
I threw out all old makeup and used new mascara and throw away wands. By using 1 for each eye, I did not transfer anything to the other eye. I used water based mascara and washed each eye with a different wash cloth whenever I got home.
Because I do not have it any longer, I use 1 wand for both eyes. I just do not double dip. If I need more mascara I use a new wand. Better safe than sorry.
I don't have Blepharitis any longer but if I get an itch of any kind on my eye I use a wipe just in case. So far so good.
I keep makeup away from my eyelashes that I use on my face as use fingers to apply.
If you use pencils, you need to wipe each time with a wipe to kill the germs. I would do after and before if near my eyes like eyeliners.
When I had the Bleph, I used cotton buds or cue tips with a sharp end(for makeup applicatiion) and applied eye shadow as an eyeliner. Never double dip those either.
Always take it off when you come home too and never sleep in your makeup.
People have mentioned that their lashes even grew back after falling out when they used the wipes to kill the Bleph.
Hope this helps,
kaz90482 lynda79
lynda79 kaz90482
The blue, I believe, are the ones in the UK and I think they are harsher. The Wet Ones in the Red Box have .3% Benzethonium Chloride in them. People have had to buy them online in the UK.
As for the heat, someone did say it made it worse using the wipes right afterwards.
I found my problem was a Staph infection on my eyelashes and I had severe itching. Others have had Red eyes and other symptoms and the wipes helped them.
Some people have sensitive skin and cannot use them. Tea Tree Oil can kill Staph too.
If the strength is not .3% it may not work to kill it. I would wait and order and get the right ones and not irritate your eyes. You could try the honey that is mentioned on this site until the product comes or the Tea Tree Oil and baby shampoo to get some relief.
This does take months to kill. If it is drying use it just 2 times a day. It needs to be left on for 10 minutes to work. You could wash off after that. I did not wash it off.
Several persons have mentioned that their eyelashes have grown back in after using the wipes.
Hope this helps and let me know if there are any other questions.
sandra40102 lynda79
cynthia60070 lynda79
Hi Lynda,
I have also been using wet ones and my eye seems to be getting better. I have not worn any eye makeup since this occurred a few months ago and I'm going bananas. Can I ask if you are wearing any eyeliner and mascara? If so did you switch to a certain brand that doesn't irritate your eye? And, if you are a contact wearer, have you resumed wearing them?
Thank you so much for your time.
lynda79 cynthia60070
Dear Cynthia,
I wore makeup while killing the Blepharitis.
I did use water based mascara so it would be easy to take off with a wash cloth. I used one wash cloth for each eye so as to not reinfect myself.
The secret is to buy new makeup and never double dip into anything.
I used throw away wands and applicators. One for each eye, each time.
I washed off the makeup as soon as I came home. I, also, buy a new mascara each month now too. Just to be safe. I now, after killing the Blepharitis use 1 wand for 2 eyes but never put the used wand into the mascara. I don't want it again.
I wear glasses but I would suggest you not wear contacts until you kill it so as to not reinfect yourself and cut down on irritation. That is a personal decision.
Hope this helps,
kaz90482 lynda79
Hi I'm using the UK ones and sometimes they really hurt me , will they kill the infection ?I'm not sure whetrd best to buy the others from , I've also tried bicarbonate of soda in water but if I get it to close to my eye lashes it burns my eye terribly as its just the one most of the time , I've changed my shampoo parabin free as I'm worried it could be that , when I wake up in the morning my eyes seem far worse at my wits end and running out of money also can't wear makeup and as a single woman that upsets me any help pls xx
lynda79 kaz90482
There is google in the UK. I looked it up. Just ask the question on Google where to buy Wet Ones, antibacterial handwipes, in the US? Amazon too is another way. They are in a red box and .3% Benzethonium Chloride. Give your eyes a break until you get them and just keep them clean.
Others on the site have ordered the wipes online.
MiaaMimi lynda79
I'm from the uk and the only wet ones I could buy from the shops had benzalkonium chloride and were no good. I ordered the red tub of wet ones off amazon which have benzethonium chloride in. I have been using a combination of the wet ones, blephasol lotion which I must also say is very good too (I also ordered online) and still using the baby shampoo in the shower. I have seen a good improvement. I also use vasaline on my eyelids before I go to bed I find if I don't when I wake up my eyelids are very dry and scaly the vasaline stops this. The real test will be next week when I get my eyelashes done !! I have also been to my doctor and explained everything and he prescribed me some steroid cream hydrocortisone ointment and advised using it a few days before my eyelash appointment and a few days after. I will update u then. Thanks again
cynthia60070 MiaaMimi
Thanks For your information! I have not worn makeup since this happened. Do you also wear eyeliner? I will be ax ions to hear if your eyelash extensions cause a flare up.(?) please let me know how it goes. I have not gotten eyelash extensions since this happened. I believe that is what caused my problem on my one eye.:-(
Good luck! I'm going to order the blephesol lotion you mentioned as well! The wet ones are working but my eyes are very dry.
Thanks again! Keep me posted!
cynthia60070 lynda79
Thanks always for your time!
MiaaMimi cynthia60070
So I have some fantastic news. I got my eyelashes done on the 9th. Had been using the wet ones and blephasol lotion and the steroid cream (only used the steroid cream in the morning and before bed for 2 days before getting my eyelashes done as advised by my doctor) did my usual routine before bed and was so worried I was gonna wake up with massively swollen eyes as usual. Woke up the next day and they were ever so slightly swollen, no one would be able to tell apart from me. I couldn't believe it. I have still be using the wet ones, blephasol and steroid cream. Will stop using the steroid cream tonight and use vasaline instead as doctor said it's not good to use the cream for more than a week. But literally I can't believe it. There's no redness either !! The only symptom I'm having is a tiny bit of the crusty flakes in between my eyelashes but it's noticeable only to me and I brush them out and use the blephasol and wet ones to clean my lashes. They're slightly itchy but nothing major. It's basically like my eyelids are back to normal I'm so happy. And I do wear mascara on my bottom lashes and eyeliner (pencil eyeliner on my bottom lid and liquid eyeliner on my top lid only if I'm going out) it's just the routine of always taking my makeup off before bed and doing the wet ones/blephasol/vasaline in the mornings and evenings. I feel the vasaline really helps because before my eyelids were so dry and flaky. Now they're soft again like normal. Really hope this helps u guys as it was really getting me down!!!
sandra40102 MiaaMimi
sandra40102 lynda79
cynthia60070 MiaaMimi
Hi! That is so GREAT! :-) I'm so happy that the eyelashes didn't cause another flare up! I thought I'd never be able to wear eyelash extensions again since this happened but you have given me new hope!:-)
Did you also take an oral antibiotic? I think I may need one? The wet ones are definitely helping and I just ordered the blephasolnlotion today... Need to get the
vaseline... But it still seems like just when I think it's going away, ingest redness again. It usually happens every four days or so? And I have not been wearing any make up to avoid any irritation . Ugh But I have only been using the wet wipes for about 2weeks. If you did take an oral antibiotic can you let me know which when you took? If I can't wear eyeliner and mascara I would feel so much better if I could at least get my eyelash extensions put back on !!!! 😩
lynda79 sandra40102
It is Patient UK. There are differnt Forums that a person can go to after getting to the site. Posting is an option. Hope this is what you want.
lynda79 cynthia60070
Dear Cynthia,
I used a dark eyeshadow with throw away applicators, one for each eye, as my eyeliner. I bought new everything and never double dipped. You can get black or dark grey eye shadow. The applicators I used were sharp on one end and flat on the other. They were the size of a cupe tip, or cotton bud.
The doctor did give me antibiotic 3 different times and I put them into my eye. The problem was the issue was on my lashes so it did no good. i asked him about it and he said that some gets on the lashes.
The online doctors mentioned using antibioitics in an "off label use" or on the lashes. They also mentioned that anterior Blepharitis could be cured.
If someone is no really super clean you could get Blepharitis from a person who puts lashes on people if someone before you had the Staph infection. She could pass yours on too.
You should kill the Blepharitis first then do the extentsions to be safe. Just my opinion. My daughters have them done too.
I do not have Blepharitis any longer. I did kill it with the wipes and it took over 3 months. I still am careful and never double dip my mascara wand into the mascara. I use a throw away wand but will use it on both eyes.
I have dry eyes and that will never leave. I use preservative free drops in my eyes often.
Hope this helps,
sandra40102 lynda79
cynthia60070 lynda79
Tracywills26 lynda79
Hi Linda...
I have been recently diagnosed with Blepharitis and have come across your informative posts and other peoples results for your advice.
I really want to try using 'wet ones' but i live in the UK so i'm assuming they will have different ingredients in them from the US? So it is looking like i will need to see if i can maybe order the US ones from Amazon. Please could you tell me which ones? Is there a specific colour? Scent? Type etc? Any help you could give me would be much apprieciated.
lynda79 Tracywills26
The Wet Ones, antibacterial wipes, that I used are in a red box and say pocket size Singles. There are 24 to a box. The box is Red. The back of the bottom of the box says that the active ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride 0.3%.
They can be purchased on Amazon. That is what has been said on this site.
The ones in the UK have been harsher some have mentioned.
Hope this helps,
jacqueleen07173 lynda79
I just wanted to know how exactly you use the wet ones wipes on your eyes? Like if you leave a piece of the wipes on the eyes for a while or if you just wipe your eyelashes and lids?
-Thank You!!
lynda79 jacqueleen07173
Dear Jacqueleen,
I tore the wipes into 8 strips. I rubbed along the lash line on each eye then went back and did it again. I did not rinse it off. If you want to do that wait 10 minutes as that is the time it takes Quats to work. Benzethonium Chloride is a Quat.
I did this 4 times a day for just over a week. I went down to 3 times a day and then 2 times a day for the last coouple of months. I had the itching so I could tell it was working.
People have told me it took the red out of their eyes after using for a couple of weeks. My research showed it was a Staph infection snf the wipes kill that. It did take over 3 months. I did not miss a day. When I stopped and I had an itch, I resumed for a couple of moe days on that area. That happened twice after and then it was gone.
I did use makeup while killing it. If you want that info let me know.
Hope this helps,
jacqueleen07173 lynda79
First off THANK YOU SO MUCH for replying Lynda!
Alright so with the pieces do you keep rubbing them on your lash line for 10mins? Or just rub it for a 1min?
Omg yesss my eyes were itching so so much the day I rubbed the wipes on my eyes, I seriously thought I was gonna rub my eyeballs off lol.
I couldn't take it and then I thought maybe I did it for too long...
So we're your whole lids red, puffy and dry peeling? Because a couple months back I noticed dryness on my eyelids just the crease area and since I wear makeup on the daily I thought maybe I was blending my shadow too hard into my eyelid so then I used eye cream. It seemed to go away then I noticed little flakes on my lashes that's when I was like omg eww... cleaned it off and then it was gone then about a month passed and I saw my eyelids were super dry so I thought okay maybe ezcema on my eyes?? So I put a little avveno ezcema cream on them, sung a little then the next day when I woke up my eyelids hurt so bad and they were swollen... that was about two weeks ago. A doctor told me that I had that inflammation eyelid infection and to put a first aid cream and that I couldn't wear makeup! My whole world ended lol makeup is my passion so yeah it's been killing to not wear make up I have worn a little but then wake up with swollen eyelids and dry. I'm so sad I just want to look normal again instead I look scary with puffy red eyelids lol
I currently just had the puffy eyelids I haven't noticed any flakes on my lashes.
And yes please let me know how to still wear makeup and what brands to use? Please and thank you!!!
lynda79 jacqueleen07173
Dear Jacqueleen,
No, no not 10 min of rubbing. Just rub across each eyelash area then go back and do again. Just do not rinse off for 10 min. as it takes 10 min for it to work.
I had a young girl come over and her top eyelash area was swollen. She used a wipe and I sent her home with a box and she did great.
You can do only 2 times a day too, instead of more if your eyes are dry. You can rinse off after 10 min too. Do not use heat before using wipes.
For the makeup I bought all new. I bought throw away applicators for eye area and used 1 for each eye. Example would be eyeliner application. i used an eyeshawdow for that. Never put a used anything in the new makeup. I bought throw away mascara wands and used 1 per eye too. Never put a used wand in the mascara. I buy a new mascara (water based to remove easily) about once amonth.
When I came home I took it off. I used one wash cloth for each eye so as to not cross contaminate. One eye could heal faster than the other.
Pencils need to be cleaned with the wipes too, after using and then again before using next time.
It is not about the brands. It is just new and not double dip anything. They sell applicators that look like cue-tips (cotton buds UK) that are pointed on one end and flat on the other end. Pointed one I used for eyeliner with a very dark eyeshadow.
Please don't over rub.
Hope this covers it but if anything I missed let me know.
maria76883 lynda79
I really don’t understand why doctors don’t say this easy solution to this problem.
Thank you again for sharing
tammy26869 lynda79
Hi Lynda,
I have started to use the Wet Ones because I am greatly encouraged by the success stories! I have been suffering for years with dry eye from my meibomian glands not working and blephartis and have rosacea and I believe seb dermatitis. I did speak to my eye doctor and he discouraged me and told me to just use tea tree oil. I don't think tea tree oil will be effective. I want to continue to use Wet Ones but have you read about the issue of necrosis in the cornea and mitochondria damage including corneal ulcers, cell death, inflammation of optic nerve? Maybe if we can take precautions to not let the substance touch our eye ball or does putting drops in first help or hinder the chemical spreading to the ocular surface? I look forward to your thoughts or if anyone has experienced damage. This is one article but there are quite a few medical reports.
njacacia tammy26869
Since you have rosacea, I am leaning toward your doctor's suggestion to use the tea tree oil which is one of the only substances able to eradicate demodex mites which live in the eyelash oil glands. They travel to cheek and nose areas as well and are suspect in people who have rosacea. I read the article you cited and it is concerning to me as well, as it is nearly impossible to keep the chemicals from getting into your eyes, no matter how careful one is. Almost all people have demodex mites after a certain age (gross). I have used the tea tree oil for about 2 years. It has not eliminated dry eye, I use restasis as well since my lasik surgery 20 years ago. But, the tea tree oil has eliminated intense itching as well as eye infections brought on by the mites.
lynda79 tammy26869
Dear Tammy,
I know that long usage of Quats can cause damage in the eye. Some meds use .01% Benzalkonium as a preservative. My dad uses steroids in his eye and it has it in it.
I used preservative free eye drops for lubrication. I found out about them on this site.
Using the wipes, I did not get into my eye very often and when I did I rinsed it with water.
Tea Tree Oil does kill Staph too.
I have only posted what I did to kill it. My friend who used the Avon Product to kill her Bleph had it going up onto her skin too. She killed it in a few days she said. When I researched why it was because they were allowed to put .5% Benzethonium Chloride in makeup products. They have reformulated makeup products and now use an aspirin type product now.
That is why I ended up looking for something else that had Benzethonium Chloride in it.
People who have sensitive skin can't use the wipes but that is under 20% of people.
Perhaps, you could try everything else and then decide if you want to try them. There is Manuka Honey that helps as that gives people relief that I have read on this site. Washing with Tea Tree Oil and Shampoo gives relief too.
I found that the wipes killed my Bleph as it was a Staph infection in my lashes. It took months but the last couple were just twice a day and not hard to do that.
Hope this helps with your decision.
krystyna28922 lynda79
chubbychops JJ111
Which wet ones did you use please?
lynda79 chubbychops
Dear Chubbychops,
The ones I used are in a red box and the last ingredient is Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice. If you are in the U K they can be purchased online.
Honjon, on this site, used the U K Wet Ones and they have Benzalkonium Chloride in them and he did O K but most people tell me they were too harsh.
Hope this helps,
jennifer13273 lynda79
hi I know this is a old post but I have severe dry eye gritty due to beph will these be OK for dry eye
lynda79 jennifer13273
Dear Jennifer,
The wipes are not for dry eyes. Use preservative free eye drops for lubrication. Use them often as you want.
The wipes are only for the lashes and killing the bacteria on the lashes.
I use organic castor oil for my eyes once in a while and helps. I do it at bedtime. It was for watering eyes. It did help.
It won't hurt to give a try and see if it helps the gritty feeling. Preservative free lubricating eye drops can be used every half hour the doctor said. Especially, if watching T. V. etc.
Hope this info helps you,
BigShuggs88 lynda79
Hello Lynda. I have seeb Wet Ones available on Amazon (UK) they have the ingredient of Benzalkonium Chloride in them, are these the right ones? Blue packet which just says Wet Ones Be Fresh. Also what are the exact instructions for use? just use to clean the eye lid and lash but avoid the actual eye ball? Should I also use baby shampoo to wash my eyes twice a day? Thank you.
lynda79 BigShuggs88
Dear BigShugg,
The Wet Ones I used have Benzethonium Chloride .3%.
Others on this site have said the ones with Benzalkonium are harsher.
Honjon, on this site, did use the Benzalkonium ones.
I tore the one Wet Ones into 8 strips. They can do more if cut smaller and then put in air-tight container. I put the wipe back into the Wet Ones package then rolled it down and used a paper clip or clothes pin to secure it them in a air-tight container.
I wrapped a section around my fingertip and rubbed along the lash line. I did a little back and forth motion as I went.
I did it twice on each lash line as my problem was severe itching.
It does take over 3 months to kill this. After it is gone you need keep lash line clean. Don't want to leave anything on your lashes to feed the bacteria.
I used 2 wash cloths to clean my lashes while I had Blepharitis as didn't want to reinfect eye that was getting better faster than the other eye.
If you are not careful you can keep reinfecting your eyes.
If you get into your eye, be sure and put lubricating eye drops or just splash water in your eyes. You can close your eyes when doing the top lashes after doing the bottom ones. I did not use baby shampoo after I started the wipes.
Hope this info will help you and if you need more questions answered please let me know and I will do my best to get back to you,
BigShuggs88 lynda79
perfect, thank you for the reply. I found Wet Ones available at my local ASDA but they do contain Benzalkonium and not the same as you use. My issues are as follows - wake up with very crusty eye lashes, sometimes they are stuck together, throughout the day I get a green sticky substance form across my eyeball and eye lids which require cleaning and more frequently i have been getting blurry vision. The eye specialist at the hospital has had me on eye drops for approx 4 months and they make no difference. I have a follow up appointment at the end of April and wanted to try this approach to see if I had any luck. I did used to get red sore patches at the side of the eye but i no longer get these.
holeinsoulx lynda79
Hi, I hope you see this message. Sorry for my english I am from germany. 😃
My name is Laura and I suffer from blepharitis for 5 years now. It is like hell I am very desperate I went to many Ophthalmologists and nobody could help. I am also a bit confused because my only symptoms are swollen upper eyelids, no itching, no redness, just some burning sometimes and really dry eyes. Some Ophthalmologists said I have an chronic allergic conjunctivitis but I was getting tested and I have absolute no allergies and the other doctors said I have blepharitis because of meibomian gland dysfunction. I got 3 times cortison for 6 weeks but it didn't help and warm compresses and the massages made it worse. I will try the wet ones now I hope so much that they help, I bought the wet ones with benzalkonium, do they work too?
I just wish I could have my normal eyes back I always look so tired
lynda79 BigShuggs88
Dear holeinsoulx,
I am sorry you are having such a hard time. The wipes I used are from the US and the information above your comment talks about that too.
The ones in the UK have Benzalkonium in them and people have said they were harsh. There was one young man who used them, honjon, on this site. He had success. You can order online the ones I used. Look just a little above your comments. at what they say. It does take a long time about a little over 3 months to kill it but you do cut down on the amount of time a day that you use them. I started out 4 times a day. After a month or so it was only 2 times a day.
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I can't vouch for the ones you are talking about as I used the Benzethonium Chloride ones. o.3%. The last ingredient listed on the red box is Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice. Check Amazon. Any more questions I will try to get back to you sooner.
mary12083 lynda79
You cant buy Wet Ones with .03 %. Could I use something else?
toralouise holeinsoulx
Hi @holeinsoulx,
Your story is exactly the same as mine. At first was told allergic conjunctivitis and tried 3 different allergy drops including steroids but only helped temporarily. My eyes are not itchy just gritty sensation, dryness and puffy eyelids. No itching or redness. I went to another ophthalmologist who said its not allergies and very mild blepharitis and said to practice lid hygiene twice a week. I'm not finding this sufficient. Warm compress also makes things worse. Have you had any progress?
lynda79 mary12083
Dear Mary,
It is .3% Benzethonium Chorlide. Sorry that was wrong when I needed glasses and I didn't see the .
Hope you can find them in the red Box. Yellow box has it too.
Hope this helps.
mary12083 lynda79
I cant find it anywhere. Where do you buy yours?
lynda79 mary12083
Dear Mary,
I had a suppy in already but we cannot find them in the stores because of the Pandemic. They only kill bacteria but I think people think it will kill the virus and it won't.
Walmart may have them or target. I am sorry it is so hard to get them. You can try antibacterial soap to wash lashes with that. Keep eyes tightly closed and it can help.
Have you checked online? Tea Tree oil that is diluted with half olive oil may offer some relief too. They use that combination to kill Demodex. The wipes work on Demodex too.
Some people use honey so look at those posts too.
Hope you can find them soon.
GoodCat lynda79
Dear Lynda, you're so wonderful and helpful! I really appreciate your advice. I bought the pink Wet Ones, but then I saw someone post this message saying he regrets using Wet Ones and claims they damaged his eyes. Could you please let me know your opinion? I'm feeling scared. Here is his message:
"I have been using Wet Ones for approximately 5 months or so before I stopped. Why did I stop? Because I got a lot of the solution in my eye, and didn't notice until 10 minutes later before my right eye started twitching and burning. I rinsed it off and went to bed. Now, it's over a month since I stopped using them, and I still get that sensation in my right eye, like someone is pinching a nerve.
Cut from wikipedia regarding the active component "Benzalkonium Chloride found in "Wet ones":
Benzalkonium chloride is a frequently used preservative in eye drops; typical concentrations range from 0.004% to 0.01%. Stronger concentrations can be caustic[6] and cause irreversible damage to the corneal endothelium
How much BC does "wet ones" contain you ask? 0.3% BC. That is 30x times over the limit recommended for eyedrops. Have I done irreversible damage to my eyes? Probably. Did it minimize my blepharitis symptoms effectively, yes. Do I regret using it for such an extended period of time? Deeply so."
lynda79 GoodCat
Dear GoodCat,
The Wet Ones I used are in the U S and use Benzethonium Chloride not the Benzalkonium Wet Ones in the U K.
I only used them on the lashes and if I thought I got any in my eye I would rinse or splash water in my eye. I wrapped a section on my fingertip to use and was very careful. I shut my eyes and did the top lashes as could rub harder. The ones I used have .3% Benzethonium Chloride in them.
The U K ones are harsher I was told my a few people. I used them for just over 3 months and got rid of it. It was gone for about 5 years then I left makeup on my lashes and had another bought with it. I am older now so don't wear mascara much especially, in the plague situation. I do have Demodex sometimes so I use the wipes for that. My grandson used them on his stye. He called to tell me it was all good now.
I am sorry you are having so many problems with getting it in your eye. I use organic castor oil a drop in my eye for watering and to make it feel better. You can look that and see how it helps the eye by doing some research online. It has been such a long time I forgot what it said.
I hope you have not done any permanent damage but please stop using them and see about getting drops for your eyes. I use liquid for dry eye and that could help too. You can buy over the counter in the U S. I get preservative free drops with nothing in them.
The Dr could prescribe something too. I am sorry you used the wrong ones. These definitely are too strong to use. I hope you feel better soon.
GoodCat lynda79
Dear Lynda,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are so kind and generous. Your advice really helped me. I tried your suggestions and feel better. I'm grateful that you took the time to write such detailed advice. Your help means the world to me. You really made a difference in my life.
I was afraid to do it, because so many people warn me not to use Wet Ones, saying it's not approved by the eye doctors, but I'm desperate so I tried your suggestion. I've only been doing this for the past week, but so far it's going well, my eye finally opened instead of being swollen shut all day.
It's so kind of you to help. You're my hero. I wish you all the happiness in the world, you deserve the best!
Warmest regards,
lynda79 GoodCat
Dear Good Cat,
Thank you for such kind words. I just figured if it helped me there would be others who might like to see if it worked for them.
Hearing it helped you made my day.
Thanks for sharing,