Operation Finally in Sight

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My TKR has finally come on 20th September and I am quite scared.  It isn't having the op. it's afterwards although I do agree that it is up to me how quickly I can get going again.  I am not good with hospital and it is 2 years since the Consultant said it needed doing. I wasn't in a position to have it done then so I went on the list in May.  Just being a bit of a wuss really.  Wish me luck nice people, I'll be back when it's been done.

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh Annette

    Don't worry you will be fine. I am five weeks post op and getting better everyday. I have actually enjoyed the rest from work. I am returning to work in two weeks time and I am driving again. I listened to all the advice on here and it has boosted my recovery.

    Good luck and I am thinking of you

    Jackie x

    • Posted

      Thank you Jackie it's good to hear you are driving again, tht's one of the things I will miss as I am the driver in the house.  There is a lot of good advice on here which I shall follow. xxx

    • Posted

      Hello Jackie

      I'm new to this forum so just getting the hang of reading all the posts.

      I'm due to have my operation 21st September.

      I've put it off 3 times . I'm 54. I can walk around and do things, but the awful grinding noise coming downstairs.

      Am petrified, but reading your story has given me hope


  • Posted

    Im 8wk tkr and i was petrified b4 i went in but it wasnt as bad as i thought.dont get me wrong the first 4-5 wk was hard but as long as u excercise ,ice and rest im sure u will b ok.just dont rush things either your own body will tell u your limit so listen to it.good luck 1976annette.xx
    • Posted

      Thank you Janice, I have got the ice and rest firmly implanted in my head which seems to be the key to this whole thing.  I am not one to let things get me down so hopefully, it will be OK. xx  
  • Posted

    Hi dont worry to much you wont know anything untill you wake up staff usually connect you to a system where you can deliver your own pain control  very effective for the first few days its not the nicest op but 3 months down the road im sure you will be glad its over some people get over it quick some dont luck of the draw i suppose take the meds on time just one other thing them drugs give you severe constipation take plety of laxatives nothing like having two lots of pain good luck things will be fine
  • Posted

    I was the same way!  The hospital even charted me as having anxiety.  I made the mistake of thinking I didn't need anyone with me in pre-op or after.  Also, I live alone with my two pups and the person who was supposed to stay with me at night for up to a week declined the minute I got home from the hospital!  My suggestion is that you make sure you have someone with you the whole way, including at home.  Ask your questions now about pain and anti-nausea meds and have the prescriptions filled before you go to the hospital.  It's important to take those pain meds at first AS PRESCRIBED.  Don't wait until you feel the pain.  I was told to "stay ahead of the of the pain" so I never felt more than a little bit.  Fortunately, I was able to stop the opiods at two and a half weeks post-op.  Plan for a month or two down time and rest, rest, rest.  I'm having the second knee replaced next year and will be more prepared emotionally and mentally and this time I won't freak out.  Hope this helps you.

    • Posted

      Oh my goodness, I must have missed your post mentioning you were on your own after the surgery! I was living in India at the time and was fortunate enough to have my sister fly in from the USA to help me out. I can't even imagine having had my bilateral without her. And even if it were only one knee, that would have been horrible.Sounds like you make it through but what a nightmare.


  • Posted

    You will do fine......I'm 3 weeks today post op.walking around good & doing the PT twice a week.

    You will be glad you did.No worries!

  • Posted

    This is what you're probably looking at...


    Painful but doable if you work hard to recover.  Slow and easy...this recovery takes time.  Take your meds; ice, ice, ice.  Concentrate on getting to full flexion in PT...you do not want to limp or walk with a cane the rest of your life.  Be determined to do the best you can.  We've all been through this and come out better for it.  You will too.

    • Posted

      Awesome Chico!

           I was going to send her the link to your discussion!  I just found it myself 2 days ago!  I wish so much that I had found it 6weeks ago!  I am 6 weeks post op, bilateral knee replacements staged 3 days apart.  Went in for 2 medial partial replacements and came home with a right partial and a left total knee replacement (of which I was woefully unprepared for mentally!) .  Your post hit every question and issue that has run through my mind!  Thanks so much!!  And good luck when you do go back for the other TKN.


    • Posted

      You are waaaaay braver than me.  Can't imagine a bi-lateral.

      I realized that I was saying the same thing to lots of people so I sat one night and put it all in one post.  I really hope it helps people get a sense of what they're dealing with.  The lessons I've learned...

      1. No one is really prepared for the pain going in...deal with it.

      2. Recovery takes a long time...and on YOUR schedule.

      3. You can't push the knee...swelling is the sign you did too much.

      4. PT is essential...0/+120 goal...no avoiding it...and it hurts.

      5. You have to rebuild your muscles afterward.

      Waaaaay back in grad school, my mentor had a simple phrase tacked on a corkboard...great life motto but especially true here...


      Kind of sums it up...  Only other choice is to sit back and then limp or walk with a cane for the rest of your life.  For me, not an option.

  • Posted

    If you're in pain before the surgery, the post-op pain will be a lot more manageable because you'll feel some relief. I was one of those whose pain suddenly disappeared the two weeks before surgery (apparently not uncommon), so the pain was pretty strong post-op.

    Chico, please post the link to your message!

    Good luck. Come back and let us know how you're doing.

  • Posted

    I was worried as hadn't been in a hospital for forty years when Ihad my cartilages out! I was just worried I would be one of the unlucky ones and it would go wrong - but it didn't and I'm sure yours won't! Like all forums though I would ignore most of what you read on here other than the good wishes. We are all different, coming from a different amount of pain and range of movement and it easy to think you are not doing as well as someone else till you find out they are 45 years old and had been an athlete till a couple of years before their op! By all means read and try the tips that suit you but rely on the medical advice first and foremost.

    Good luck,


  • Posted

    Hi Annette   Chances are that you will be better off after the op than you are now ! The pain you have now will be gone and although you may still have pain take comfort in knowing it's a pain from surgery and should at some stage disappear.  I don't know how old you are but from experience I'd say that the younger you are the more effort you need to put into moving that knee quickly, even a little to prevent the scar tissue setting in. I am so glad I had my knee done but will always wonder if I could have made it easier for myself by starting off with more effort sooner! Good luck xx


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