Out for a meal (an achievement)
Posted , 10 users are following.
Hi ladies
Well I'm out for a meal with my husband. Haven't done this for a while. I'm determined and I'm ok. A glass of wine in my hand to ??
3 likes, 28 replies
Posted , 10 users are following.
Hi ladies
Well I'm out for a meal with my husband. Haven't done this for a while. I'm determined and I'm ok. A glass of wine in my hand to ??
3 likes, 28 replies
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maria45873 michelle46271
jaimie44465 michelle46271
becky53379 michelle46271
Im so happy for you! Have a wonderful time
Fairy28 michelle46271
debra06803 michelle46271
Well it was a success in some ways but not others. I did have the meal and I must say it was lovely. I had two glasses of wine. I even stayed out 2 hours. So all that was an achievement. On the other hand I was not relaxed,my whole body felt strange. My head didn't feel like it was with me and I held a lot of pressure in my jaw and face. On the way back in the car I was so nauseous. I controlled the horrid feelings the best I can. I'm so fed up with trying to keep everything under control. I can't let myself go and forget the horrid things and panic. It's there even with just starting the beta blockers. Perhaps they have took a slight edge off and reduced my heart rate. I so want this to be over but I continue to try xx
Guest michelle46271
I'm glad that the meal was good. It is hard when you are feeling that bad to enjoy what you should be able to enjoy. You give me hope, though, about continuing to try. xx
michelle46271 Guest
Guest michelle46271
It depends. I'm single and getting into a stage where it's hard sometimes to be alone. When something goes really off the rails, like having this UTI, I feel like I'm on a deserted island. My family all live nearby, and I could certainly go spend more time with them, but their situation is chaotic and I find it stressful to be there. During the week, I usually mix up my commute a little - most days riding the bus, driving a few - but lately, I find it more reassuring to be on the bus so I'll have company. I've lived on my own for over 20 years and it's never been a major issue until now. Haven't shared with my family. My mom went through a phase in her peri where she absolutely could not be alone. I fear that's arriving for me.
michelle46271 Guest
I know it's so hard. Anytime you want to chat give me a shout. Take care xxx
Guest michelle46271
jaimie44465 michelle46271
michelle46271 jaimie44465
Thankyou for your reply. It's a constant battle isn't it? A day takes all of your energy and then when I go to bed I only have about 3 hours sleep. I must be so tired every night but I don't go or stay asleep. My whole body is tired now and buzzes all over. If I could sleep 6 or 7 hours it may help. I'm having cbt sessions,somehow I have to change my thoughts but they come in every second and my mind's in a tizz. It would be lovely to know how much longer this is going on xxx
Sorry rant over I had to get it off my chest xx
jaimie44465 michelle46271
michelle46271 jaimie44465
looloo43 michelle46271
You did great hun, by making yourself go out with hubby & enjoying some good food & wine. Focus on that. Hopefully the beta blockers will help in the coming weeks. Sorry I got confused about your bp - it was low not high!! (I knew you'd had some abnormal readings I just got it the wrong end of the scale!)
I endorse what CC said - progress not perfection. Stick at Michelle & have a rant anytime you want. xxx
michelle46271 looloo43
looloo43 michelle46271
God I love dunelm. I can easily spend a couple of hours in there(when I'm well) with a coffee & a wander round!!!! xxx
CCinCal looloo43
Hi Sis
Can you or anyone else recommend anything from Holland and Barrett? I've read so many times on here how starflower oil is helping people and it's half off now so I'd like to order it as I can't find it here where I am. But in order to make shipping feasible I want to order a few other items. Anything else that is a good buy from them?
Fairy28 CCinCal
Hello lovely - ive found Glucosamine Sulphate 1000 has helped me quite a lot with my neck pain - I was in agony and could hardly move left or right without it crunching and grinding, weather it's psychological or not but it definatley feels better. Hope that helps you xx
CCinCal Fairy28
Fairy28 CCinCal
Ps. Me again, if it helps read the reviews on their website they're all good ! X
Fairy28 CCinCal
To be honest with you I thought nothing would help and I'd be like it forever in damm agony, my friend recommended them and ive been taking them for just over three weeks and I honestly can't believe the difference, I can move without it hurting so it must be good. Good luck ! X
CCinCal Fairy28
Thanks I am. Is H&B similar to Boots? Or is it purely a health and wellness store? If I remember correctly Boots had other non health items as well.
looloo43 CCinCal
Hi Sis. I buy my evening primrose capsules 500mg from them for skin,hair, hormones. I also buy ester c vitamin c from them as its an easily absorbed form of vit c that doesnt affect all my bowel conditions (its non acidic). if you're having trouble getting your bill up to make shipping feasible, they do some lovely hand creams, & hair conditioners that smell gorgeous, & a charcoal whitening toothpaste I was interested in next time i order! xxx
CCinCal looloo43
Thanks sis. But they said they don't ship to US. Oh well their loss.