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My brain is the worst for overthinking things. So I have deleted all my social media for the first time in 10 years and I actually feel better already.
Nothing to prove to anyone, no one to compare myself to, no spending money on uneccasary things that I have seen advertised by bloggers, no looking back on old pictures reminiscent of the past, no worries about how many followers, friends or likes I have! It's great!
Now if I'm bored I pick up my book and just read for hours! It's so much more satisfying.
If your an overthinker like me I would strongly recommend coming off of social media.
Wish I had done it sooner!
3 likes, 22 replies
good advice and well done
AnthonyHiroshi VLC
VLC AnthonyHiroshi
SabrinaFLA VLC
I have a trophy or two for over-thinking...everything.
What I am usually doing is trying to figure out the future...or second guess the past. I find it helps (and I'm not perfect) is to focus on what I can handle now. Stay in "the now" and breathe!
I take a day or two here and there away from social media. There are times I don't open the laptop at all. It does seem to add to my overall well being.
Thank for the idea!
VLC SabrinaFLA
Having good health is the most important thing. Mentally and physically. As long as we have that we are wealthy x
phil76209 VLC
I will NEVER go back to facebook or twitter.
VLC phil76209
That's great Phil well done to you. I get the occasional thought about being forgotten by people but then I remind myself that I shouldn't have to be on social media to be remembered. It's what I do in life that should be remembered not what I put on Facebook. X
phil76209 VLC
Yeah, I just needed to be alone for a while to get my head together. It feels lonely sometimes but I've cut out certain people of my life, they don't know that yet, and focused on family as although I find it hard to get on with certain family members the other ones I have found out feel same way as I do. If you have a gud family they are important, I guess if you don't then certain friends count instead.
VLC phil76209
phil76209 VLC
I have a big sister who feels the same as me regarding keeping other family members at arm's length. I've realised that her and I are quite similar.
In an ideal world everyone in family would get on and be kind to each other with no alterior motive but I have an older bro who is a control freak and arrogant although he's be the last person to admit that - in fact before that he'd turn the focus round to you and make you feel like the fool. It comes as no surprise I don't have much contact with him. In fact he does this to everyone in our family even big sis.
It made me think why and the conclusion is that he got away with all this behaviour when we were young and so his attitude problem wasn't dealt with by mum and dad. I hate to say it but they unwittingly created a monster.
This has affected my self esteem for the whole of my life and even though he is technically family he never acted like he was family.
Sorry for the rant. I know a lot of this can't be fixed due to my mum's poor health and the past can't be changed but I have my allies and I try to live in the now.
Thanks for listening.
VLC phil76209
Sorry to hear that Phil. It sounds like you and your sister have a great relationship. As for your brother I'm sure he will regret how he has treated you all in the end. I hope your mum gets better soon. Try to focus on yourself and your mum and sister at the moment. I know it's hard. There are some people in our lives that no matter what we do we will never see eye to eye. That's why we need to concentrate on ourselves and a select few people who we trust. X
phil76209 VLC
Thank you .
This sounds like good advice.
Woah123 VLC
I've also deleted all my social media apps. Honestly it does help because you're not busy looking at how " great " ppl make themselves look and comparing yourself to everyone ( that's what I did and it made me stress out so much ). I recommend this for everyone. It creates room for positivity
tom23264 Woah123
VLC Woah123
Definitely agree with that Woah! I spent a lot of time looking at my exes girlfriends profile on Instagram and I was finding myself feeling really bitter and resentful towards her for no reason! I thought if I can feel like this then surely it's not healthy and social media needs to go! X
VLC tom23264
I agree with that Tom and I feel that's the reason why we stay on social media. Because we don't want to be forgotten or left out.
But how many times have you gone out and randomly seen someone that you haven't seen for a while?
Since I deleted my social media I've seen a few people that I know and have swapped numbers. These are the people that are supposed to be in your life. Not because they are your friend on the internet but because they have been brought into your life. Whether that be by coincidence or fate who knows. But I believe that you meet people at a certain time in your life for a reason and social media disrupts that natural path. X