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My brain is the worst for overthinking things. So I have deleted all my social media for the first time in 10 years and I actually feel better already.
Nothing to prove to anyone, no one to compare myself to, no spending money on uneccasary things that I have seen advertised by bloggers, no looking back on old pictures reminiscent of the past, no worries about how many followers, friends or likes I have! It's great!
Now if I'm bored I pick up my book and just read for hours! It's so much more satisfying.
If your an overthinker like me I would strongly recommend coming off of social media.
Wish I had done it sooner!
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joebloggs91 VLC
Sound advice - im currently doing the same. I was the biggest social media addict ever but I really cannot recommend it highly enough to help with anxiety. At first all I would do is check what she was up to all the time, waiting for her to upload pictures etc. Now I have no way of checking. I did it with a girl I broke up with around 8 months ago and deleted social media for around 4 months. Didn't miss it at all, but felt comfortable going back onto it. Broadened my knowledge of fitness and health through reading instead of trawling through pictures of people's dinners. Far more productive 👍
Just to also add - I'm going through my second social media cull this year. One week in and I don't miss it at all!
VLC joebloggs91
We've all done it Joe! The main reason people are on social media now is to have a good old nose. I remember when Facebook used to be about sharing, now people get annoyed if you share too much but yet they still keep you as a friend. I don't get it.
I used to look at my exes profile until he blocked me. I'm not sure why he blocked me as I never contacted him. Then I started to get paranoid wondering why he blocked me. I just thought this is crazy! Why do I give a crap!
It's definitely very bad for anyone who is already anxious. I'll never go back on social media.
I too am more into fitness now and I feel a lot better.
I'm actually living my life rather then pretending to people that I am X
borderriever VLC
Well done
VLC borderriever