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Hope you don't mind but thought I would start a new thread.
Tess the flowers sound great.That was very nice of your Dads friend. I planted sweat peas in the spring and I have managed to have a constant supply in my lounge since June.
Tess how is Claire?
Linda how are you? How is your Mum? How did your last CBT session go?
Lin are you going to join us here? Sorry to hear you didn't manage to get out shopping.
Tomorrow we take Alison to Birmingham. So today I plan to get all her washing done. Not really feeling up to it as these last few days all I have wanted to do is sleep.
Wishing you all a good weekend.
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Party went really well and Claire really enjoyed it. It was quite funny as Claire wore Steph's Prom Dress as it was a lovely fushia pink. Claire gave steph a purple dress that was too big for her. Then Amy wore a dress of Steph's. They all had a new outfit and cost no money and looked really lovely. Claire did give me a lovely black dress but wouldn't stay up as my boobs not big enough lol. Didn't get to bed until 2 and was up at 5.45 for Stewart for work. Going to feel it tomorrow lol. It is actually Claire's birthday tomorrow although she had her party yesterday and she will be 25.
Well Everyone as gone back home now. Steph took Chris for his train at quarter past five. He is not very happy in his job and is going to look into getting on a teaching course if there are any vacancies. If not will try and get a job doing teacher assitant job if he can. He is also of thinking about coming back home and if he can get a job with enough money then he can go visit his friends in Manchester at the weekend. I think he is feeling a lonely now as he hasn't got a partner.
Don't mind him coming back home especially if he is going to go on with a career in teaching. Said we would support him in that.
Lizy hope you get good news about Alan's job. i also am going to see the doctor on Tuesday. Got to see about my thyroid results, also find out why my only pain relief tablets coproxomol have been taken off my prescription.
Linda i hope you are ok. Linnor how are you today!
Well thats Alison off back to Birmingham.
Tess glad that the party went well. Its good when you can swap clothes with friends and relatives. Two of my daughters are 5ft 3 and slim and my other daughter is 5ft 6 and slim so she misses out on clothes swaps. Like you I have small boobs and my daughters all have large, think that must come from Alans side of the family.
Wishing everyone a good day.
Sorry not been on the last few days, bur had probs with PC and being able to log into Patient UK. Sorted now, I hope!
Glad the funeral went well, and Claire`s party. Hope your son finds something employment wise that he enjoys, nothing worse than getting up every day and doing something you don`t enjoy You will need to have some quiet time now to reflect on what happened not only with losing your dad but also with your brothers actions. They are both very stressfull things, which as we all know make our condition worse. Sending you a hug.
Lizzy, hope you are settling down to life with Alison at Uni, it will be Christmas before you Know it and she will be home again. Something that might interest you was an article in our local paper the other day , which said that students here pay on average £80 per week rent. Don`t know how that compares with Alisons but it sounds a lot to me!!
I`m getting a lot of pain in my feet and ankles at the moment, that`s a new one for me. I have arthritis in some toes but this is entirely different.
Well must get tea now,
How are your pains in your feet now. My toes are really playing me up tonight with the damp and rain. Saw doctor on Tuesday and said I have something called Hallus Rigidis (have already told you this can't remember) well there is not much they can do at the moment until it get really severe. Apart from giving me a low dose anti inflamatory tab but I must be taking my omeparozole acid reflux tabs at the time to stop it irritating my stomach. They could operate but couldn't be sure what the outcome might be. Got stabbing pains in my big toe! ouch! I have got OA as well.
The funeral went really well and dad had a good send off. Had the British legion doing a guard of honour for him. Was very emotional as the vicar was reading out all about dad's life when he couldn't speak for a while as he was very upset himself. Think everyone at that point was overcome to. He did apologise about faltering but we said it didn't matter and he is human just like us all. My brother didn't come to the funeral tea so everything went quite smoothly. Got a big job on Saturday as we now need to get everything out of the flat over the weekend. Not looking forward to that. We also helped Andrew move yesterday into his rented house. Was a very busy and tiring day lol. Going off again on Monday until the following Tuesday possibly to Derbyshire. Although haven't booked up yet. Then away again for three days Bank Holiday weekend.
Lizzy how are your aches and pains today! I hope Alison is getting on ok. Any news with Alan with his job interviews. Andrew has given his notice and is coming back home to stay at the beginning of September. He would like to try and get some work as teaching assistant to gain experience so he can go on the course next year. He is going to send letters off to the Primary Schools and see if anything going. Failing that he will get a job and somehow try and do some voluntary work in the school. Will be good to have him home but not the extra washing and ironing lol.
Well got to go now and sort out my shopping order for going away next week.
Take care all!
How are you both today! I am not liking this horrible damp wet weather by toes have been really painful! Saw gp about my pain relief and has given me codradamol as they have now stopped coproxomol at my surgery. Think I might have to go and see about having a low dose anti inflammatory if it is going to help the pain. Especially over the winter time when we have more cold and wet weather.
Well of the Dad's flat today and going to have to empty it! If not we shall have to pay rent on it from Monday. We have finally booked up to go away and are going to a place called Wighton near Wells on the east coast. We have been there before but not on this site. Only about two hours away to travel and really need this time to rest and clear my head lol. We are then going to Mablethorpe over th Bank Holiday weekend. I hope the weather changes before then.
Still trying to come to terms with what my brother has done! Chris is a lot happier now he has handed in his notice and got a plan. He was getting really lonely as well and needs the support of his family around him. So pleased he is moving back. Think if he had a partner he would have stayed that way. Not to say he won't move back in the future!
Well got to go now and have a cuppa!
Well what a week I have had.
Linda hows the pain in your feet? I hope your computer is behaving itself. Hows your Mum? Alison is paying £70 a week for a small box room plus all bills which she has worked out will be about £430 for the year.
Tess I hope all has gone well with the emptying of your Dads house. Wishing you a good holiday and I hope the weather will be kind to you. We have spent some very enjoyable holidays at Mablethorpe. I hope it all works out for Chris when he gets home.
Tuesday I went back to my docs and came away not really understanding what is going off. My Doc has been trying to swap my anti-depressants as the ones I was on were not working. So since May I have slowly swaped with quite a few bad side effects. Anyway when I arrived on tue I was in a very bad state. He asked me what was I finding so difficult so I told him my depression as I have felt so very low recently. After quite a few questions he said to me firstly its time to swap my anti-depressant to somthing else. Then he said but I'm really not concerned about your depression at the moment I am most worrid about your stomach!!!! Then he told me that if my stomach got any worse in the next 2 weeks I was to get an emergency appt and not to delay it. Then when I go back in 2 weeks he will give me some tablets for my stomach. He really didn't give me much of an explanation. So I have come away very confussed as since May we have never actually disscussed my stomach, so how has it become so important!!
Like most people with fibro I suffer from IBs, heart burn which goes all the way into my throat which feels quite sore at times, and I can be very sore across the bottom of my ribs, at times I feel very sick and at others I just have pain like when you touch a bruise. I also have a hiatus hernia but was told when diagnosed that it was nothing to worry about!!! I occasionally take lansoprazole which really doesn't help at all. In the past i have tried omeparozole with no success. So I wonder what he thinks will happen and why has he never mentioned it before??
Alan didn't get the job last week, but he has got another interview on Monday. Alison has come home this weekend and we are disscussing about going walking this weekend.
Wishing you both a good weekend.
Tess, I hope things are going ok sorting out your Dad`s flat, it can`t be an easy task, as most things will carry memories and you will get upset all over again. I think you will need your break away afterwards!
Sorry Alan didn`t get the job, Lizzy, something will come along when you are least epecting it I`m sure. As to your docs app. how strange can that be??? I suffer with IBS as most of us do, but the omeprezole works for me as far as the heartburn goes. Thank goodness! So you`re left for two weeks now, not knowing what`s going on and worrying about it. He really should have eplained things a bit more.
Well, still got pains in feet when walking or standing, so I guess its another joy of having Fibro. Do you get migraine, Lizzy? Mine is worse since the Fibro and thats what I went to neorology for cause I kept losing my balance. Half the time I think I would like to stop taking all meds, so I could see what was side effects and what was really my condition!!! Can`t GP lettin me do that though!!
Take care, Linda
I do hope when you see the doctor next he will explain things better to you so you do not worry. Hope all goes well for you when you next go.
Yes Linda was difficult day as seeing dads things handed out to the family and remembering things. Well got everything done now. Went back to the flat for last time today to take some belongings to Sue Ryder at Thorpe Hall for their shop to sell. We did manage to raise £390 at Dad's funeral to help keep Sue Ryder open.
Really looking forward to going away now for a good rest! Hopefully things will be a bit quieter now. Although we are going to have a new kitchen put in. We have been wanting to change out kitchen layout for somewhile. We have finally found a way we would like. We are going to have some french doors in the kitchen and extend kitchen by knocking the pantry outl. We will be moving the existing kitchen into where the dining area is. Then we will be putting the dining area part where the kitchen is. We can do most of the work ourselves apart from fitting the french doors and we are hoping to have a utility room on the end of existing kitchen. Will make so much more room for Christmas time when everyone comes for Christmas dinner lol.
Will catch up with you both when i come back.
Hows it going for you both?
Linda the reason he has left me 2 weeks as I told him I couldn't cope with any more medication. I had already been in with him for 25 mins and so felt I couldn't ask any more questions. So its partly my own fault and 2 weeks for a doc is nothing unlike it is to the patient. linda migraines are about the only thing I don't get, but I do get vertigo every now and again. How are your feet? I would give anything at the moment to be able to stop all my meds, I take 7 different things durring the day and I don't feel any better.
Tess your kitchen sounds great I would love to have french doors in mine.
Take care and I hope you are both having a good week.
Yes tess, I think your kitchen sounds great too, like Lizzy I would love french windows! Hope you are feeling ok after the final task of emptying your Dad`s flat, that must be when it really hits you what has happened. Hope your family are all ok too.
Meant to message you before about your son and teaching assistant jobs. I was a TA for 20yrs and the most likely time for hours to come available is just after term starts in September, the Cambridgeshire County Council website advertises jobs and lists other places to look. If you follow the link on the homepage for employment you should be able to find what is available. Acompany called EPM manage most school based jobs.
Lizzy, I can so understand you not wanting anymore drugs, the times I`ve been to GP to see if I can come off of them and would really like to try without anything just to see what happens! I take six different medications plus pain killers when needed, every day Can`t help thinking that some of my problems are caused by them, although GP is good and says he needs to check this or that as he would not like to think it was something they were giving me that was causing problems.
Take care, Linda
Tess are you back yet? I hope you have enjoyed your holiday?
Linda my goodness you must rattle just like me!!!
Well I never thought when I changed my meds last week I should have upped my fluid intake!!!! My piles are agony now :cry: :cry: :cry:
Go back to see doc on wednesday, I do hope my piles are better by then as I really don't want an inspection.
After docs Alan and I are going camping for 3 nights without the children. Hopefully to do some walking too.
Alan had a phone interview yesterday but doesn't know how it went.
Linnor are you ok.
Take care all.
Got back today! Was coming back tomorrow as we need to get car M.O.T done before we go away again on Saturday to Mablethorpe until Monday.
Well had a good time and rest! When we arrived had the water pump go wrong and instead off water coming out of taps was leaking under the seats lol. Not a good start! Stewart walked 3 miles into Wells and back to get a part. Once he had fitted it all was well again. We then had a fuel pipe split and had to make a call to Green Flag who sent someone out to repair it lol.
Apart from that we did seem to get more sun during the day than rain.
Linda thank you for the information for Chris about teaching posts. Passed that onto him tonight and he is going to have a look. He has only another two weeks now and will be home.
Lizy I hope all goes well for you when you see the doctor on Wednesday and he can get you sorted before you go away.
It did seem really strange going through everything in Dad's flat. There was problems from that we who should look after my mum's Wedding Ring. I said I thought it should be my sister Christine who is the eldest, then go to Hazel and then me as I am the youngest girl. Hazel wasn't happy with this suggestion and then caused more upset.
We are still waiting to scatter Dad's ashes at Milton Ferry where we scattered my mum's. We are waiting for some money owing to Dad to come in before we can go and pay the bill. They went let you take the ashes until the bill is paid. This is also causing some upset as my brother David has said that Malcolm who took dad's money could come and scatter the ashes with us. I think things finally caught up with me when we were away with all that has been going on. I was just mentioning to Stewart about sanding my dad's bench down to put in the garden when I just cried. It has been so busy with the funeral and all the other bits that hadn't really had time to cry properly.
Well getting tired now and need my bed.
Looks like we have a bit of sun for a while.
Tess we had our water pump go wrong while we camped in spain for 3 weeks which made life difficult. When we got home it turned out to be a wiring fault in the trailer.
Tess I think we all need to have a good cry at times.
Tess are you looking forward to having Chriss back at home, on the news the other day a woman was complaing her daughter had moved back home after Uni and that she didn't want her living with her as her and her hubby wanted there own private life. To be honest I quite like all the comings and goings.
Linda I hope you haven't been doing too much? How is your Mum? How is your daughter settleing into her new home?
I'm not looking forward to my Doc appt. this afternoon, I know I need to sort my tummy out allthough I haven't lost any more weight I know I'm not eating enough. My piles are still bad and I'm not looking forward to them being looked at.
Tess wishing you a good weekend. We are going prepared for rain as the forecast is awful.
Take care.
Tess, I always react after the event, so to speak. I cope with whatever the problem might be, but when its all over then I go to pieces. So I can sympathise with you, but like Lizzy said it does no harm to have a good cry! I hope the weather clears for you and Lizzy for your weekend away. We promised ourselves a weekend in Kent this year, but once again there has been so mcu going on we haven`t managed it yet!
Lizzy I do hope your doc`s appointment went well and you got answers to some of your problems.
Mum is ok she is waiting for her cataract operation now she has recovered from her fall. I think the dementia is getting worse but we will have to wait and see. The main thing is she`s very happy where she is and has the carers there 24/7 so it gives me some piece of mind.
Ann is cooking sunday roast for us all this weekend so we are fetching her Nan (my Mum) as well.
Take care, Linda
I hope you do manage to get away Linda to Kent! Have you family there? We have never been to Kent and somewhere we shall have to visit. I hope you have a lovely day at Ann's with your family and your mum.
Lizy i don't mind Chris coming home! I would rather he be at home and be happy and away and be miserable. Hopefully he will get his career on track and won't have to pay over three hundred pounds or more. Of course our electric and gas bills also food will go up. Will just have to make sure he switches lights and computers off. We are lucky with having the van so we do get some time to ourselves when we go away.
I hope you had a good time away Lizy. I hope you manage to get your walks and some sunshine.
Well had the girls today and had a fun time. The weather has been awful with rain all day lol! My toes are really playing up and painful today.
Got the girls again tomorrow so shall need this rest away over the weekend.